A non-commercial computer arts and multimedia festival held annually – 10th anniversary edition! Come and join us for a weekend full of fun, and meeting of old and new friends!
________ ___ ______ ________ ___ _ ______. ____ ._\(_ // /___\(_ /_ ___\(_ // / _(//_ _\_ |/ /____. | / / _/ / \ / / // / / / / | _/ |\ | / _) / //\ X / _/____ / / | _) | \ | / / \ _ \__ / / \ // // _/ | \ / | | |_ // \/ _/ / _// \ _ \_ \ _| \/ _| | (____/__________)_____/\______/______)___________(_____/__\_____)_________)\ | dS\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ \ \ \ \| diP\___\__________\_____\/\_____\______\____________\____\___\____\_________\_) - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - d e a d l i n e 2 o 2 4 -- o f f i c i a l r e s u l t s - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - oo oo )))~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~((( (((8::.. P C D E M O ..::8))) )))~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~((( °° ))) o1 193 Pain/Gain by Gaspode ((( o2 187 ENTROPY by ASD Minimalartifact Enoughrecords ))) o3 181 Still - Patience by 1x ((( o4 173 INTERNATIONAL GARAGE + by MFX ))) o5 168 Half Light by Kiero und Chaser ((( o6 98 A cubic trip by ScriptKidz ))) o7 95 Sirens by slipstream ((( oo ))) )))~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~((( (((8::.. P C 6 4 K I N T R O ..::8))) )))~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~((( ((( °° ))) o1 199 fr-minus-210: Attractor by Farbrausch ((( o2 193 Offset Overdrive by Spectrox ))) o3 171 Night Ride by Ctrl-Alt-Test & Alcatraz ((( o4 166 luminosity by bypass ))) oo (((~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~((( )))8::.. P C 4 K I N T R O ..::8))) (((~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~((( °° ))) o1 248 Starseed by LJ & Puryx ((( o2 192 Glowflight by KK/Altair ))) o3 161 Eerier Carnival by rimina ((( o4 138 Le miracle des fleurs by epoqe ))) o5 97 Code for me! by vog ((( oo ))) (((~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~((( )))8::.. 2 5 6 B Y T E I N T R O ..::8))) (((~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~((( ))) °° ((( o1 163 4 Seasons by Plex / BionFX ))) o2 161 Well Wellen by Harekiet ((( o3 155 Fiberglass by Digimind ))) o4 153 Party Acceleration by teadrinker ((( o5 141 Plasmeroid by Plex / BionFX ))) o6 140 Starblaze by dox/joker ((( o7 121 sechstanz by vl4d ))) o8 120 Pulsing Deadline by Pellicus ((( o9 117 PLASMATISCH by Harvey ))) 10 105 SineBobs 2 by ps ((( 11 102 Mandelbrot Hyperdrive by pscl ))) 12 101 Waves3D by Aurora_Bee ((( 13 79 Langton's Ant by Megaschaf ))) oo (((~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~((( )))8::.. O L D S C H O O L D E M O ..::8))) (((~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~((( °° ))) o1 296 Inside the machine by DESiRE ((( o2 184 4FX by Spreadpoint ))) o3 157 Fallen Heroes by Astaroth / TRSi ((( o4 156 debug your code by padua ))) o5 151 Moving Balls by Freeze / Blazon ((( o6 147 Therican by Slumgud, Greippi ))) o7 137 Fastline 24 : Tides of Fortune by Desire ((( o8 117 Saufgelage by The Solaris Agency ))) o9 105 Scroll Block by Otomata Labs ((( 1o 101 Cool Corkscrew by Resistance ))) 11 97 HoleX (party version) by RMDA ((( 12 96 sv24we invitro by Buddy + PPs ))) 13 95 Not Virgill by TTE ((( oo ))) (((~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~((( )))8::.. B I C O L O R C H A L L E N G E ..::8))) (((~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~((( ))) °° ((( o1 232 Bicolor Challenge by LJ & wayfinder ))) o2 218 Lieber Bi by Still ((( o3 174 Monovision by Teadrinker & Imagician & Plex ))) o4 162 khromos group by wrighter / Moonbase ((( o5 144 A bunch of Three-Dee Cubes by vurpo ))) o6 78 bi color by the woke mob ((( oo )))~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~))) (((8::.. T H R E E - D E E ..::8((( )))~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~))) °° ((( o1 413 new art by AttentionWhore ))) o2 338 Death Valley by Luisa and Oni / Poo-Brain & Bod :) ((( o3 299 FOG YOU by REBELS ))) o4 275 Short Circus by RiFT ((( o5 243 Mr. Biscuit by BUS ERROR Collective ))) o6 233 A Door Made of Quicksand by 5711 ((( o7 212 Altered Vision by Software Failure ))) o8 164 Hospital Greetings by Slaxx ((( oo ))) (((~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~((( )))8::.. A N I M A T I O N / V I D E O ..::8))) (((~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~((( ))) °° ((( o1 368 Crystal Dynamics by NoGapNoBacteria ))) o2 328 Shadow Vortex: An Oscilloscope Demo by BUS ERROR Collective ((( o3 199 Deutsche Bahn Mindfullness Experience by Poo-Brain ))) o4 148 brainrot by mickaleus / ICUP ^ TSA ((( oo )))~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~))) (((8::.. W I L D ..::8((( )))~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~))) °° ((( o1 265 Tactical Transmissions by Pattern Syndicate ))) o2 259 We Are Outdated by vurpo ((( o3 250 Machine Divinity by Enfys ))) oo ((( (((~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~))) )))8::.. 4 K E X E C U T A B L E G R A P H I C S ..::8((( (((~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~))) ))) °° ((( o1 271 Katalognummer_65709.jpg by Moonbase & epoqe ))) o2 268 Far Pointer by NR4/Team210 & Darya/Slay Bells ((( o3 240 Fly high by OhLi/DDK^Poo-Brain ))) o4 234 crimson void by Moonbase ((( o5 232 Breathe by Henne ))) o6 217 maglah by wrighter / Moonbase ((( o7 185 Triangles by KeyJ / TRBL ))) o8 122 S_Long Zur Toten Renate by immibis ((( oo )))~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~))) (((8::.. F R E E S T Y L E G R A P H I C S ..::8((( )))~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~))) °° ((( o1 388 Deadline 2024 Restitched by OhLi/DDK^Poo-Brain ))) o2 358 Night Raid by Oni ^ Poo-Brain ((( o3 346 Sakura by Darkki ))) o4 315 Encounter by Partikle ((( o5 235 Abandoned East by Zden / Satori ))) o6 200 Enchantment by Bex_Border ((( o7 157 literally jy by wrighter / Moonbase ))) o8 151 pet the dog by wrighter / Moonbase ((( o9 144 Brycesweeper by mickaleus / ICUP ^ TSA ))) 1o 115 Radioactive brain by Amirnasyri ((( 11 111 The art of humanity by Herdwick ))) oo ((( (((~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~))) )))8::.. T H E M E D P H O T O ..::8((( (((~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~))) ))) °° ((( o1 233 Clownfish by TMA/Abyss-Connection^TRSi^TSA ))) o2 232 Wheel of Death by Drees / AMID ((( o3 202 Schaustellerfamilie by mon3v ))) o4 184 PennyIce by Bobic^BitFellas ((( o5 179 Riesenrad @ Miniatur Wunderland Hamburg by OhLi/DDK^Poo-Brain ))) o6 161 Alles endet (aber nie die Musik) by SiR ((( o7 158 Elite Encounter by Darya / Farbslay^Rausch Bells ))) o8 156 Rio Carnival by RaccoonViolet ((( o9 151 Hereinspatziert! hereinspatziert! by AnyBody ))) 1o 149 Walking In The Clouds by Higgie/Slackers and Sonny ((( 11 125 Night Circus by _Ook ))) 12 115 Fire Hazard? by KeyJ / TRBL ((( 13 111 Greetings from the UK by The Budleigh Salterton Carnival Club ))) 14 106 Seidengestalt by btr ((( oo )))~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~))) (((8::.. O L D S C H O O L G R A P H I C S ..::8((( )))~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~))) °° ((( o1 405 Destina by Critikill / S16 ^Rebels ^Haujobb ))) o2 387 Floppy. Wanted! by titus / Rabenauge ((( o3 386 Bio Mimics 10 by Steffest ))) o4 330 His Idea of the Mascara-Painted Black-Swan Halloween Costume ((( by cp ))) o5 322 We come in peace by Epyx ((( o6 301 Sherfrog Holmes by Folcka ))) o7 297 Michael J. Zombie by primek / BoOm! ^ Lepsi DE ((( o8 286 Gone with the wind by OhLi/DDK^Poo-Brain ))) o9 269 Neon Life by Exile ((( 1o 247 Living in the moment by RaccoonViolet ))) 11 206 Brutal by Slaxx ((( 12 171 Taxus by Shani ))) 13 165 Night Circus by _Ook ((( oo ))) (((~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~((( )))8::.. T E X T M O D E G R A P H I C S ..::8))) (((~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~((( ))) °° ((( o1 383 One decade down, another to go ;) by Luisa / Poo-Brain ^ ))) Rabenauge ((( o2 347 Cirque du Orwo by OhLi/DDK^Poo-Brain ))) o3 332 Circus of Dreams by The Green Herring ((( o4 329 Depth Logo with obligatory skull & blood by Slumgud ))) o5 294 Wall boOM! Tschak by t0m3000 / BOOM! ((( o6 267 Steam Locomotive BR 74 by Aurora_Bee ))) o7 251 Uptown by 4gentE / TRIAD ((( o8 237 Europa Tour by AMItac ))) o9 234 DevlabTSA.ev by Epyx ((( 1o 233 Helldriver by Drees / AMID ))) 11 230 BRAH...! by TheRyk/Mayday! ((( 12 216 PLASMATEC by Harvey ))) 13 207 Mixed feelings about Xmas by sirhadisen ((( 14 189 its been a while ... (30 years) by Ambl!n ))) 14 189 stick Faces 2024 by CoaXCable ((( 16 187 At the dP beginning there was the DOT by derPUPE ))) 16 187 Deadline Circus by Sir Alex XXII / AMID ((( oo )))~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~))) (((8::.. S T R E A M I N G M U S I C ..::8((( )))~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~))) °° ((( o1 265 UltraMaxx by Danko / Fairlight ))) o2 247 Amanita by Teo ((( o3 245 Imagination by Saga Musix / Nuance^SVatG^HUP ))) o4 214 the lonely remoter by MonoToni ((( o5 207 Psysouls on the Dancefloor by Dan ))) o6 194 Deadline in Berlin by n4cer/TheSolarisAgency^TotalKaos ((( o6 194 Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disco by kob ))) o8 178 It´s a by AMItac ((( o9 176 superior party force by arabek / Rabenauge^Grumpy GODs^Xenium ))) 1o 175 Holy $#!+ Your Hands Are Making Rainbows by BUS ERROR ((( Collective ))) 11 170 Blorpus by wrighter / Moonbase ((( 12 165 Destroy the planet! by Slumgud ))) 13 160 If then else by Drees / AMID ((( 14 156 THE BREAKER STYLE by rimmler - The Solaris Agency ^ Science ))) Inc. ((( 15 144 Let Our Fantasy Grow (Through A Light Show) by Atekuro / ))) Golden Trancers ((( 16 142 Synthetic Truths by bjaan ))) 17 134 Road Trip by PotcFdk ((( 18 133 ducky nut by mickaleus / ICUP ^ TSA ))) 19 112 Fifteenth Alien Fractal by Tachy Bunker ((( 2o 92 Eat Da Chip by Tachy Bunker ))) oo ((( (((~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~))) )))8::.. T R A C K E D M U S I C ..::8((( (((~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~))) ))) °° ((( o1 278 Glow by Saga Musix / Nuance^SVatG^HUP ))) o2 277 if only saga were here by bacter ((( o3 275 Escaping Tartarus by W.O.T.W. ))) o4 264 Rusted Blues by W.O.T.W. & JOSSS ((( o5 243 Beats'n'Bits by mAZE & JosSs ))) o6 235 Saman Kar Tanesi by Danko / Fairlight ((( o7 225 Audition by Teo ))) o8 211 sanctum by filippp & e!ghtbm/futuris^joker^boom! ((( o9 195 Bay 5 by PotcFdk ))) 1o 192 Myrsky by Vesuri ((( 11 188 Wax Cloth by Herr Irrtum! ))) 12 179 Wings by Hirvih / dA JoRMaS ((( oo )))~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~))) (((8::.. O L D S C H O O L M U S I C ..::8((( )))~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~))) °° ((( o1 301 Grooveline by Danko / Fairlight ))) o2 286 Ágyrács by dalezy ((( o3 260 Testballon by Spider Jerusalem ))) o4 226 Kaostik by SuperNoise ((( o5 206 Swing of Autumn Leaves by Alex Winston ))) o6 192 Soblimation by Filippp / Damage ((( oo ))) (((~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~((( )))8::.. M A T E - L I G H T A N I M A T I O N ..::8))) (((~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~((( ))) °° ((( o1 209 The Clown's Great Minibike Extravaganza by cp ))) o2 204 Mate-Go-Round by RaccoonViolet ((( o3 164 Best Regards by Epyx ))) o4 162 Waves by namelessNils ((( o5 158 The Dream by Imagician / BionFX ))) o6 147 Funky Mate-riechen by Nodepond / Level90 ^ dOc.K / Moods ((( Plateau ))) o7 127 subliminal messaging by yugecin / RBBS ((( o8 124 Sub-Bottle Rendering by BUS ERROR Collective ))) o9 111 meoys by Wuselchen ((( 1o 100 Bus Error by immibis ))) 11 82 ente im Bryxelbrei by mickaleus / ICUP ^ TSA ((( oo )))~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~))) (((8::.. M A T E - L I G H T P I C T U R E ..::8((( )))~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~))) °° ((( o1 159 a day at the beach by AMItac ))) o2 138 Wake up by Drees / AMID ((( o3 105 10th anniversary on fire! by _Ook ))) oo ((( (((~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~))) )))8::.. F A S T P A I N T I N G ..::8((( (((~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~))) ))) °° ((( o1 165 Fortune by Oni ))) o2 137 Datenjongleur by OhLi ((( o3 122 DaMusstDuSchonWiederDurch by Wayfinder ))) o4 121 Clowns by hypo ((( o5 111 Look We Were all Bronies At One Point by Jasper ))) o6 106 Natural Chaos by Angi ((( o7 101 AMIGAAA by terabates ))) o7 101 Data Juggler by RaccoonViolet ((( o9 98 untitled by merlucin ))) 1o 97 Like I Could Take On The Circus by _Ook ((( 11 96 untitled by wrighter ))) 12 90 Contorsiondisc by MissCtrl ((( 12 90 untitled by ps + merlucin ))) 14 89 Untitled by Teadrinker ((( 15 64 untitled by ps + merlucin ))) 15 64 Trapez by (L)va ((( 17 54 no name by lux ))) oo (((~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~((( )))8::.. K L E M M B A U S T E I N ..::8))) (((~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~((( °° ))) o1 124 Killer Clown by qetu ((( o2 106 Never Look Down by OhLi ))) o3 105 Allez Hopp by Miriam ((( o4 97 Meow by Terrabates ))) o5 94 Einrad by Phelix ((( o6 93 Juggling Dog by Hamster / TRSI ))) o7 91 The Swimming Clown and his Horse by justmona / Team210 <3 ((( o8 90 Keule by MissCtrl ))) o8 90 Quack Quack by metheara ((( 1o 88 ORWO the Clown by _Ook ))) 11 85 Zirkus Unter Palmen by doc ((( 11 85 The Circus is Here by vurpo ))) 13 83 Darf ich mal streicheln? by Wayfinder ((( 14 80 Sundowner Island by MacLeon ))) 15 79 Balance Act by Nameless Nils ((( 15 79 Rainbow Stairs by Lambdacore ))) 17 75 Sex-o-Bot by Drees/AMID ((( 18 73 GODzilla Attack by ScriptKidz ))) 19 72 Bike by (l)ava ((( 19 72 Clown's Fall by clown-x ))) 21 70 Speedwalker by Bela ((( 21 70 Topview by derPUPE ))) 23 69 AI generated Hand by Titus ((( 23 69 Juggling Homunculus by Ramses ))) 23 69 Where is the rainbow? by Sannarchie ((( 26 68 Manege by Scotty ))) 26 68 Portal to another demoparty by xcmdos ((( 28 60 Explosion by Pecore ))) 29 59 Pegasus by Olha ((( 30 55 Simetry Accept by JobJ ))) 31 44 Open the Doors to Deadline by CJY ((( 32 43 Der Stadtplaner ist schon nach Hause by Tolle ))) 33 40 UwU Trapez by Noernie ((( oo ))) (((~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~((( ))):. R E T R O - G A M I N G T O U R N A M E N T .:8))) (((8::.. M E D I E V A L M A Y H E M ..::((( )))~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~))) ))) °° ((( ))) BOUT 1: BOUT 3: ((( insane \ / sir ale ))) svolli | | oni ((( mindsilence +--> ritter oni <--+ ektr0 ))) ritter / \ / \ macleon ((( _| FINAL: |_ ))) 1. oni ((( _ 2. novel _ ))) BOUT 2: | 3. ritter | BOUT 4: ((( ubivashka \ / \ / impaulsible ))) btr +--> drees novel <--+ barto ((( racoonviolet | | rufus ))) drees / \ novel ((( oo )))~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~))) (((8::.. S K E T C H B A T T L E ..::8((( )))~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~))) °° ((( ROUND 1: oni \ ))) ROUND 2: pixtur +--> WINNER: oni ((( ROUND 3: oni / )kj oo _________________ _________________ \ \ / / _ ___ _ _____ _ \ \ __ / / _ _____ _ ___ _ \ \ / / \ \/ / _____ _____________ _____ __. ___ _____ ______ ._\_. \_/ ________. \__\_. \_/ | (___)_\_. \_/ ___/ _ ___ | | | ._|_| | | | | |___| | | | ._|_. ___ _ | | | | | | . | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | _ ___| | : | : | | | : | : | | | | : | |___ _ | . | . | |. | . | . | | |. | . | |_______|\______|___||_ |_______|\_____/|___|___||_ |\_____/ |___| |___| (aBn) / /\ \ _ ___ _ _____ _ / /__\ \ _ _____ _ ___ _ / / \ \ /________________/ \________________\ -- - ---< 1 0 th A N N i V E R S A R Y >--- - --expand
Party Series
Deadline 2024 is a part of Deadline (Berlin).