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S C E N E E V E N T 2 0 0 5 F I N A L R E S U L T S
2005. august 4.-7., Egense, Denmark
.:( Fast + 2D/3D GFX
1. #04 120 BlueClouds9.jpg - møvens / lønnies
2. #02 97 I R boy scout - johs
3. #03 96 ThePiece - YenZen, mainloop
4. #01 83 Murder on the dancefloor - YenZen, mainloop
.:( Combined Music Compo
1. #02 96 Towerbombing - BUDDA-X
2. #01 89 Touched - Swave
3. #05 70 The missing intro - Puryx / Scarab
4. #04 58 Visionary - dK
5. #06 53 Can Dragons Really Fly ? - Hazel
6. #07 49 Shellbeach(We're all sick dutch fucks) - Numtek^Guideline
7. #03 44 Tone none - bukkake bros
DSQ #09 38 Kantri Helena - Kantri Helena
DSQ #10 28 Darkhawk er sød og rar - Depth
DSQ #08 25 Fis i kasketten - Tarmslyng
.:( Combined Intro Compo
1. #03 165 The Piece - Mainloop
2. #02 70 73 - Ümlaüt Design
3. #01 59 To pilsnere i en snor - Odd
.:( Animation Compo
1. #05 155 Godmorgen Sol - JunkWorks
2. #04 80 6 ltr wrd, the wild, Arnold - loopit
3. #03 79 Stainless Stall - Pittsburgh Stallers
4. #01 64 Demo Junkie - Future Vision
5. #02 51 Xrayted - Caine & SilentBoom
.:( Demo Compo
1. #09 165 Blockbuster - Outracks
2. #05 147 Gietah - Guideline
3. #10 107 Recovered Tape Project - Limp Ninja
4. #08 88 Grand Theft Auto: San Egense - valium design
5. #06 84 Silly - Noen, Red-Bull, Sven
6. #01 75 Classic Triangle - Digital Nerds
7. #04 65 Gabriella Diskoexpäriment MegaDemo 7005 - The Magnificent
International Association Of Extremely Retarded Idiots Corp.
GmbH ry
7. #07 65 loadtro - zyrthex
8. #02 41 Alt er lov - Nordmenn
DSQ #03 72 Weet je al hoe laat het is - Random Danish Scener (not Delicon)
Thank you everybody for participating at Scene Event
and see you all again next year,
the orga team
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