Moving online...
OK. SORRY GUBBS! GUBBDATA 2020 WILL BE AN ONLINE EVENT ONLY THIS YEAR! I regret to inform you all that we can’t take the risks having the party as usual due to the Corona outbreak, recent law changes in Sweden, the Swedish government’s recommendations, and also the policies of the School where the party is held, but don’t be too sad: The School has a professional pod-studio, and all compos and all events will be shown and discussed. Stream will be available on Twitch and hopefully even Scenesat. Main hosts will be hedning/GP and Phreedh/HmF, and special guests will run demo shows, interviews, compos and more! All compos and shows will be run on real hardware, and streamed through our RetroTink and HDMI, and multiple cameras will capture both the smaller BBQ and the reactions of the people being invited as special guests.