Russia, bear on the streets, balalaika, vodka and … demoparty DiHalt. 7-8-9 January, winter, snow, country house, traditional competitions, the standard platform pc / amiga / c64 / zx. diplomas to the winners, remote participation for all, online voting for all, and beer for all!
DiHalt 2021 demoparty 7-9 January Nizhny Novgorod, Russia Official results v1.0 [ ZX Spectrum Beeper Music ] 1. 8.39 Dark Transit by utz ^ irrlicht project 2. 8.02 Hey Beeper! by Tufty 3. 7.48 Standing Wave by Shiru 4. 6.53 Repeating Itself by Shiru 5. 6.26 ZXBITLES.COM by hellraver ^ ZX BITLES 6. 5.93 tune by hellraver ^ ZX BITLES 7. 5.70 Fire2 by hellraver ^ ZX BITLES [ ZX Spectrum AY/YM-Music ] 1. 7.73 Everything will be fine by kotsoft 2. 6.61 CompoFiller#1 by EA ^ Antares 3. 6.50 CompoFiller#2 by EA ^ Antares 4. 6.42 [so sad that] covfefe is outta here! by scalesmann ^ march[ing]_cats 5. 4.04 Tunnels of Light by Garvalf [ Realtime ZX Music ] 1. 8.15 WaL'sOk by MmcM ^ Sage 2. 7.39 Powersword by Cj Splinter 3. 6.34 FIREWORKS by hellraven ^ ZX BITLES [ LowEnd Graphics ] 1. 8.94 Rain by Mikael ^ Pretzel Logic 2. 8.56 The Raven Outside by Tutty 3. 8.48 Fear and Loathing in KEMO City by brightentayle 4. 8.15 Scientist by dman ^ Placebo 5. 8.02 NAD-M-OZG by devstratum 6. 7.62 GraySkull by Almighty God ^ Level 64 7. 7.58 Kookaburra by Dimidrol 8. 7.57 ?????-???? by ALKO 9. 7.48 Witch from Hell by shuran33 10. 6.46 Furrball by pixelrat 11. 5.74 Funny little men by shuran33 12. 5.68 Robocop by Rainman ^ deMarche 13. 5.32 Bunny by pixelrat 14. 5.10 Progulka by pixelrat 15. 5.00 DerevoNeSpit by sashapont 16. 4.64 krodetsya by pixelrat 17. 4.09 HNY2021 by g0blinish 18. 4.02 Moroz protiv Santy by sashapont 19. 2.89 ????? by ??????? [ Realtime LowEnd Graphics ] 1. 8.66 di halt deer by nodeus 2. 7.15 Kolyadki by shuran33 3. 5.72 Podarok v trubu by sashapont [ Realtime ZX Spectrum 53c Graphics ] 1. 7.82 ? ???? by Rainman ^ deMarche 2. 7.61 I'm Bathman! by Mihhru 3. 7.46 mon plaisir by toughthrough 4. 6.26 ?????? ???? ???????? by shuran33 5. 5.67 Alcoban by hellraver ^ ZX BITLES 6. 5.41 v bane s venikom by sashapont 7. 5.29 Bansheenator by Dovakin 8. 5.27 ?????! by Mechta 9. 5.21 ????? ????? by Amirnasyri ^ Excess team 10. 5.16 ?????? ZX.PK by CHRV ^ NedoPC 11. 4.56 ????, ????? ?????? ?????????? by ??????? 12. 4.00 ????, ?????...??????? by Sherhan 13. 3.72 ??????-? by Flast [ LowEnd 256b Intro ] 1. 9.37 GleEst by bfox 2. 8.81 Superform by Superogue ^ Marquee Design 3. 8.16 zen by Agenda 4. 8.00 2033 by SerzhSoft 5. 7.63 CoRoBars by Shiru 6. 6.76 Mandelbrot Fractal by s_i_m ^ Fortran Lovers 7. 6.72 moroz-no! by Adam Bazaroff ^ Excess team 8. 6.65 ColorMash 64b by g0blinish 9. 6.48 Crazy Hampster by gorgh ^ Agenda 10. 5.58 triple invitation intro by xeen ^ Agenda 11. 4.96 Calctro by Frog ^ ROi 12. 4.90 No Copper by Sandro 13. 4.67 Just Snow by error ^ errorsoft 14. 4.38 Kermit the Frog by gorgh ^ Agenda [ New Year's Intro ] 1. 6.09 2021NYgiftro by g0blinish [ LowEnd Demo ] 1. 9.60 Void by Invaders 2. 7.77 Bored by SibKrew 3. 6.06 Boing Ball by Manwe ^ SandS [ Film/Wild ] 1. 8.11 53c painter preview by g0blinish 2. 4.45 Pieni mehilainen by Brittle [ Game compo ] 1. 9.00 PONG charged by Manwe ^ SandS 2. 8.56 TRON by Adam Bazaroff ^ Excess team [ HiEnd Tracker Music ] 1. 8.82 -ViKi ViKa- by Slash ^ AtD/RPSG 2. 7.00 Music For Supporting Winter Demo Party by EA ^ Antares 3. 6.98 Pussy Lovers by zeebr ^ deMarche 4. 6.46 Star Sheep by litchh 5. 4.11 The Robert (??? ????? ??????) by krotan [ HiEnd Graphics ] 1. 8.56 ???????????? ????? by ALKO 2. 7.80 ??? ?? ?????????? ???????? by ALKO 3. 6.82 Drako by RKGekk ^ 349604 4. 6.75 Dolly by RKGekk ^ 349604 5. 6.14 Berserk Black Moon by RKGekk ^ 349604 6. 6.00 ZlayaElka by sashapont [ Realtime Paint Over ] 1. 7.51 ?? ?????? by Dovakin [ HiEnd 256b Intro ] 1. 8.72 Marblelous by Marquee Design 2. 7.14 Hard B!t 21 by Jin X 3. 6.15 bytequila sunrise by sensenstahl 4. 6.09 Julia Disco by Jin X 5. 4.85 cir by g0blinish [ HiEnd Demo ] 1. 8.70 SuperKidz by Amirnasyri ^ Excess team 2. 8.23 PICONICCC by Megus, deMarche, Stardust 3. 6.91 mesh by provod ^ jetlag 4. 5.51 Snake City by RKGekk ^ 349604 --expand
Country Cottage
Beregovaya Ulitsa 104 А
Novinki, Nizhegorodskaya oblast'
Party Series
DiHalt 2021 is a part of Dihalt.