10/19/23, 11:09 AM | by PrincessLuna PrincessLuna

Status Update & Pre Stream

Ok, TRSAC is happening soon, so its time for some of the last updates:

Latest event additions, Quiz, 5K run Some people were worried that we would not have the usual demoscene quiz - we will have the demoscene-quiz Friday evening for you to enjoy! Farfar will also once again host the impromptu 5k run as well

The weather is forecast to be rough As per Danish autumn standards, the weather during the TRSAC weekend is forecast to consist of storm gusts, rain and chill temperatures. Bring warm clothing if you’re going - you know - just in case!

Scenesat will host a livestream from TRSAC <3 <3 to Hazel & Bombe + the rest of the Scenesat team!

Next up: starting to build up the party tomorrow afternoon (and pre party stream / build up stream on Scenesat too from 16:00-20:00 today)