
Type Date User Transaction Description
Property Old value New value
Scene Org Result parties/2015/function15/results.txt parties/2015/function15/info/results.txt
Property Old value New value
Scene Org Result parties/2015/function15/results.txt parties/2015/function15/info/results.txt
poti  poti b58d8afd
Property Old value New value
Csdb Party null Function 2015
Darklite Party null Function 2015
Description Date fixed, more info coming soon. Same location like last year. "Soon" in this case means "show up and have fun and bring a demo" - so go to Function every year like you should (: Date fixed, more info coming soon. Same location like last year. "Soon" in this case means "show up and have fun and bring a demo" - so go to Function every year like you should (:
Property Old value New value
Csdb Party null Function 2015
Darklite Party null Function 2015
Description Date fixed, more info coming soon. Same location like last year. "Soon" in this case means "show up and have fun and bring a demo" - so go to Function every year like you should (: Date fixed, more info coming soon. Same location like last year. "Soon" in this case means "show up and have fun and bring a demo" - so go to Function every year like you should (:
ddaf1eff Added Image
  Added Image