
       ::  _______________            //  /\  \\  __              ..::.
      ::   \    _____     \___________   /  \    /  \  _____________  ::
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      :  /      | /     /      ____/__/                \     |/       \
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      ::              \\  /=========================\  //              ::
       ::              \\/                           \//              ::         
        ::                                                           ::       
       ::                    18th - 19th  NoVeMBeR                    ::
      ::                                                               ::       
       ::                                                             ::      
        ::              CARNEGIE MELLON UNIVERSITY CAMPUS            ::         
       ::                 PITTSBURGH, PENNSYLVANIA, USA               ::     
      ::                                                               ::        
       ::                                                             ::
        ::                       ::
       ::                                                             ::
      ::                                                               ::
       ::                                                             ::
      ::                                                               ::
       ::                 .           \/            .                 ::
        ::              ..:___________\/____________:..              ::
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      ::                 \|  C O M P E T I T I O N  |/                 ::
       ::        .:::..  \|                         |/  ..:::.        ::
        ::       ::       |      R E S U L T S      |       ::       ::
        `:::::::::'     ..|___________  ____________|..     `:::::::::' 
                          :           \/            :
                          .           \/            . 

  .:::..             ..: Modern Demo :..
 :::                                                                          ..:::.
 :::.   .::::::.  .::::::.  .::::::.  .::::::.  .::::::.  .::::::.  .::::::.      :::
  `:::::::'  `::::::'  `::::::'  `::::::'  `::::::'  `::::::'  `::::::'  `::::::::::'

  o1. 543pts INVOT TEIH MARTX (64k Windows nvidia RTX) - skarab
  o2. 410pts Regularity (Windows) - flexi / Resident

  .:::..             ..: Retro Demo :..
 :::                                                                          ..:::.
 :::.   .::::::.  .::::::.  .::::::.  .::::::.  .::::::.  .::::::.  .::::::.      :::
  `:::::::'  `::::::'  `::::::'  `::::::'  `::::::'  `::::::'  `::::::'  `::::::::::'

  o1. 583pts Grongy Time (ZX Spectrum) - eYe-Q + z
  o2. 413pts VCS Desire (Atari 2600 PAL) - Desire
  o3. 372pts Eternal Horror (Game Boy Advance) - anarkavre & jynxx

  .:::..             ..: Small Demo :..
 :::                                                                          ..:::.
 :::.   .::::::.  .::::::.  .::::::.  .::::::.  .::::::.  .::::::.  .::::::.      :::
  `:::::::'  `::::::'  `::::::'  `::::::'  `::::::'  `::::::'  `::::::'  `::::::::::'

  o1. 453pts Apple2 Desire (1k Apple II) - Desire
  o2. 445pts Please Recycle (1k 386 DOS) - xylem
  o3. 388pts invitronic (256 byte DOS) - sensenstahl

  .:::..             ..: Freestyle Gfx/Video  :..
 :::                                                                          ..:::.
 :::.   .::::::.  .::::::.  .::::::.  .::::::.  .::::::.  .::::::.  .::::::.      :::
  `:::::::'  `::::::'  `::::::'  `::::::'  `::::::'  `::::::'  `::::::'  `::::::::::'

  o1. 548pts Ducksplash 2k22 - mickaleus
  o2. 383pts Bridge To Nowhere - Liqube

  .:::..             ..: Freestyle ANSI/ASCII :..
 :::                                                                          ..:::.
 :::.   .::::::.  .::::::.  .::::::.  .::::::.  .::::::.  .::::::.  .::::::.      :::
  `:::::::'  `::::::'  `::::::'  `::::::'  `::::::'  `::::::'  `::::::'  `::::::::::'

  o1. 494pts iCE 2022 - STILL AT IT - Misfit & MX / Blocktronics & iCE
  o2. 488pts Thank You, Taker - nail / Fire
  o3. 484pts Termite Terrace '95 - filthy / iCEtRONiCS
  o4. 446pts DEMOOOOSPLASH - Filth, Misfit & Xer0 / AMiSH
  o5. 430pts Demosplash 2022 Party Logo  - CoaXCable (aka Ze'ev Trachtman) / CoolPHat
  o6. 430pts Demosplash 2022 Promo - Tainted / AVG & Fire
  o7. 402pts Splash Party - FuZioN / NeoKorteX
  o8. 389pts thugcrowd logo study - xer0 / blocktronic ^ impure ^ amish
  o9. 360pts Tutanchamun (Amstrad CPC) - Logiker / VCC
  1o. 334pts movie poster - sensenstahl / dsr
  11. 323pts Wizard - Squishy

  .:::..             ..: Freestyle Audio :..
 :::                                                                          ..:::.
 :::.   .::::::.  .::::::.  .::::::.  .::::::.  .::::::.  .::::::.  .::::::.      :::
  `:::::::'  `::::::'  `::::::'  `::::::'  `::::::'  `::::::'  `::::::'  `::::::::::'

  o1. 392pts We've come Zophar (Sega Genesis/Megadrive) - Inverse Phase
  o2. 388pts Last Minute Splash (Commodore 64) - mA2E / DESiRE
  o3. 368pts An error occurred. (Fasttracker 2) - Keygenism
  o4. 364pts Toccata Crocuta crocuta (NES) - remaindeer

 :::                                                                          ..:::.
 :::.   .::::::.  .::::::.  .::::::.  .::::::.  .::::::.  .::::::.  .::::::.      :::
  `:::::::'  `::::::'  `::::::'  `::::::'  `::::::'  `::::::'  `::::::'  `::::::::::'
                                 °           °                                     
                                                     °            ::               
                 ::            °                           °       ::              
                ::                   °            °              ::                
                 :.                                               ::               
                   ==       °                  \        //      ==                 
                 ._||_.         \\\            \\\    ///     ._||_.               
                 |    |       .|||||.          \\\\  ////     |    |               
                o|    |      |||||||||        .\\\\\/////     |    |o              
                o| xx |     | ___ ___ |       | ___ ___ |     | xx |o              
                o|____|     || x | x ||       || x | x ||     |____|o              
                   \   \   (  ---`---  )     (  ---`---  )   /   /                 
                    \   \   | `---    |       |    ---' |   /   /                  
                     \   \_/\\__   __//\     /\---___---/\_/   /                   
                               \\_//              \_/                              
                                 :                / \____                          
                                 :                \_____/                         
                            //                         _                              
            .--------------' `--------------.          \\                             
            |  DeZigN bY  >> FuZioN/nKx <<  |           \\----------------------.     
            `-------------------------------'           |  Thanks for partying  |    
                                                        |      with us.!!!      | 

 :::                                                                          ..:::.
 :::.   .::::::.  .::::::.  .::::::.  .::::::.  .::::::.  .::::::.  .::::::.      :::
  `:::::::'  `::::::'  `::::::'  `::::::'  `::::::'  `::::::'  `::::::'  `::::::::::'
                             (  Best viewed in AmiGa ToPaZ+ 5oo  )      
                   ______          ______           ______       __/\__   
            ____  |     /____ ____|     /____ _____/     /____   \ oO /   
            |   \ |    |   __|    |    |     |          |  ___|  /_ -_\   
            |    \|    |:  __|    |   /|  |  |___    ___|: ___|    \/     
            |          |_____|       < |_____|  |    |  |__ __|  ::  ::   
            |          |     |        \|  _  |::|    |::|  |  |  ::::::   
            |     |    |  |  |    |    |     (::|    |:: )   (   ::::::   
            |_____|    |_____|____|    |__|__|  |    |  |__|__|  ::::::   
             ---- |____| -------- |____| ------ |____| -------   ::::::   
                                  a  N.E.ø.K.ø.R.T.E.X  production  ::     
  .:::.. v2.0 + md3v1
 :::                                                                          ..:::.
 :::.   .::::::.  .::::::.  .::::::.  .::::::.  .::::::.  .::::::.  .::::::.      :::
  `:::::::'  `::::::'  `::::::'  `::::::'  `::::::'  `::::::'  `::::::'  `::::::::::'
