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   4K Executable Graphics                                                         
  _____ _____ ___________       _________________       _________________         
    |_____|     |_____|_____|_____|     |_____|_____|_____|     |_____|_____|     
   o1.  130  Two more stops                                       Fell/RiFT       
   o2.   98  Trans Rights!                                         nihilazo       
   ASCII / ANSI                                                                   
  _____ _____ ___________       _________________       _________________         
    |_____|     |_____|_____|_____|     |_____|_____|_____|     |_____|_____|     
   o1.  134  Marylin                                                  spiny       
   o2.   96  Midnight iN Budleigh                          FuZioN/NeoKorteX       
   o3.   87  Nova                                                       ne7       
   o3.   87  No War Has Style                CoaxCable/CoolPHat ^ Mistigris       
   o5.   86  NOVA 22                                         Warpus/Lazarus       
   o6.   77  Spy vs Spy                                                 MJD       
   o7.   61  Olivia                                      The Knight/Lazarus       
   o8.   56  MUSIC                                       Yop/Shrimps Design       
   o9.   55  NOVA`2022                                   Yop/Shrimps Design       
   New School Demo                                                                
  _____ _____ ___________       _________________       _________________         
    |_____|     |_____|_____|_____|     |_____|_____|_____|     |_____|_____|     
   o1.  123  Star Window                                Rift and Slipstream       
   o2.  102  Patarty5                                          RacoonViolet       
   o3.   83  Rects                                           flexi/Resident       
   o4.   70  Raw Dream (English version)                          SoupStand       
   New School Graphics                                                            
  _____ _____ ___________       _________________       _________________         
    |_____|     |_____|_____|_____|     |_____|_____|_____|     |_____|_____|     
   o1.  110  Racoon on Hard Times                            TCM/Slipstream       
   Old School Demo                                                                
  _____ _____ ___________       _________________       _________________         
    |_____|     |_____|_____|_____|     |_____|_____|_____|     |_____|_____|     
   o1.  137  Asynchronus                                             Desire       
  =o2.  122  Here Be Dragons                                     Slipstream       
  =o2.  122  Technova                                             Amigatari       
   o4.  118  Be Sheep (Do Crime)                Mrs Beanbag and Synesthesia       
   o5.  116  Block Rockn Cubes                                         RiFT       
   o6.   99  Robot Rock                                      Molive / Titan       
   o7.   81  Mind The Bend The Mind                           Space Raiders       
   o8.   76  Turbocharged                               All You Can Execute       
   o9.   71  KBA                         Russian Massive Digital Aggression       
   Old School Graphics                                                            
  _____ _____ ___________       _________________       _________________         
    |_____|     |_____|_____|_____|     |_____|_____|_____|     |_____|_____|     
   o1.  147  Hella Crash                                     farfar/Loonies       
   o2.  114  Graflogo                                                 Spiny       
   o3.  100  Rendez-vous à Nivala                           la_mettrie/hkäp     
   Old School Music                                                               
  _____ _____ ___________       _________________       _________________         
    |_____|     |_____|_____|_____|     |_____|_____|_____|     |_____|_____|     
   o1.  156  The Old One-Two                         Subi/Desire ^ Polarity       
   o2.  137  It's A Holiday                   Mrs Beanbag/Rift ^ Slipstream       
   o3.  110  Typical Groove              bex/Synesthesia of Slipstream/RiFT       
   o4.   98  Untitled Funk                                           danbee       
  _____ _____ ___________       _________________       _________________         
    |_____|     |_____|_____|_____|     |_____|_____|_____|     |_____|_____|     
   o1. 105  Ethereal Bridge                                    NurseNeeners       
   o2. 104  Barnes bridge in red                               trickypuzzle       
   o3.  98  Evolution of Planetary Consciousness              Lukasz Bogusz       
  =o4.  87  Lochy charm                                              Gasman       
  =o4.  87  Chittering on the Flowers                          RacoonViolet       
  =o4.  87  Secret Bunker                                  Oni/Chapterhouse       
  =o7.  84  Green Dragon                                            piojpla       
  =o7.  84  Church of the Demoscene                                  kieran       
   o9.  83  Quest time                                                 Alia       
   1o.  78  Underwater                                                spiny       
   11.  75  rocks have a heart, too                    maple a.k.a fragment       
  =12.  70  Beam me up Droney                              Crypt/Slipstream       
  =12.  70  Amigahaj                                               nihilazo       
   Streaming Music                                                                
  _____ _____ ___________       _________________       _________________         
    |_____|     |_____|_____|_____|     |_____|_____|_____|     |_____|_____|     
   o1. 116  MIDI Massacre                                 ToBach/Slipstream       
   o2. 110  (STAY WITH ME)                                         d0pefish       
   o3.  90  Soft Lights                                      TCM/Slipstream       
   o4.  87  Daisy Driver                        Turbo Knight/Desire ^ Starz       
   o5.  86  Path of a Lonely Star                  Synaesthesia & Aldroidia       
   o6.  85  Veered Acid                                       EstrellaSadie       
   o7.  82  Rave Nation                                          Teo/Rebels       
   o8.  78  Fever Step                                                  ne7       
   o9.  76  bare feet                                     mantratronic/RiFT       
  =1o.  71  Hoffman Is Jesus                                       DeathBoy       
  =1o.  71  Unbreathable [feat.standingwave sfx], 2x1011   ulrick/FRequency       
  =12.  65  Tungsten                                                   fugl       
  =12.  65  Rects                                            flexi/Resident       
  _____ _____ ___________       _________________       _________________         
    |_____|     |_____|_____|_____|     |_____|_____|_____|     |_____|_____|     
   o1. 127  Enjoy NOVA                                          hextrubious       
   o2. 124  Fat Cat Dan Farrimond                     illarterate/Mistigris       
   o3. 100  Plague Knight                                  Oni/Chapterhouse       
   o4.  95  Racoon Facts!                                      RacoonViolet       
   o5.  94  Postcard                                                  spiny       
   o6.  87  Bad Zombie                                          tw1sted1981       
   o7.  65  HOT                                                Michael Fish       
  _____ _____ ___________       _________________       _________________         
    |_____|     |_____|_____|_____|     |_____|_____|_____|     |_____|_____|     
   o1.  118  SHEEPSPIN                                             nihilazo       
   o2.  112  NOVA AI                                            LOiD/DALL-E       
   o3.  111  kEFlrens bars                                           Rairii       
   o4.  108  SLIPFAX                                             Slipstream       
   o5.   89  one-knob-cyberia                                         0b5vr       
   o6.   86  microPatarty                                              bugQ       
   o7.   83  Beach Patarty                                       Slipstream       
   o8.   81  Novawave                                         EstrelleSadie       
   o9.   64  The Tale of The Bluebrid and the                                     
             Dragon any% Speedrun [WR]                             nihilazo       
            32k Executable Music & New School Intro                               
              winners  >>>>  THE VOID (lol)  <<<<                                 
                                                                 ( o  o )         
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