DiHalt 2013 is a festival of computer art, which will take a place on Jule, 6-7 in Nizhny Novgorod. For the 10th time DiHalt gathers the most progressive enthusiasts in different directions of computer art from Russia and from the neighbor countries. - You can participate in competitions with works created for PC, Amiga/Pegasos, ZX-Spectrum and C64.
DiHalt 2013 demoparty 6-7 July Nizhny Novgorod, Russia www.dihalt.org.ru Official results v1.0 [ Tiny MP3/OGG Music ] 1. 6.71 Visiting A Fairy Tale Of ZX Spectrum / MmcM ^ [Sage] 2. 6.32 Welcome Piano / Yakov-K 3. 6.02 Afanasy on the beach / leopart ^ [deMarche] 4. 5.62 Universiade vs Dihalt / Lasoft ^ [Excess team] 5. 5.52 Euphoria / leopart ^ [deMarche] 6. 5.29 Running / Pavel_T' ^ [G'n'B] 7. 5.28 Balentika minds / Slash_AtD 8. 5.13 Trainspoting / Alexander Sidorov 9. 4.47 Demo(5) / Pavel_T' ^ [G'n'B] 10. 3.66 ninjabit / sosysos [ ZX Spectrum Beeper Music ] 1. 6.34 Beeper Keygen / Kakos_nonos ^ [kabardcomp] 2. 5.56 Walking Around You / Rene Sens ^ [Rene Sens Co.] 3. 3.85 Gummy Stub / Kakos_nonos ^ [kabardcomp] [ ZX Spectrum AY/YM/TurboAY Music ] 1. 7.29 When You Were A Hero / MmcM ^ [Sage] 2. 7.27 Summer Night / MmcM ^ [Sage] 3. 6.87 Together / Hacker VBI & RVA 4. 5.79 EXODUS game / Klim ^ [omegaHACKERSgroup] 5. 5.39 3123 Years Of DiHalt / Rob F. ^ [Entire Group] 6. 4.54 SONAR / AER 7. 4.08 Wait waiting / Moran ^ [CPU] [ Animation ] 1. 9.11 bjrsk / RayNoa ^ [Mayhem] 2. 6.82 lodigin / ??????????? ??????, ???????? ????? 3. 4.83 funny_bee / ????? ???????? 4. 4.22 Aeroport and american / KotRichard [ Wild ] 1. 8.24 Gasman & Candy Says / Gasman 2. 7.56 Shit 4 Brainz Tribute / DMan ^ [Placebo] 3. 4.97 Vodka / zksystems & Adam_Bazaroff 4. 2.70 ????? ?????? / ZS [ Combined OldSchool Graphics ] 1. 7.85 ??, ???????... / Samanasuke 2. 6.59 Krosh learning paint / Shuran33 3. 6.55 Brain0Con / Tutty ^ [Paradise] 4. 6.54 the harlequin / hydrogen 5. 5.77 Death / MadMax 6. 5.37 Full Moon / Vinnny ^ [Dogma] 7. 4.61 DiHalt logo / ellvis ^ [ZeroTeam] 8. 4.59 mushrooms / Lilka 9. 4.10 Rotate / Dubmaster 10. 3.05 DIZZY / AER 11. 2.75 Utochka / John Norton Irr ^ [kabardcomp] [ Render Graphics ] 1. 5.85 Forest / Kran ^ [Binary Life] 2. 4.41 R:Tape loading error / coufal ^ [A18] [ Handdraw Graphics ] 1. 7.85 Make a wish / Ansy 2. 7.60 ?? ??? / Rainman ^ [deMarche] 3. 6.32 Three Elements / glorx 4. 6.05 Arrival / Shum 5. 5.74 Scream of the Butterfly / glorx 6. 5.70 Separation / glorx 7. 4.87 Honda Robot / Kamkin Oleg 8. 4.79 DiHalt Time / Undead Bat [ Freestyle Graphics ] 1. 3.26 The PRISM 2013 / CoaXCable [ Combined 8-Bit 1024b Intro ] 1. 7.46 Chaos Zoomer / Alone Coder ^ [NedoPC] 2. 7.34 MGDMA / introspec ^ [thesuperb] 3. 4.95 Krazy Shaos / Shaos ^ [NedoPC] 4. 4.83 Tlen / nyuk 5. 4.73 Vienna / Hacker VBI 6. 4.08 Interference / goblinish disq Ftro(16+) / goblinish [ ZX Spectrum Border Intro ] 1. 6.52 Best border / VNN ^ [AAABand] 2. 5.42 LightStreams / goblinish 3. 3.61 IK+ / goblinish [ Combined 8-Bit Demo ] 1. 9.41 Outerloop / thesuper 2. 6.97 Betraying goblinish ^ [AAABand] 3. 6.59 Happy Birthday Sveta / Placebo 4. 6.13 Fountain demo / VNN ^ [AAABand] 5. 5.08 RENTGEN demo / Kakos_nonos ^ [kabardcomp] 6. 3.10 Escher Forever / Crisis [ PC/Amiga Combined Demo/Intro ] 1. 8.03 Find the Boobs / G'n'B 2. 5.67 8bit Vortex / VMChaz --expand
Black Town (ночной клуб)
Циолковского, 34
Нижний Новгород, Нижегородская обл.
Party Series
DiHalt 2013 is a part of Dihalt.