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                                  ?߲?????????  ????????     ?
 the motherfunky decade of function.   ?????????۲?????
 function demoparty - budapest - hungary.      ???߲??????
 september 13-15.                                     ??߱?
 first ascii piece of break#2.                     ??۲?
 released on the release date of #1.           ?????
 how ironical.                               ??
 i left my wallet in el segundo.            ??

 function 2013 -


    1.  #04   168 pts    PsychoCat - Lucyferyx Team
    2.  #06   161 pts    Flop Toy - Mindesign
    3.  #05   158 pts    BeatGame - Feryx
    4.  #07   146 pts    Warp01 - musk
    5.  #02    91 pts    Parasztball - Watisdat
    6.  #03    80 pts    Cubes vs, Pimpels - DerHase
    7.  #01    76 pts    kill diz shit - los angeles lamers


    1.  #17   193 pts    city life - arn/cht
    2.  #10   179 pts    Eye of the party - Romeo Reidl
    3.  #09   177 pts    Chaos Constructions - Prince of the Obsessed
                           Maniacs / TRSI
    4.  #11   167 pts    Rom?n l?nc t?len a h?tt?rben meg a Duna - pasy
    5.  #16   144 pts    Elevated - Urszula "Urssa" Kocol
    6.  #05   143 pts    Lost - Detox ^ DreamTrip
    7.  #03   132 pts    Stroboholical - Bobic /
    8.  #07   127 pts    Solitary - Preacher / Brainstorm
    9.  #13   116 pts    Distorted Mirror - Sunny
   10.  #08   113 pts    National Disintegration - Agica ^ DreamTrip
   11.  #14   103 pts    Clash of the icelandic titans - Tomasz Wisniewski
                           aka azzaro.madwizards+floppy
   12.  #15    99 pts    Up Up And Away - -SP- ^ LCE
   13.  #04    94 pts    jos anada sonsit - mr_eeh
   14.  #12    93 pts    Butterfly - Envo
   15.  #01    83 pts    Any?s - CapaC
   16.  #06    69 pts    entgleist - adolf of los angeles lamers
   17.  #02    60 pts    PS3 Fix vs Oven - Csipi ^ DreamTrip


    1.  #15   137 pts    Old sample maniac - ziona
    2.  #09   124 pts    eat my arp - vincenzo
    3.  #16   115 pts    Tribute to Function - Shaman/Exceed
    4.  #20   113 pts    One Day - Retroid
    5.  #21   101 pts    Tension - -SP- ^ LCE
    6.  #19    99 pts    See Line Woman - DeansDale/Exceed
    7.  #14    97 pts    Get Down - RiaN Tune
    8.  #17    95 pts    above the clouds - teo
    9.  #10    88 pts    Bimetal2 - ADSR of Lorraine Productions
   10.  #22    78 pts    a plan is in motion - irvin
   11.  #18    65 pts    I Don't Understand - RHUTIK
   12.  #12    60 pts    Just Alone - Thomson
   13.  #13    56 pts    bending - deltasector
   14.  #11    53 pts    4 2 da florr - Brink


    1.  #09   218 pts    Got'cha - Prince of the Obsessed Maniacs / TRSi
    2.  #05   200 pts    Must Be Some Strong Shit - Immortal Rat
    3.  #08   181 pts    Assassin - Proxy
    4.  #10   170 pts    Chilling - Kieran
    5.  #03   160 pts    Love Can't Fly - Leon / Singular Crew, Chorus,
    6.  #06   151 pts    Nagymami - MAM
    7.  #07   143 pts    Chit Xena - Sade ^ DreamTrip
    8.  #04   134 pts    Dead Chaos Experimentation - AmN / ReSourCe
    9.  #02    98 pts    Function Fairies - Lucille
   10.  #01    87 pts    In The Mirror - kp


    1.  #12   239 pts    Voodoo Hot Chick - Sade ^ DreamTrip
    2.  #09   168 pts    Irrelevance - -SP- ^ LCE
    3.  #11   167 pts    Planet77 - rascy/Dilemma
    4.  #07   154 pts    Han Zero and Chewbaraka - MAM
    5.  #03   151 pts    Before Coffee - Lucille
    6.  #06   149 pts    Time Bandit - Senderkatch
    7.  #08   142 pts    Coming Home - betasector
    8.  #05   135 pts    Metamorphose - ziona
    9.  #10   118 pts    Smile on me - Szeibel
   10.  #04   103 pts    Stairs - kp
   11.  #01    69 pts    bahnhof - adolf of los angeles lamers
   12.  #02    58 pts    EVOKE is over, Function 2013 is here -


    1.  #04   248 pts    Touch me - Greenroom
    2.  #03   181 pts    Ambient Abstractions - United Force
    3.  #01   156 pts    all in - los angeles lamers
    4.  #02   136 pts    LMS Kockanik Project 2013 - Parahill Pictures


    1.  #05   249 pts    Tea Storm - p01 / ribbon
    2.  #13   186 pts    Disappearing into the Spotlight - Ferris / Youth
    3.  #06   168 pts    Claustrophobia - Transistor Core
    4.  #16   150 pts    turborot - musk
    5.  #10   137 pts    A rect walks into a bar - jazzkutya
    6.  #07   114 pts    Archway - Spenot / Enpera
    7.  #09    92 pts    Camouflage - -SP- ^ LCE
    8.  #03    90 pts    Javascript is jarig - Dead Horse JS
    9.  #17    81 pts    what? - musk
   10.  #02    79 pts    Cells - RawBits
   11.  #01    75 pts    Mistake - g0blinish
   12.  #12    74 pts    Alien core - kronik
   13.  #11    66 pts    Cloud Computing - Zeal_
   14.  #14    63 pts    Look ma' my first compofiller - Vik?
   15.  #15    58 pts    fun :-) - pacshu
   16.  #08    56 pts    Globulus - Optimus
   17.  #04    51 pts    errorbirds [in the sky] - sensenstahl


    1.  #03   196 pts    AG04 - Les'ters - agoston
    2.  #04   182 pts    FALSE 2 - Dilemma
    3.  #02    81 pts    Crack-tr?ger - Lungcancer Entertainment
    4.  #01    54 pts    ElCsiP - sarkiroka


    1.  #11   277 pts    Apocalypse When - Fairlight
    2.  #09   248 pts    RedShift - TLM
    3.  #08   242 pts    IZOTOP - FRESH!MINDWORKZ
    4.  #10   241 pts    Primitive Beings - Dead Roman
    5.  #05   207 pts    The Tabernacle - Brainstorm
    6.  #07   167 pts    Midget Phone Booth - Nazareth
    7.  #04   123 pts    Cubris - betasector & slyspy
    8.  #06   113 pts    Dreamvision - kronik
    9.  #01    90 pts    Bend OUYA - HarDread feat. Slyspy
   10.  #03    78 pts    Small worlds - Cybernetic genetics
   11.  #02    72 pts    ReLive - SIDrip Alliance


        104 votes were cast. 213 paid visitors.

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