7/2/15, 12:00 AM

Live Acts & Seminars - Goto80 & Sebastian Bergmann

Evoke is not just about sitting infront of computers and enjoying their outputs on the bigscreen - we also want to give you food for ears, legs and brain. So, we are happy to announce our first batch of live artists and seminar conveners for this year.

As our musical headliner, we are very happy to have the legendary Goto80 (of Up Rough! and Hack’n’Trade fame) playing on Friday night. Goto80 is a Swedish old media artist and researcher who works with music and text. He was one of the pioneers of the new 8-bit music movement in the 1990s, after starting in the demoscene, and now makes music for performances and records, games, demos, movies and art projects. Goto80’s music is like a low-res explosion of styles, ranging from lush ambient and cheesy pop to furious datapunk and complex beats.

30 years after the birth of AMIGAAAAA Sebastian Bergmann will give a seminar on how to free your old amiga from the attic and how to connect it to a modern world of highres displays, broadband internetconnections and afordable flash storage. A close to two decades ago Sebastian mothballed (figuratively, not literally) his Amiga 1200. Over the years he often wondered what it would take to “resurrect” his amiga. In march of this year he finally went heads first into the adventure of bringing his amiga back. In his seminar, Sebastian will give an detailed overview of how far he has come and what he found out is needed to make an amiga play nicely with nowadays peripherals.
