The fall will come before you know it. What do you like best about autumn? The cooler evenings and shorter days? [American] football? The changing, colorful leaves? Demos‽

Yes, demos! This fall, join us for the third iteration of Demosplash. Features this year include: a keynote talk on DRM in classic arcade games by FRaNKy, workshops on Processing and openFrameworks, a room where you can groove to continuous rave demos, and expanded retro gaming.

And, of course, since this is Demosplash after all, we will show tons of our favorite demos, live on actual hardware! Sure, it would be easier to show captures, but we think live performance helps to emphasize the challenges demo authors face in making their creations run in real time. You also gain a much better appreciation of the wide variety of old school platforms when you can see cmucc's ever-growing collection (and the absolutely insane tangle of cables required to hook everything up) in front of your very own eyes.

As before, we are holding competitions and awarding prizes. We hope you will consider submitting a demo for one of our crazy platforms. There was an amazing slate of entries last year (including possibly the first ZX spectrum demo at a US party!), and we can't wait to see what this year brings.


Going 3

kbare metoikos FRaNKy

Interested 1



Univ Tech Development Center, Carnegie Mellon University

4516 Henry St
15213 Pittsburgh, PA
United States United States


Party Series

Demosplash 2013 is a part of Demosplash.