
        ___________________     ________    _______  .____    .___ _______  ___________
\__    ___/  _____/  /\ \_____  \   \      \ |    |   |   |\      \ \_   _____/
  |    | /   \  ___  \/  /   |   \  /   |   \|    |   |   |/   |   \ |    __)_ 
  |    | \    \_\  \ /\ /    |    \/    |    \    |___|   /    |    \|        \
  |____|  \______  / \/ \_______  /\___/|_   /_______ \___\____|__  /_______  /
		 \/	 \____   /  _  \  \_____   / \_____   /               ||        || 
			 /  ____/  /_\  \  /  ____/   /  ____/                TG:ONLINE ||	
			/       \  \_/   \/       \  /       \                ||  2022  || 
			\_______ \_____  /\_______ \ \_______ \               ||	    ||
                    \/     \/         \/		 \/               \/        \/ 
ENTRY											CREDIT							 SCORE

== Gamejam ==
HelpMe!											Elite_flush							89
Kindergarten: Winds of Friendship				Gisli Nielsen						46

== Fast Coloring ==
futureOfTG										richard aka. Viken					50
What doesn't kill you							Klara-Emilia Gornall Ajer			43
Forgotten										Stellayra							31
Hyndla											Hyndla Aira							30
Electrified										Iben_IJKB							28
Horrid wedding day								3.14a								25
idk												william walvatne					24
Uprising										Mia aka. FreiaGelé					21
To Fast-To Tacoo								Svenn Ove Jacobsen					20
Aleine											Ingrid Hellan						17
Gloomy											Hannah Bueide						17

== Freestyle Graphics ==
Bee Queen										Ragnheiður Tyril					81
Jelly lady										Klara-Emilia Gornall Ajer			78
Cyber security									Ylva Aas							73
Spellbinding Night								Iben_IJKB							68
Lava Mandala									Hyndla Aira							61
Broren til Doffen								Kvaa99								46
Watching the daisies grow						3.14a								43
Gaming											Line Madsen							25
TG bursdag online								Linnea Gustavsen					21
norge_i_render									richard aka. Viken					 0

== Freestyle Photo ==
Water Juggler									Mop									95
Ond måke										Sebastian Reinholdtsen				58
Cephalopod										Ylva Aas							35
Fant											Even Bull-Tornøe aka. bt0rne		35
Kolsåstoppen									Sigurd Bjørkli						34
King											Jani Lesund							33
Lulu											Silje Hagen							31
Freddy the easter ratty							Miriam aka. Bobil_Bodil				30
Emerge And See									datacoma							28
Refleksjonar									Ingrid Hellan						28
"Well, llama say, I'm funny."					Iben_IJKB							21
Fjellet											Line Madsen							19
Shell											Klara-Emilia Gornall Ajer			13
Garrulus glandarius								Kaja Bergseth						13
PamTrip											richard aka. Viken					13
fiola											Aleks Hell							12
The world is upside down						3.14a								11
Bachelorskriving på digital TG					Aurora Johansen						10

== Fast Cosplay ==
Subwolfer Kikkiaki								Line Madsen							WO

== Fast remix ==
Hookey - TG2022 Fast Remix						Håkon Mathisen						52
Sunshine Fast Remix - Skau						Sondre Sivertsen					39
ID												Damian								35
Disk Space										Hai Dinh							25
chilltone										Thomas Isaksen						23
Scuffed, not nearly done remix thingy I guess	Kristoffer Stærk					22
I met a shaman in the jungle type beat			Budbringer							21
Dee to the Bee									HenrikB								21

== Freestyle Music ==
Hookey - Fame									Håkon Mathisen						86
Neon Lights										Alysius								46
Bidrag av Simon Enoksen aka Enok				Enok								45
Hot diggity dang								Budbringer							41
Pathfinder										Odd-Ramon Haukeland Steen			40
Coming home - Skau								Sondre Sivertsen					38
So be it										Elijah								36
Saw Machine										Joakim Isaksen						36
am_arp											Aleks Hell							35
Galactic Drive									Hai Dinh							31
Finally Free									HenrikB								29
ID												Damian								26
I don't know how to do this						Daniel Nikolai Fiko					23
Zhalusziah in 13/16 (8-bit)						Thomas Pedersen aka. 737BassTP 		17
Welcome to the gathering						Thomas Isaksen						17

== Combined Demo ==
Journey											Espen Sande-Larsen					20
Potteplante - oklien, Skuggemannen & sinatra	Ole Kristian Lien					14
Plasma Torus Constructor						Thomas Pedersen aka. 737BassTP		 7

== Small HTML ==
Garbage											Emil Sandstø					 32767
Clusterfuck										Christian Moen					 12136
MiniMe											Espen Sande-Larsen				  2341
21,8 KB											Thomas Pedersen aka. 737BassTP	  1503
ARne ankommer TG								Herman Hellum					  1360
I'm used to small								Daniel Nikolai Fiko				   987
heksekunst										Jo Emil aka. JoMs				   532
tiny											Gisli Nielsen					   132
smallerHTML										Kine Bergseth					   119
Knottleif - HTML shrinkage						Magnus Lie							59
gg small										isak leren							25

== Fast stop motion ==
Impatient plant									Klara-Emilia Gornall Ajer			42
First Easter contact							3.14a								28

== Freestyle video ==
Isolation										Even Bull-Tornøe aka. bt0rne		34
Gaming Kave										richard aka. Viken					27
To biller										Aleks Hell							18

== Freestyle Bygging Minecraft ==
dark town										Stiv8								41
Colosseum										ItsMeBrille og FollowDaLeader		28
Eventyr land									NO_unicorn_11						27
Den avlukkede gård								Danouvis himself					26
Oslo											JacooTacoo							25
Gangster påskekylling							Kylling gjengen						19
Påske 2022										Liniss								19

== Tema bygging Minecraft ==
The Arrival										Knottleif                           33
Arrival at Hamar Airport 2062					YoYoFraBB                           24