Welcome to Edison 2018!

Edison features lots of competitions including coding for all available platforms, composing music, drawing or animating beautiful graphics and now even competing live on stage – there's something for everybody and we welcome all platforms and disciplines!

We are set on bringing you the best possible party experience we can - but we need your help to make the compos something truly special!

Reserve the date in your calendar, pre-register on the website and buy your tickets once released. Registration is mandatory.


Going 3

Kwarf Soya Znurre

Interested 1



Eggeby GÃ¥rd

Eggeby GÃ¥rd 1
163 62 Kista, Storstockholm
Sweden Sweden

Photo from Foursquare (uncredited) 5
Photo from Foursquare (uncredited) Photo from Foursquare (uncredited) Photo from Foursquare (uncredited) Photo from Foursquare (uncredited)


Party Series

Edison 2018 is a part of Edison.