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Saunasolmu VIP Vinterskog Love Jamboree 2021 Jan 22 - 24, 2021
-------------[ Buzz World Championships 2021 organized by Duncan ]--------------
1. Terwiz
2. Thoron
-----------[ Table Hockey Masters Tournament organized by claustro ]------------
Competition was cancelled. :(
--------------[Mini Basketball competition organized by Duncan ]----------------
1. codise
2. Terwiz
------------[ Emperor Thoron's Iron Chef Midnight Snack Challenge ]-------------
1. dogo
-------------------[ Combined Graphics / Photo Competition ]--------------------
1. 85 pts Fire in the Sky by T-101 / Darklite ^ Primitive
2. 81 pts Barracuda by Logiker
3. 71 pts lämpenee by Hirsjärven Pentti
4. 69 pts Saunasolmu prize pool invaders by Adellan
5. 55 pts Noitakuninkaan kruunaus by M.O.T. / Jml
6. 50 pts Banana Split by jzu/Accession
7. 37 pts Greetings to Lamers by Zados / Damones
-------------------------[ Combined Music Competition ]-------------------------
1. 91 pts KindertotenSID by Proton / Finnish Gold & Danko / Fairlight
2. 76 pts Fuckings to Ana, Allu ja Duncan by Fat Professor
3. 69 pts Hikinen solmu by spiikki / nalleperhe
4. 67 pts Heili Karjalasta by Defilus
5. 64 pts Tween by Roz / Fit ^ Byterapers
6. 59 pts Saunasolmu by The Hooligan
7. 56 pts UnohdinBitcoinLompakkoniSalasananKehänKessanVessanSeinään by Poliittisesti Korrekti
8. 53 pts Dubstep Vibez by Mygg & mAZE
9. 52 pts Tiikerihai by Defilus
10. 50 pts Brasileiro by IndustrialPope
11. 48 pts Kassette by LinnCola 9000 feat MSX
----------------------------[ Tuplain Competition ]-----------------------------
1. 71 pts Accident prone by spiikki / nalleperhe
2. 54 pts Boozembly boy dancers of Romania republica socialista by biini / damones
3. 49 pts IHMEmies by biini / damones
49 pts HP by biini / damones
5. 45 pts Full Metal Putki by Fapahtaja
6. 41 pts Motörbasset in Oktobör by Zados / Damones
------------[ Combined Demo / Intro / Oldskool / Wild Competition ]-------------
1. 97 pts Rebirth 99% by Finnish Gold
2. 76 pts Analogista pikselitaidetta by Adellan
3. 61 pts PervoPlayer by CWD 1995
4. 52 pts batman demo by iso
598 votes were cast by 39 registered visitors
Results generated by Partyman - Primitive 2021