8/6/12, 12:00 AM
Hülsbeck, Richter & Xerxes at Evoke Seminars
This year´s Evoke seminar area feature some really outstanding speakers.
Xerxes will show a general introduction to Renoise. And he will probably find some time to show you some nice tricks.
Tobias Richter will look back at the start of his career. On his first steps on the Amiga, using DPaint, Videoscape and Reflections - a presentation of some of the creations from back then…
As a special guest we will have of the best known names in early German Amiga and C64-generation music: Chris Hülsbeck. He is going to be interviewed by Ziphoid.
All those seminars are going to happen on Saturday. Check with the timetable, so you do not miss them!