
Type Date User Transaction Description
poti  poti 0cc3c8df
Property Old value New value
Scene.org Path null parties/2024/layerone24
Property Old value New value
Scene.org Path null parties/2024/layerone24
poti  poti 49230854
Property Old value New value
Demozoo Party LayerOne Demoparty 2024 LayerOne 2024
Property Old value New value
Demozoo Party LayerOne Demoparty 2024 LayerOne 2024
poti  poti c0dc260a
Property Old value New value
Demozoo Party LayerOne 2024 LayerOne Demoparty 2024
Property Old value New value
Demozoo Party LayerOne 2024 LayerOne Demoparty 2024
poti  poti a75b43f1
Property Old value New value
Publish Status created published
Published At null 2024-04-16 09:20:20
Property Old value New value
Publish Status created published
Published At null 2024-04-16 09:20:20
poti  poti 396b361c Added Image
  Added Image
poti  poti 6809723b
Property Old value New value
Description null The LayerOne Demo Party is back again for another year of awesome demos! Demos are a combination of programming challenge, artwork, and music. You’re given specific hardware with any number of restrictions – code size, available memory, processor speed. Your goal is to output audio and video that pushes the limits of what is considered possible with such limited hardware. You can purchase a kit to solder your own Demo Board from Tindie while supplies last! Categories for this year’s Demo Party: * LayerOne Demo Board: Create a fantastic audio/video experience using a LayerOne Demo Board! * ANSI: Create an awesome 80×23 ANSI art image using the standard 16 colors! * Wildcard: Anything goes! Props given for creative use of hardware or software!
Email null datagram@layerone.org
Property Old value New value
Description null The LayerOne Demo Party is back again for another year of awesome demos! Demos are a combination of programming challenge, artwork, and music. You’re given specific hardware with any number of restrictions – code size, available memory, processor speed. Your goal is to output audio and video that pushes the limits of what is considered possible with such limited hardware. You can purchase a kit to solder your own Demo Board from Tindie while supplies last! Categories for this year’s Demo Party: * LayerOne Demo Board: Create a fantastic audio/video experience using a LayerOne Demo Board! * ANSI: Create an awesome 80×23 ANSI art image using the standard 16 colors! * Wildcard: Anything goes! Props given for creative use of hardware or software!
Email null datagram@layerone.org
poti  poti e057e386
Property Old value New value
Location null Pasadena: Pasadena Hilton (Place)
Timezone null America/Los_Angeles
Property Old value New value
Location null Pasadena: Pasadena Hilton (Place)
Timezone null America/Los_Angeles
poti  poti 94c03f57
Property Old value New value
Slug unique-event/layerone-2024 layerone/layerone-2024
Eventseries null LayerOne
Twitter Hash Tag null
Property Old value New value
Slug unique-event/layerone-2024 layerone/layerone-2024
Eventseries null LayerOne
Twitter Hash Tag null
poti  poti 3b8bb32b
Property Old value New value
Alternate Names null
Attendence Mode null OfflineEventAttendanceMode
Country null United States
Demozoo Party null LayerOne 2024
End Date null 2024-05-26
Event Status null EventScheduled
Event Type null Demoparty
Name null LayerOne 2024
Period Accuracy null day
Publish Status null created
Slug null unique-event/layerone-2024
Start Date null 2024-05-25
Twitter Hash Tag null
Url null https://www.layerone.org/events/demo-party/
Property Old value New value
Alternate Names null
Attendence Mode null OfflineEventAttendanceMode
Country null United States
Demozoo Party null LayerOne 2024
End Date null 2024-05-26
Event Status null EventScheduled
Event Type null Demoparty
Name null LayerOne 2024
Period Accuracy null day
Publish Status null created
Slug null unique-event/layerone-2024
Start Date null 2024-05-25
Twitter Hash Tag null
Url null https://www.layerone.org/events/demo-party/