
        ===============Result for the MAIN 2006======================

Categorie  tittle       name            team            os      
1       parazonantikum  minas           calodox         PC win
2       anti-zen        jamestonic      limp ninja      PC win
Anim 3D  
1       Demo Machine     MyKe^AleXx^Seb LuCis MaGia     PC win
1       Mr Kite         solenoid        limp ninja      PC win
2       Generique Dada  ChaosNeT        Orion           PC
3 flod         lobstarrs       PC
        Slipping away   stil            mandarine       PC
1       black sunday    kohai           synrj           PC Win 32
2       Laser Sunday    Knos            TPOLM   PC
3       le k            florent         lobstre         PC Linux
        kaleido         nystep          div0            PC win
        bi-won 2        James Tonic     limp ninja      PC
1       Empereur        SweetDevil                      PC (1 exequo)
1       Main Party      Jua             Dobermann       PC (1 exequo)
1       Dood            ENJMIN          ENJMIN  PC
2       Ukonx-Gamel                     
GFX 3D  
1       Opti.Main       Alexx           Lucis Magia     PC
2       MajorRoom       WoDK            Division Zero   PC
3       Bad dream       Myke            Lucis magia     PC
        Poussinkissnoie Kalachnikov                     PC
GFX Newschool   
1       redmutant       acet1           razor1911
2       Orientale       SweetDevil
3       main party      irokos          titan   
4       Velkane willbe  titan           
GFX Oldschool   
1       tata            FDA     
2       mes.tendres.a   seb             Lucis Magia     
1       triptych        chaosnet        orion   
2       La Restonica    JuA             Dobermann       
1       spectrum        Med                             Flash 9
2       luki            Kalachnikov                     PHP
3       wwwJua          JuA             Dobermann       PHP
Zic chiptune    
1       poSTapocalpypse poowqnp                         Atari
1       superjam2       MED
2       rainbow         kohai           synrj   
3       Turns the whell Djam    
        sequencer       irokos &dot     titan
        SweetDevil      Say Again               
        C               Kalachnikov                     
        Bad weather     chaosNet                
        Pole            willbe          
        The final       redribbon       mandarine