Demodays Features: PixelInvaders
Pixels are invading the Demodays! Straight from Genoz/Vantage’s secret labs, the PixelInvaders live installation will be present at the Demodays for you to play, watch and enjoy. Here’s what the creator writes about his project: The «PixelInvaders» LED system consists of 3D RGB LED panels, which playback real-time generated video animations or simple color change. Multiple PixelInvaders panel can be connected with each other to form a panel of any size. The panels are based on the latest LED technology - besides low heat dissipation and long life a panel may illuminate an entire room - and consume less energy than a standard light bulb! Read more about this at
At Demodays, we gonna have a two-panel installation running all three days. This and other Demodays features are found on our Features Page.