Same friendly organizers.
Same fabulous middle-of-nowhere location.
Same exquisite dinner and breakfast service.
Same cold, snowy winter.
Same awesome bonfire moments.
Only Better.
See you in November.
__________________________________________________________________ __\ .___ ____ .____ ____ _ _______ __ _ /__ .___ ___| _/__(____).____________|_ \_:_\ _/__ \\\____ \\____.._ ! _/_/ \_ \_ ! ___ \_. !/ ! ___/___________// !|/ :_\ \____! /_______\ / |__:___________! /__!________: :_____/ /______! :______/ :-dV$ _ _____ _ _______ .____ ____ .___ ___:_/ \___/ __ \_\\\____ \ __|_ \_:_\ _/_________ __ ! _/_/ !/_ \_ // \ _ ______// !/ ! ___/ ___ \_. _\/_ :_\ \____/_/ /__/______\_____!______:___________!_ __\ / | \/\/ ____. /_____/ : :___ /______! .____ | | '------------( k i n d e r g a r d e n 2 0 1 1 )------------' 2011.11.04-06., Haga, Norway - PHOTO 1. #05 120 pts heavenly light - nosfe/pWp 2. #07 106 pts Wings of politics - Response & Zeila 3. #09 90 pts blood games - nosfe/tsyga 4. #08 81 pts Knobs - Wic 5. #06 76 pts Dawn Of The Dead - Fiol 6. #03 35 pts Waste no cigarettes! - Blueberry 7. #04 31 pts Entry - Alexander Kuiper 8. #01 30 pts suge den fra slapp - Darklite 9. #02 19 pts Verse bietjes, KUT! - Geert van Kutvingeren / Sick Dutch Fucks GRAPHICS 1. #06 109 pts Traffic Lights - caro/encore+nah kolor 2. #04 98 pts penga eller livet - Kusma^Excess 3. #09 93 pts Bedtime - offwhite 4. #10 88 pts Emotional - Zeila 5. #05 83 pts If any of those norwegian girl sceners ever bothered to send in a goddamn remote gfx submission to trsac they might be able to enjoy a duck when the world ends! - farfar ^ lns 6. #01 55 pts follow the moon - nosfe/htel 7. #08 49 pts Daenerys Stormborn - Wic 8. #07 47 pts Sparrows - prince / theObsessedManiacs/dienstagstreff/neoplasia 9. #03 44 pts Less than 3 tonn. (UP!) - Fiol 10. #02 24 pts Retrofanzy - Amix DANCE MUSIC 1. #05 53 pts Standoff - T-101 / Darklite 2. #07 45 pts Fat puppy on the lawn - Response/Darklite 3. #10 40 pts unintelligent dance music - Phobium 4. #08 32 pts Adrenaline Injector - malmen & lantto 5. #02 25 pts Fat people dont lie - Spexzter/Darklite 6. #09 23 pts Encased - Silvero 7. #06 22 pts Love Me Baby (Dany San 2000 Dub FM Mix) - SoDa7 8. #03 18 pts H - Gouafhg 9. #04 14 pts KGBlues - Fairlane 10. #01 9 pts Harpsichord Bass - t-zero 32K EXECUTABLE MUSIC 1. #05 50 pts Once Upon A Quiver - SunSpire 2. #03 31 pts When they came back for me - Response/darklite #04 31 pts In Response - Punqtured / Fnuque 4. #01 18 pts Indre Glede - Frequent 5. #06 16 pts leip?? laatikko - M?llpauk 6. #02 10 pts Code 7 - G-Fellow/Hokuto Force GABBER MUSIC 1. #02 47 pts last transmissionGABBERED - nosfe 2. #05 33 pts Caffeinated Lullaby - OptimizE 3. #06 32 pts Exile - Gary J. Hung 4. #09 30 pts Jew Jitsu - Undercover Jews 5. #08 27 pts Lights Out! - The Brainbuster 6. #03 24 pts Hiphop Baluba (Drit i alt og gi faen i alle) - Lord Esicroxe & Muibohp The Emperor 7. #07 22 pts Kick Up - Mark van Den 8. #04 19 pts City Is Burning - malmen 9. #01 9 pts Bhut Jolokia Messup - RbR WILD 1. #03 59 pts super 8 - nosfe & waffle 2. #02 55 pts In Soviet Russia, Bent Is Around The Happiness - ODD 3. #04 45 pts Party like a duck - SceneSat Radio 4. #01 16 pts Yay bunnies - discomeats INTRO 1. #03 127 pts Wishful Seedling - Fnuque + Loonies 2. #02 88 pts Dawnglare - Traction 3. #01 68 pts Big Bouncing Balls - Kvasigen OLDSKOOL DEMO 1. #03 118 pts You are Lucy - Spaceballs 2. #02 76 pts PreDDTor - Accession 3. #04 66 pts Shake your lawnmower - Darklite 4. #01 49 pts Naked Grinder - Hoaxers NEWSCHOOL DEMO 1. #04 103 pts Cortex Sous-vide - Excess 2. #03 91 pts DUBrovnik - Gammel Opland af 1891 3. #02 41 pts inverted clown nipples - stiff nipples 4. #01 37 pts UV Boll - UV Boll's Vector Ensemble =============================================================================== 42 votes were cast.expand
Haga Samfunnshus
Hagaplassen 1
Party Series
Kindergarden 2011 is a part of Kindergarden.