We'll be cruising with Silja Line's Silja Symphony from Helsinki to Stockholm and back between 2024-02-02 (Friday) and 2024-02-04 (Sunday). Main compos will happen on Saturday so you can join the party by boarding from Helsinki, Mariehamn or Stockholm! Helsinki is the recommended option as then you can also enjoy the Friday prepartying and optional buffet dinner.
Binding sign-ups here: http://winter.jml.party. If you are unsure whether you join or not, wait until you are sure and sign up then. Sign-up deadline will be on Friday 2023-12-01. Do not wait with your decision until the very last minute as we have sold out every time. While the ferry has near endless capacity, the actual compo area is limited in size, so we'll sign people up in first come first serve basis.
# Jumalauta Winterfärjan 2024 results Voting was handled the audience members picking *one* favorite per person from each compo and then adding those up. Due to the chaotic nature of the entry submission process, authors and titles may contain errors. ## KARAOKE COMPO 1. Rimina - kuolevainen |||| 2. Bflorry - You Spin Me Round ||| Jenni - Dance Macabre ||| 4. Papu - Lapin kesä || 5. Markus - Kuuma jäbä | 6. Spiikki - Vihreän joen rannalla | 7. Nooma - Nasta pimu . ## PHOTO / GRAPHICS COMPO 1. Mop - Ƶ0mββi ||||| ||||| ||||| ||||| | 2. Farfar - Not a labradoodle just a doodle ||||| ||||| 3. Bonnie Dialer - I want to REDRUM EKOJ YBAB DAED ||| 4. Mummotiskin viides lukusaeaedin - JUMALAUTASECURIT || 5. Jumalauta One Person Photo Compo Committee - abstracts | Soluttautuja - Soviet Robot Goes To Ice | lpl - Lick of Life | Naetti tyttoe - Aurinko Laiva Plaa Plaa Plaa | 9. Filippp - Kissan sielun valo . Mickaleus - Checkpoint. Awaiting. . Vaisto - Dröm Farjan . RaccoonViolet - A Curious Critter . Magnetismin venekerho - Kara oke . Jone - Aallokko Ruotsissa . ## MUSIC COMPO 1. Perinne Soitin Ja Laulu Komitea - Ei näitä voi nyt oikeesti keksiä ||||| ||||| || 2. RaccoonViolet - The Farjan Never Sleeps ||||| ||||| | 3. Mummotiskin Viides Liukusaeaedin - Earlytrains ||||| |||| 4. Toinen Käsi Raamatulla, Toinen Isän Lompakolla - Jämät laarin pohjilta ||||| || 5. Mickaleus - Woohoo! || 6. Filippp - You're Lucky | Filippp - Jumalauta303 | ## WILD COMPO 1. CWD - Made With Mobile ||||| ||||| || 2. Konsumenten - Sälens Gåva ||||| |||| 3. Jumalauta And Union Busters - LAKKO ||||| || Magnetismin puhelinkerho - Analogfärjan ||||| || 5. Jumalauta Bed Committee - Sängyn Avaamis Ääni |||| 6. Palants Finnish Television - BlizzardPPC Commercial Found Footage | ## DEMO COMPO 1. Jumalauta - A*** ||||| ||||| 2. Jumalauta - Evil Lurks ||||| ||| 3. Dekadence - Shipfunk ||||| Jumalauta - NMD ||||| 5. Znorgonzola - Flamingos And Friends |||| Jumalauta - Tunneli Tukholmaan |||| 7. Bad Felix - S.Wave ||| 8. Luutifa - Island || 9. lpl - Gone For Färjan | Kultakala - Junat kuuluu laivalle | Magnetismin Risteilykerho - AbstractSingletonProxyFactoryFarjanImplBean | 12. NaRG - FFF . Reality404 - 🍅 . Magnetismin Tågklubb - Junalla Jyväskylään . oon toivonu joulupukilta - bussillajyvaan .expand
FinlandParty Series
Jumalauta Winterfärjan 2024 is a part of Jumalauta.