
Type Date User Transaction Description
poti  poti 60d08820
Property Old value New value
Pouet Party null Graffathon 2024
Property Old value New value
Pouet Party null Graffathon 2024
poti  poti 7047ae28
Property Old value New value
Scene.org Path null parties/2024/graffathon24
Property Old value New value
Scene.org Path null parties/2024/graffathon24
poti  poti ddb6b425
Property Old value New value
Scene Org Result null parties/2024/graffathon24/info/results.txt
Property Old value New value
Scene Org Result null parties/2024/graffathon24/info/results.txt
poti  poti a797c3cf
Property Old value New value
Location Espoo (City) Espoo: Aalto Design Factory (Place)
Property Old value New value
Location Espoo (City) Espoo: Aalto Design Factory (Place)
poti  poti b6de1050 Added Image
  Added Image
badfelix  badfelix 12ff78ce
Property Old value New value
Email felix@graffathon.org graffathon@dot-ry.fi
Url https://graffathon.fi/ https://www.eventbrite.com/e/graffathon-2024-tickets-904961944537
Property Old value New value
Email felix@graffathon.org graffathon@dot-ry.fi
Url https://graffathon.fi/ https://www.eventbrite.com/e/graffathon-2024-tickets-904961944537
poti  poti 95ae76fb
Property Old value New value
Demozoo Party null Graffathon 2024
Property Old value New value
Demozoo Party null Graffathon 2024
poti  poti 39b5b935
Property Old value New value
Publish Status in_approval published
Published At null 2023-08-10 14:50:12
Property Old value New value
Publish Status in_approval published
Published At null 2023-08-10 14:50:12
poti  poti 7aa0acca
Property Old value New value
Twitter Hash Tag null
Property Old value New value
Twitter Hash Tag null
badfelix  badfelix 98e84547
Property Old value New value
Alternate Names null
Attendence Mode null OfflineEventAttendanceMode
Claim null Demo hackathon for beginners. Veterans also welcome!
Country null Finland
Description null Graffathon is a weekend-long demo hackathon aimed at novices. Every participant is encouraged to create a non-interactive audiovisual computer program during the weekend. Graffathon is targeted at real beginners who have no previous graphics coding and/or demoscene experience. However, there is also an advanced compo, since we feel the best way for newcomers to get into demoscene is by meeting sceners.
Email null felix@graffathon.org
End Date null 2024-06-09
Event Status null EventScheduled
Event Type null Demoparty
Location null Espoo (City)
Name null Graffathon 2024
Period Accuracy null day
Publish Status null in_approval
Slug null graffathon/graffathon-2024
Start Date null 2024-06-07
Eventseries null Graffathon
Timezone null Europe/Helsinki
Twitter Hash Tag null
Url null https://graffathon.fi/
Property Old value New value
Alternate Names null
Attendence Mode null OfflineEventAttendanceMode
Claim null Demo hackathon for beginners. Veterans also welcome!
Country null Finland
Description null Graffathon is a weekend-long demo hackathon aimed at novices. Every participant is encouraged to create a non-interactive audiovisual computer program during the weekend. Graffathon is targeted at real beginners who have no previous graphics coding and/or demoscene experience. However, there is also an advanced compo, since we feel the best way for newcomers to get into demoscene is by meeting sceners.
Email null felix@graffathon.org
End Date null 2024-06-09
Event Status null EventScheduled
Event Type null Demoparty
Location null Espoo (City)
Name null Graffathon 2024
Period Accuracy null day
Publish Status null in_approval
Slug null graffathon/graffathon-2024
Start Date null 2024-06-07
Eventseries null Graffathon
Timezone null Europe/Helsinki
Twitter Hash Tag null
Url null https://graffathon.fi/