
Type Date User Transaction Description
poti  poti e6a8ec5a
Property Old value New value
Scene.org Path null parties/2023/demosplash23
Scene Org Result null parties/2023/demosplash23/info/results.txt
Property Old value New value
Scene.org Path null parties/2023/demosplash23
Scene Org Result null parties/2023/demosplash23/info/results.txt
poti  poti 44b87381
Property Old value New value
Csdb Party null Demosplash 2023
Property Old value New value
Csdb Party null Demosplash 2023
poti  poti 7f3847cd
Property Old value New value
Pouet Party null Demosplash 2023
Property Old value New value
Pouet Party null Demosplash 2023
Property Old value New value
Url https://www.demosplash.org/ null
Property Old value New value
Url https://www.demosplash.org/ null
poti  poti c6262e6a
Property Old value New value
Demozoo Party null Demosplash 2023
Property Old value New value
Demozoo Party null Demosplash 2023
poti  poti 38559137
Property Old value New value
Publish Status in_approval published
Published At null 2023-04-28 09:14:27
Property Old value New value
Publish Status in_approval published
Published At null 2023-04-28 09:14:27
poti  poti 4707a964
Property Old value New value
Description Brought to you by the CMU Computer Club for its thirteenth year, Demosplash is one of the largest demoparties in North America, catering both to newcomers to the demoscene as well as established artists. We show demos live on original hardware as much as humanly possible, offering a viewing experience that can't be matched by emulators or recordings. In addition to screenings, we feature a variety of events, including tech talks, workshops, and celebrations of retro gaming. https://www.demosplash.org/ https://twitch.tv/demosplash Brought to you by the CMU Computer Club for its thirteenth year, Demosplash is one of the largest demoparties in North America, catering both to newcomers to the demoscene as well as established artists. We show demos live on original hardware as much as humanly possible, offering a viewing experience that can't be matched by emulators or recordings. In addition to screenings, we feature a variety of events, including tech talks, workshops, and celebrations of retro gaming.
Twitter Hash Tag null
Property Old value New value
Description Brought to you by the CMU Computer Club for its thirteenth year, Demosplash is one of the largest demoparties in North America, catering both to newcomers to the demoscene as well as established artists. We show demos live on original hardware as much as humanly possible, offering a viewing experience that can't be matched by emulators or recordings. In addition to screenings, we feature a variety of events, including tech talks, workshops, and celebrations of retro gaming. https://www.demosplash.org/ https://twitch.tv/demosplash Brought to you by the CMU Computer Club for its thirteenth year, Demosplash is one of the largest demoparties in North America, catering both to newcomers to the demoscene as well as established artists. We show demos live on original hardware as much as humanly possible, offering a viewing experience that can't be matched by emulators or recordings. In addition to screenings, we feature a variety of events, including tech talks, workshops, and celebrations of retro gaming.
Twitter Hash Tag null
tparenti  tparenti 7ef9811c Added Image
  Added Image
tparenti  tparenti 7ef9811c
Property Old value New value
Alternate Names null
Attendence Mode null MixedEventAttendanceMode
Country null United States
Description null Brought to you by the CMU Computer Club for its thirteenth year, Demosplash is one of the largest demoparties in North America, catering both to newcomers to the demoscene as well as established artists. We show demos live on original hardware as much as humanly possible, offering a viewing experience that can't be matched by emulators or recordings. In addition to screenings, we feature a variety of events, including tech talks, workshops, and celebrations of retro gaming. https://www.demosplash.org/ https://twitch.tv/demosplash
Email null organizers@demosplash.org
End Date null 2023-11-04
Event Status null EventScheduled
Event Type null Demoparty
Location null Pittsburgh: Jared L Cohon University Center, CMU (Place)
Name null Demosplash 2023
Period Accuracy null day
Publish Status null in_approval
Slug null demosplash/demosplash-2023
Start Date null 2023-11-03
Eventseries null Demosplash
Timezone null America/New_York
Twitter Hash Tag null
Url null https://www.demosplash.org/
Property Old value New value
Alternate Names null
Attendence Mode null MixedEventAttendanceMode
Country null United States
Description null Brought to you by the CMU Computer Club for its thirteenth year, Demosplash is one of the largest demoparties in North America, catering both to newcomers to the demoscene as well as established artists. We show demos live on original hardware as much as humanly possible, offering a viewing experience that can't be matched by emulators or recordings. In addition to screenings, we feature a variety of events, including tech talks, workshops, and celebrations of retro gaming. https://www.demosplash.org/ https://twitch.tv/demosplash
Email null organizers@demosplash.org
End Date null 2023-11-04
Event Status null EventScheduled
Event Type null Demoparty
Location null Pittsburgh: Jared L Cohon University Center, CMU (Place)
Name null Demosplash 2023
Period Accuracy null day
Publish Status null in_approval
Slug null demosplash/demosplash-2023
Start Date null 2023-11-03
Eventseries null Demosplash
Timezone null America/New_York
Twitter Hash Tag null
Url null https://www.demosplash.org/