2/2/09, 10:08 AM | by poti poti

Breakpoint 2009 is in danger and needs YOUR support

Breakpoint, world’s biggest family meeting for programmers, musicians and artists, always tried to be a bridge between the committed demosceners and the outside world, the IT industry and the electronic art scene. A bridge that now seems to lead into a dark abyss.
Breakpoint is facing its biggest challenge so far: In January 2009, our former main sponsors announced their quarterly financial statements for the Q4 2008. The repercussions of the global financial crisis now hit the demoscene with full force: our main sponsors won’t be able to support Breakpoint 2009.
We’re missing over half of our party budget, mere weeks before the party is about to start.
What first looked like the end of Breakpoint may well turn out to be its finest hour. In the last few days, all kinds of sceners in the know made perfectly clear that they’re not going to let this party perish. We ask the scene to unite and make sure that Breakpoint will go on.
And well, now it’s your part to take part in making Breakpoint 2009 the event you love. Please read on..
