Every year at bcnparty, hundreds of sceners coming from all corners of the world come together to share, enjoy and compete in the demoscene's true spirit. Four days of non-stop frenzy and oozing creativity in a great location, the heart of Barcelona. To show the world the demoscene is still alive and going strong. All kinds of compos will take place. We will have audio and video equipment, demoshows, performances, party network, conferences, bar service, sauna (so Fins don't miss a thing ;) and a climatised swimming pool, the traditional disk-throwing compo, warm and quiet resting areas and the overall good mood and open atmosphere that is so characteristic of bcnparty.
/////////////////////////////////// bcnparty'10 results| 1 2 3 november /////////////////////////////////// / fast code /////////////////////// 1.Isaac2 3 2.Napalm 1 / fast gfx //////////////////////// 1.shock 10 2.newalpha 2 3.bulbain 1 3.madgoblin 1 3.dardevil 1 3.doup 1 / fast music ////////////////////// 1.dj ramon & dj david 8 2.tolemac 2 3.wizard 1 3.Yero 1 3.Acidbeat 1 / gfx 2d ////////////////////////// 1.inmaculada concepcion _ shock 74 2.japan _ yero 52 3.skale, the dog _ yakare 45 4.sexy ice & the punox _ jull 42 5.bruja _ bulbain 29 6.la moza de la pila _ piedachu 11 7.sweet girl _ ayame 10 8.puerta _ gilka 8 9.trying _ dardebil 7 / gfx 3d ////////////////////////// 1.ardilla _ onesk8man 32 2.sorböse _ jull 30 3.marta _ harold 26 4.h.l.c _ madgoblin 23 5.fabrica _ octal 14 / sid ///////////////////////////// 1.n340 blues _ finnr 1 / chiptune //////////////////////// 1.yepppa _ josss & wizard 38 2.sticki _ yero 35 3.tututu chimpum _ sole 20 4.fastsine _ finnr 18 / multichannel //////////////////// 1.soul abductor _ smash 34 2.Close to you _ wizard 32 3.chupabubba _ finnr 25 4.massa feina _ sole 20 5.lililo _ lililo 14 / high quality //////////////////// 1.moobdeema _ armidas 63 2.legion of death _ smash! 52 3.ozone friendly _ nork 35 4.progressions _ dextrose 26 5.el futuro _ yero 22 5.deadlines _ amb 22 6.rol _ ps 18 7.world of joy _ dr.pitch 17 8.The legend of darkness _ xika 15 8.you don't know how.. _ sole 15 9.zero _ luissk8 5 / wild //////////////////////////// Rarezas01 _ asnah 24 Spinup studios 20 Sodom _ fuzzion 18 / intro4k ///////////////////////// blursux _ fuzzion 1 / intro64k //////////////////////// 1.paradise is coming _ rgba 42 2.here 2 stay _ collapse 26 3.ghoulstyle _ tlotb 26 4.a.b.r.i.l _ necrostudios 17 5.cod'hor'ror _ zonan 14 / demos /////////////////////////// 1.petroleo _ boah 73 2.the flowjob _ hansa 52 3.inferno _ spontz 33 4.groove it _ concept 31 5.plastic _ tlotb 23 6.duetone _ dxm 23 7.uno _ amb 16 8.mg/r _ tpolm 5 9.be::q _ necrostudios 4 /////////////////////////////////// www.bcnparty.org info@bcnparty.org /////////////////////////////////// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party archive @ ftp.scene.orgexpand
Party Series
bcnparty'10 is a part of BCN Party.