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-=(7DX Demo Party 2015 COMPO RESULTS)=-

[ Demo Compo ]

Rank  Product Name          Released By          Platform   Points
----- --------------------- -------------------- ---------- -------
1     Cresta                RSi                  Amiga 500  8.600
2     2for14 Party Version  Nightlord / Aesrude  Windows    6.400

[ Game Compo ]

Rank  Product Name  Released By  Platform    Points
----- ------------- ------------ ----------- -------
1(*)  Interstellar  Zomco        Amiga 1200  8.280
1(*)  Wasp Preview  Bronx        Amiga 500   8.280
2     Private 7dx   Cem Genar    Android     4.440

*: Both products took exactly the same amount of votes and same average points.
   They are alphabetically ordered by product names.

[ Illustration Compo ]

Rank  Product Name    Released By   Points
----- --------------- ------------- -------
1     Woman Apart     Kris          8.556
2     Lake of Sorrow  Kris          7.852
3     Grave           Gökhan Altay  6.704  

[ Pixel Graphic Compo ]

Rank  Product Name            Released By           Platform              Points
----- ----------------------- --------------------- --------------------- -------
1     Waiting for the Reaper  Arcane                Commodore 64 (Koala)  9.154
2     I Like My GameBoy       Grass / Hokuto Force  Commodore 64 (Nufli)  8.192
3     Morrissey               Joad                  PC                    6.115
4     Klaymen                 Joad                  PC                    5.115
5     Compec Pixel            Esra Aydemir          PC                    4.692

[ Mp3 Computer Music Compo ]

Rank  Product Name  Released By                 Points
----- ------------- --------------------------- -------
1     Third Curse   Leonard Blyx                6.250
2(*)  Farewell      Ebolax / Goblins            6.200
2(*)  GoodBye       Ebolax / Goblins            6.200
2(*)  Sundance      Judge Brad / Black Rainbow  6.200
3     Final         Ebolax / Goblins            6.100
4     Newfound      Mert Kobas (Perde)          5.350

*: All 3 products took exactly the same amount of votes and same average points.
   They are alphabetically ordered by product names.

[ Chip/Mod Music Compo ]

Rank  Product Name           Released By                 Type  Points
----- ---------------------- --------------------------- ----- -------
1     Forgotten Memories     Dustbin / Hokuto Force      SID   8.625
2     No More                Ebolax / Goblins            XM    6.125
3     Tiny Little Curseling  Leonard Blyx                MIDI  6.083
4     Show is Over           Ebolax / Goblins            XM    5.958
5     Dream Your Dreams      Judge Brad / Black Rainbow  IT    5.875
6     Ocean                  Berkup                      XM    5.667
7     End of the Line        Ebolax / Goblins            XM    5.625
8     Cekme                  Berkup                      XM    5.542
9     Baska                  Berkup                      XM    4.958

[ 256 Bytes Compo ]

Rank  Product Name  Released By       Platform       Points
----- ------------- ----------------- -------------- -------
1     Axon          Baudsurfer / RSi  Windows XPsp3  8.654
2     Greensquares  Hades             ZX Spectrum    6.000

[ Wild Compo ]

Rank  Product Name     Released By            Points
----- ---------------- ---------------------- -------
1     Last Retrospect  Mag                    7.857
2     Wildfire         Myxo' & aib            5.964
3     Final Çakmasyon  Commander 64 / Return  3.857

[ Party Release ]

Product Name                   Released By  Type
------------------------------ ------------ -----------------------------
Songoku                        Wizofwor     Commodore 64 Petscii Graphic
