The biggest party with the tiniest productions is back again!
Join us in a celebration of the smallest with a dedicated sizecoding demoparty/event, held on the weekend of 10-12th February 2023 on Discord and Twitch.
We'll be online streaming Intro competitions in different size categories from the smallest to the even smaller. From our Tiny Executable Graphics and Nanogame competitions to Tiny Graphics and Bytebeat Music competitions.
Or what about cool size-coded related seminars to get you started. Bytejam, DJ Sets and many other events?
This is the one event where size does matter! Don't miss it!

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Orby/Desire #02 0 pts Invitation to Undefined (ZX Spectrum) - undefined crew #03 0 pts WOBBLE (PICO-8) - p01 / ribbon #04 0 pts back on track (DOS) - sensenstahl #05 0 pts Full Steam (MicroW8) - exoticorn/icebird #06 0 pts Countdown to Lovebyte (TIC-80) - The Watcher and T?Bach of TUHB #07 0 pts Forever Reality (DOS) - bitl/7dump BYTEBEAT MUSIC 1. #17 210 pts Technological Bass - teadrinker 2. #15 193 pts Etude de la synth?se additive - pestis / bC! 3. #13 185 pts Nostalgia Sisters - teadrinker 4. #16 183 pts Progression - vilcans / Five Finger Punch 5. #08 139 pts Hyperactive Mind - Dresdenboy 6. #14 119 pts Peak 9120, October 22 - luchak 7. #11 117 pts puppysequence - a11ce 8. #05 100 pts UNDAMI64 - niinist?n-marinin linja/JUMALAUTA #07 100 pts Square Trippin' - liqube 10. #10 99 pts Dialstep - Kebabogauchiste 11. #09 98 pts zigzag - byteobserver 12. #12 97 pts Rocking Truck - spq 13. #03 86 pts egg tooth - brhfl 14. #06 75 pts Ignition Problems and Radiation - spq 15. #02 73 pts Square Wave Rave - cyb?rt 16. #04 67 pts Soundbyte - Kebabogauchiste 17. #01 64 pts Sidereal - KilledByAPixel EXECUTABLE GRAPHICS OLDSCHOOL 1. #03 304 pts Dozer (Atari XE/XL) - Marquee Design 2. #04 249 pts Terragen (Amstrad CPC) - Hicks 3. #02 210 pts 256 chix dig dat (Commodore 64) - wacek/arise 4. #01 171 pts C equals 127b (Commodore 64) - Logiker/VCC EXECUTABLE GRAPHICS HIGHEND 1. #05 271 pts Kacif?ntos creatures in a chaotic dream (DOS) - TomCat/Abaddon 2. #11 262 pts Night Watch (TIC-80) - Blossom / Marquee Design 3. #07 261 pts Distance estimated shores (TIC-80) - pestis / bC! 4. #09 256 pts 8 seasons of light (DOS) - sensenstahl/hjb 5. #10 250 pts Replicant (PICO-8) - rostok 6. #06 246 pts Mountains of Madness (TIC-80) - ps 7. #01 242 pts From below (TIC-80) - The Orz 8. #12 241 pts Civilization (DOS) - Digimind 9. #13 235 pts under the tree (TIC-80) - silvia 10. #08 219 pts Mrityuloka (TIC-80) - The Orz 11. #04 204 pts starry night (TIC-80) - silvia 12. #03 133 pts Psycheye (DOS) - Optimus 13. #02 128 pts There Is No Yellow (TIC-80) - ps 32 BYTE INTRO OLDSCHOOL 1. #15 241 pts Multi Vortex (Atari XE/XL) - F#READY 2. #12 213 pts saqqara (ZX Spectrum) - baze / 3SC 3. #10 178 pts barflow (Atari XE/XL) - Koala / Agenda 4. #09 168 pts Colored Lines (BK-0010) - Adam Bazarof 5. #13 154 pts diagonal rasters at berghain (Commodore 64) - wacek/arise 6. #03 144 pts colorchess (Atari XE/XL) - Koala / Agenda 7. #11 134 pts Agony17 (Apple II) - deater / desire #14 134 pts Bubbling love (Commodore 64) - Dtgr 9. #06 131 pts Tuning An Old Black And White TV (ZX Spectrum) - Dalthon of Joker 10. #02 122 pts ooze32 (Apple II) - deater / desire 11. #05 118 pts fat print10 (BK-0011m) - Adam Bazaroff 12. #04 115 pts columns32 (Atari Jaguar) - 42Bastian 13. #08 105 pts alice in greyland (Commodore 64) - wacek/arise 14. #07 92 pts Lane Burn (Commodore 64) - ?RM / Dilemma 15. #01 80 pts Yo Momma Was A Fish 'n' Chip Basterd (Atari STe) - The Fish 'n' Chip Basterds 32 BYTE INTRO HIGHEND 1. #12 192 pts Isometrica (DOS) - Marquee Design 2. #06 181 pts klangteppich (DOS) - gopher / alcatraz 3. #11 159 pts Quintus Quadratus (RISC-V) - Mecrisp & Fuz 4. #09 152 pts 3tato2 : a walk in the arc (DOS) - gopher / alcatraz 5. #10 145 pts Drip Phase (MicroW8) - luchak 6. #08 143 pts Step by step (PICO-8) - Blossom / Marquee Design 7. #03 138 pts Pastel Punk (DOS) - cyb?rt 8. #07 137 pts at the beach at night (DOS) - sensenstahl 9. #05 115 pts WALLFLOWER (PICO-8) - p01 / ribbon 10. #01 99 pts Pulsing Lines (PICO-8) - Liquidream 11. #02 94 pts 32b Trans Flag (TIC-80) - Orby/Desire 12. #04 91 pts beach ball (TIC-80) - blinry 64 BYTE INTRO OLDSCHOOL 1. #16 266 pts Aurum Argentum (Atari XE/XL) - F#READY 2. #15 219 pts proteinsyntese (Vectrex) - sebbert^rootkids 3. #09 214 pts colorspring (Atari XE/XL) - Koala / Agenda 4. #13 212 pts tornado (Atari XE/XL) - Koala / Agenda 5. #10 202 pts Acid Trips To Near-Death Experiences (ZX Spectrum) - Dalthon of Joker 6. #12 187 pts reflectendo (Gameboy) - elyon 7. #06 182 pts pied64 (Apple II) - deater / desire 8. #14 174 pts Night City Ride (ZX Spectrum) - Aki 9. #07 167 pts war never changes (Sinclair QL) - spkr 10. #08 165 pts Multicolor Cinema 64 (ZX Spectrum) - Busy / SinDiKat 11. #05 156 pts pattern38 (Atari Jaguar) - 42Bastian 12. #03 147 pts PPstrips (ZVT-PP01) - Busy / SinDiKat 13. #04 134 pts a coked-up bird on my roof (Commodore 64) - wacek/arise 14. #11 124 pts Barely alive (Commodore 64) - Dtgr 15. #02 104 pts Ain't Nuthin But A Fish 'n' Chip Thang (Atari STe) - The Fish 'n' Chip Basterds 16. #01 97 pts Screen Burn (Commodore 64) - ?RM / Dilemma 64 BYTE INTRO HIGHEND 1. #27 249 pts Quintus Draco (RISC-V) - Mecrisp 2. #29 245 pts Conveyor (DOS) - Digimind 3. #25 240 pts invalid cast (DOS) - gopher / alcatraz 4. #28 229 pts On The Hunt (MicroW8) - luchak 5. #26 222 pts SLEEP (PICO-8) - p01 / ribbon 6. #22 190 pts Cracking the Code (PICO-8) - picopup 7. #11 170 pts RainbowFalls64 (TIC-80) - Pellicus 8. #23 165 pts KFRN (PICO-8) - p01 / ribbon 9. #15 156 pts lustrous (DOS) - hannu 10. #24 151 pts Attack on Venus (PICO-8) - zep 11. #18 148 pts static wave (PICO-8) - pancelor 12. #20 143 pts Spectral Sigil (PICO-8) - picopup #14 143 pts displaytest (PICO-8) - pancelor 14. #13 142 pts Last Christmas (TIC-80) - gigabates 15. #16 138 pts Rainbow Falls (TIC-80) - cyb?rt 16. #21 129 pts noise & order (DOS) - sensenstahl 17. #10 125 pts Little Greets (TIC-80) - Dresdenboy 18. #19 124 pts One Weird TIC (TIC-80) - dave84 19. #09 116 pts pokepokepoke (TIC-80) - HeNeArXn 20. #12 115 pts Weaves (TIC-80) - HeNeArXn 21. #05 110 pts Tense Descent (MicroW8) - luchak #03 110 pts Fabric (TIC-80) - ps 23. #06 109 pts WhiteNoise 64 bytes (TIC-80) - Pellicus 24. #07 107 pts Column64 (TIC-80) - Orby/Desire 25. #01 105 pts Wavy Noise (TIC-80) - Wojciech Graj 26. #08 103 pts trippyeyes_64b (PICO-8) - la1n #04 103 pts Colorful (TIC-80) - Wojciech Graj 28. #17 91 pts OutrunOnDrugs3D (PICO-8) - la1n 29. #02 77 pts word grid (TIC-80) - blinry 128 BYTE INTRO OLDSCHOOL 1. #11 243 pts barplasm (Atari XE/XL) - Koala / Agenda 2. #12 229 pts Formations (Atari XE/XL) - F#READY 3. #13 217 pts Parallax (Apple II) - deater / desire 4. #09 197 pts vape lyfe (Vectrex) - sebbert^rootkids 5. #04 180 pts March of the Triangles (BBC Master) - Tom Seddon (Bitshifters) 6. #07 169 pts undocumented XOR (ZX Spectrum) - g0blinish 7. #06 162 pts PLOT-Love (ZX Spectrum) - mike/zeroteam 8. #02 154 pts Gears128 (Apple II) - deater / desire 9. #10 146 pts black lodge transmissions (Commodore 64) - wacek/arise 10. #08 142 pts ghost in the machine (Commodore 64) - wacek/arise 11. #05 130 pts rasta128 (Atari Lynx) - 42Bastian 12. #03 121 pts PPdots (ZVT-PP01) - Busy / SinDiKat 13. #01 102 pts Monoscope119b (ZX Spectrum) - Kaszi75 128 BYTE INTRO HIGHEND 1. #06 241 pts Into the Light (DOS) - pestis / bC! 2. #05 197 pts Snowflake Collection (RISC-V) - Mecrisp 3. #02 182 pts Lovebeat (DOS) - b8horpet 4. #04 177 pts all your little fears (DOS) - sensenstahl 5. #03 174 pts Suburbs (DOS) - MX^Addict 6. #01 145 pts Valechum (DOS) - Optimus 128 BYTE INTRO FANTASY CONSOLE 1. #24 258 pts Shadows (MicroW8) - exoticorn/icebird 2. #22 237 pts Wake Up, Electric Sheeple! (TIC-80) - Algorias/Horology 3. #18 216 pts Far From Shore (MicroW8) - luchak 4. #17 211 pts Sunset in TIC City (TIC-80) - Orby/Desire 5. #19 199 pts Willow (TIC-80) - dave84 6. #14 196 pts tic-flag (TIC-80) - gopher / alcatraz 7. #21 195 pts Metadrops (TIC-80) - gigabates 8. #20 181 pts Falconnier (TIC-80) - HeNeArXn 9. #12 176 pts galaxy (TIC-80) - silvia 10. #23 173 pts RESCUE ON CIRCFILLUS (PICO-8) - p01 / ribbon #05 173 pts Spaceflower (NanoJammer) - p?p?/HMD 12. #15 170 pts RetroBoing-128 (TIC-80) - Pellicus 13. #13 158 pts Procedural Tunes for Digital Goons (PICO-8) - picopup 14. #16 157 pts Trench Run on Acid (TIC-80) - cyb?rt 15. #01 155 pts Waggle Wave (TIC-80) - Koorogi 16. #07 150 pts Corner (PICO-8) - picopup 17. #10 146 pts 0.0 (NanoJammer) - p?p? / HMD 18. #04 143 pts Interference (TIC-80) - Wojciech Graj 19. #11 140 pts Ripples (PICO-8) - parchmentEngineer 20. #08 136 pts A Sound That Comes Before (MicroW8) - luchak 21. #02 127 pts New York City 124 (TIC-80) - Logiker/VCC #06 127 pts Rosey Ring (TIC-80) - Nosferatu 23. #09 120 pts kamp?fill?r (PICO-8) - spenot 24. #03 110 pts Fabrocken (TIC-80) - ps 512 BYTE INTRO OLDSCHOOL 1. #06 263 pts Throwing Shapes (Amiga OCS) - gigabates 2. #05 217 pts Unexpected Duck (Apple II) - deater / desire 3. #01 197 pts Boca Chica Sunrise (Commodore 64) - GeirS 4. #04 193 pts The Rich Full Taste of My Precalc Tables (Amiga OCS) - Nosferatu/Offence 5. #03 181 pts oculi in purpura (Commodore 64) - wacek/arise 6. #02 138 pts Sommarhack-tro 2023 (Atari ST) - Tom^SMFX 512 BYTE INTRO HIGHEND 1. #15 286 pts In Search of Love (TIC-80) - pestis / bC! 2. #16 255 pts The Archives (MicroW8) - luchak 3. #11 254 pts ReTroXity ON Mirror (TIC-80) - Pellicus 4. #13 240 pts Sessions Invitro 2023 (PICO-8) - zep 5. #14 222 pts NiteRide (DOS) - y0bi / wAMMA 6. #10 208 pts Sorcerer Skirmish above Certainly City (PICO-8) - picopup 7. #06 205 pts None The Wiser (MicroW8) - luchak 8. #07 204 pts ByteTwister (TIC-80) - HeNeArXn 9. #09 189 pts minorscope (PICO-8) - elyon 10. #08 186 pts Metropolis (DOS) - MX^Addict #12 186 pts PolyPlanets (PICO-8) - SaltyPumpkin 12. #05 175 pts Lovegraph (Processing) - totetmatt 13. #04 173 pts Transfixed (PICO-8) - picopup 14. #01 160 pts Dark Planets (TIC-80) - Wojciech Graj 15. #02 136 pts SoundOfBrainfuck (PICO-8) - la1n 16. #03 116 pts Ibuprofen (Acorn Archimedes) - Optimus 8 BYTE INTRO SHOWCASE 1. #01 0 pts Proof of Concept 4b (ZX Spectrum) - g0blinish #02 0 pts Etude (Commodore 64) - nom de nom #03 0 pts navig8r (DOS) - Superogue / Marquee design #04 0 pts Digital Rain 7b (ZX Spectrum) - g0blinish #05 0 pts Synthwave camouflage (8088) - hannu #06 0 pts Hole #11 enigma (ZX Spectrum) - RMDA #07 0 pts acidcloud (Atari XE/XL) - Koala / Agenda #08 0 pts Luck & Love (DOS) - Superogue / Marquee Design #09 0 pts Loveb8 (Atari XE/XL) - F#READY #10 0 pts tiny_hgr (Apple II) - deater / desire 16 BYTE INTRO OLDSCHOOL 1. #20 139 pts Rainy Evening (Atari XE/XL) - F#READY 2. #19 136 pts Frantic (Atari XE/XL) - Superogue / Marquee Design 3. #18 125 pts nanoposts (ZX Spectrum) - baze / 3SC 4. #17 103 pts wooow (Atari XE/XL) - xeen / agenda #15 103 pts Microwaves In Pixels (ZX Spectrum) - Dalthon of Joker 6. #09 93 pts People on a Train (8088) - Koorogi 7. #10 87 pts beepbars (Atari XE/XL) - Koala / Agenda 8. #12 84 pts late at night, programming the odra 1304 (Commodore 64) - wacek/arise 9. #14 83 pts Field16 (Apple II) - deater / desire #13 83 pts Lander (Commodore 64) - ?RM / Dilemma 11. #16 82 pts weaving16 (Commodore 64) - Dtgr #08 82 pts col0fall (Commodore 64) - hannu 13. #07 79 pts Lo-key (Commodore 64) - nom de nom 14. #11 78 pts Red Lines (BK-0010) - Adam Bazaroff #02 78 pts Weave15 (Apple II) - deater / desire 16. #04 69 pts Caleidoscope (ZX Spectrum) - Dr Beep 17. #06 63 pts All Hail The Fish 'n' Chip Basterds! (Atari STe) - The Fish 'n' Chip Basterds 18. #05 58 pts 10 PRINT (BK-0010) - Alexander Tishin 19. #01 56 pts Hypno15b (ZX Spectrum) - g0blinish 20. #03 42 pts Pump Down The Volume! (Atari ST) - Spice Boys 16 BYTE INTRO HIGHEND 1. #06 119 pts Blue Ripple (DOS) - vok 2. #03 102 pts dance (DOS) - byteobserver 3. #01 98 pts Stripendium (DOS) - gopher / alcatraz 4. #05 97 pts Parallel (DOS) - Saenro 5. #04 94 pts Transition effects (DOS) - hannu 6. #02 92 pts Mud Slides Off (DOS) - Saenro 7. #07 90 pts compofiller16b (DOS) - pestis / bC! NANO GAME HIGHEND 1. #07 111 pts Wolf256 (JavaScript) - KilledByAPixel 2. #08 105 pts predictaball (PICO-8) - pancelor 3. #04 92 pts EndlessBreakoutFever (PICO-8) - la1n 4. #06 84 pts Omnisnake (TIC-80) - Wojciech Graj 5. #03 80 pts Flappy (PICO-8) - parchmentEngineer 6. #05 72 pts bouncer (DOS) - sensenstahl 7. #02 71 pts FixIt (PICO-8) - la1n 8. #01 64 pts Minisweeper (JavaScript) - KilledByAPixel NANO GAME OLDSCHOOL 1. #06 120 pts $F1 Racer (Commodore 64) - Wil, Pararaum, Freeze 2. #05 102 pts snake249 (Atari Lynx) - 42Bastian 3. #04 98 pts Flappy Bird 256 (Commodore 64) - Ko-Ko 4. #02 81 pts maze #96 (Commodore 64) - wacek/arise 5. #01 76 pts SOKOB 1/4 (ZX Spectrum) - Dr Beep 6. #03 60 pts F1 Pitstop Simulator (ZX Spectrum) - Dr Beep TINY CGA GRAPHICS 1. #30 178 pts Reborn - dstar 2. #29 174 pts The Pixellator - LamerDeluxe / Trepaan 3. #24 153 pts Valentine - Critikill / SWEET16 #14 153 pts autumn fox - spenot 5. #09 149 pts Cat-G-A! - Aki 6. #23 148 pts Thanks Ferrari - LamerDeluxe / Trepaan 7. #26 146 pts A mouse! - muffintrap / FCCCF 8. #15 138 pts Castle in morning fog - TiNKer #18 138 pts swans over the sea - sensenstahl/dsr 10. #22 135 pts Mad Tea Cup - teadrinker 11. #21 134 pts Hyperspeed - TiNKer 12. #27 129 pts The Eye of Joy! - Jade / DSR ^ Pico-Crew ^ SWEET16 ^ MS ^ Arsenic ^ EFT ^ Dune ^ HMD 13. #17 128 pts Cube of Squares - teadrinker 14. #28 126 pts Commander Keen out of retirement - pepe/HMD #20 126 pts cant look away ! - waso Lilan 16. #31 124 pts Anung Un Rama / Hell ^ BPRD - pepe/HMD 17. #05 123 pts Attack of the :3 - Nico/Slipstream 18. #32 120 pts Eh What? - Jade / DSR ^ Pico-Crew ^ SWEET16 ^ MS ^ Arsenic ^ EFT ^ Dune ^ HMD 19. #25 113 pts Moonbirb - Dragongold^TUHB 20. #13 112 pts Wheatley [Portal 2 Fanart] - Flashira / Frontation #12 112 pts Evening Sky - spiny #10 112 pts little mountain bytes - RaccoonViolet 23. #08 111 pts I am high - Critikill / SWEET16 24. #19 108 pts Humanity - kris 25. #16 101 pts Neon Cityscapes - Flashira / Frontation 26. #04 98 pts Music Shoppe - zoner/xylem 27. #07 94 pts Little Anima - Fluttershy^TUHB 28. #11 90 pts Libert?, ?galit?, Fraternit? - kris 29. #06 78 pts Moon 23 - Pararaum 1K INTRO OLDSCHOOL 1. #05 168 pts BlueFlame (Apple II) - deater / desire 2. #04 167 pts Waiting For Another LoveByte (ZX Spectrum) - Dalthon of Joker 3. #03 138 pts cyan1k (Commodore 64) - wacek/arise 4. #02 119 pts A2-4EVA (Atari VCS) - Deater 5. #01 115 pts ChemiChaos (ZX Spectrum) - g0blinish 1K INTRO HIGHEND 1. #12 222 pts Conveyor (Windows) - Alcatraz 2. #07 215 pts Sliver (Windows) - Seven 3. #11 209 pts Odd Future (DOS) - Abaddon 4. #09 195 pts One More Song (MicroW8) - luchak 5. #10 188 pts Countdown to extinction (Windows) - MX^Addict 6. #08 180 pts RTX-teroids 1k (TIC-80) - Pellicus 7. #06 178 pts FauxjiBoink! (TIC-80) - jtruk 8. #04 156 pts Fabracid (TIC-80) - ps + luchak 9. #05 150 pts sikistys (JavaScript) - t?htituho 10. #02 111 pts MinBytes (JavaScript) - KilledByAPixel 11. #03 98 pts Balls and Noises (Windows) - NR4/Team210 256 BYTE INTRO HIGHEND 1. #08 231 pts love at first byte (DOS) - gopher / alcatraz 2. #07 210 pts Firefly Lantern (RISC-V) - Mecrisp 3. #06 209 pts Gas Rainbows (JavaScript) - KilledByAPixel 4. #04 190 pts Race to the DeadLine (DOS) - MX^Addict 5. #03 184 pts Hamster Wheel [M?kusker?k] (DOS) - TomCat/Abaddon #09 184 pts Doodle Structures (JavaScript) - KilledByAPixel 7. #05 180 pts eater of aeons (DOS) - sensenstahl 8. #02 156 pts Fireworks (JavaScript) - KilledByAPixel 9. #01 138 pts descent & ascent (DOS) - sensenstahl 256 BYTE INTRO OLDSCHOOL 1. #22 273 pts entangler (ZX Spectrum) - baze / 3SC 2. #14 219 pts rodot (Atari Jaguar) - 42Bastian #18 219 pts Theta Waves (Commodore 64) - Schedar/Lethargy 4. #21 198 pts storm (Atari XE/XL) - Koala / Agenda #11 198 pts Sonar (ZX Spectrum) - dox/joker 6. #20 193 pts 256 bottles of rum (Commodore 64) - wacek/arise 7. #17 190 pts sail (Atari XE/XL) - Koala / Agenda 8. #15 189 pts 480 shapes of grey (ZX Spectrum) - Busy / SinDiKat 9. #19 166 pts Summer Night Storm (ZX Spectrum) - Tutty/Kpacku 10. #09 162 pts Stop smoking! (BK-0010) - KUVO/CSI 11. #08 154 pts Square Monuments (Atari XE/XL) - gorgh/Agenda 12. #12 151 pts Minimegademo (Commodore 64) - TCD & nom de nom / TROPE 13. #16 139 pts I Love The Dots (Commodore 64) - Samar Productions 14. #05 138 pts Planet of Pyramid Monsters (ZX Spectrum) - mike/zeroteam 15. #06 137 pts Dido (Atari Lynx) - 42Bastian 16. #13 129 pts Swirlin' Around (Dragon 32) - T?Bach/SLP^TUHB 17. #03 126 pts Lemming (Apple II) - deater / desire 18. #02 122 pts Mondrian 255 (Commodore 16/+4) - Logiker/VCC 19. #01 120 pts RipHic256b (ZX Spectrum) - Kaszi75 20. #10 116 pts Waves (Amstrad CPC) - Optimus 21. #07 112 pts Whole256 (ZX Spectrum) - Ikon & Busy / SinDiKat 22. #04 83 pts blazon tiny intro (Commodore 64) - Freeze 256 BYTE INTRO FANTASY CONSOLE 1. #36 228 pts Terrain Spotting (TIC-80) - gigabates 2. #35 216 pts VENERA (PICO-8) - p01 / ribbon 3. #30 207 pts tic-crypt (TIC-80) - gopher / alcatraz 4. #37 204 pts Order & Chaos (PICO-8) - rostok 5. #34 199 pts Educational Videotape Intro Sequence [Extended] (MicroW8) - luchak 6. #18 198 pts Ruin (PICO-8) - rostok 7. #31 195 pts Retrocean-256 (TIC-80) - Pellicus 8. #32 193 pts The Pompatus of Love (TIC-80) - aldroid 9. #17 187 pts Pillars of the Scene (TIC-80) - Orby/Desire 10. #27 184 pts Danger Inbound (TIC-80) - Dresdenboy 11. #13 176 pts Fuchsia (TIC-80) - dave84 12. #25 174 pts Martian Madrigal (TIC-80) - jtruk 13. #26 167 pts Eye of the Machine (TIC-80) - jtruk 14. #29 166 pts BJORNEN SOVER (PICO-8) - p01 / ribbon 15. #28 160 pts Degrading Tunnel (PICO-8) - picopup #14 160 pts Poolside (PICO-8) - luchak 17. #10 159 pts Always Watching (TIC-80) - The Watcher^TUHB 18. #23 158 pts Bit Rot (TIC-80) - cyb?rt 19. #19 153 pts Flower (TIC-80) - Koorogi 20. #24 150 pts Dither Is Fun (TIC-80) - HeNeArXn 21. #22 141 pts Tangle (PICO-8) - SaltyPumpkin 22. #07 140 pts RiseFaller (TIC-80) - ?RM / Dilemma #15 140 pts Starskater (TIC-80) - muffintrap / FCCCF 24. #05 138 pts win XP (TIC-80) - silvia 25. #33 131 pts Classic Zebras (TIC-80) - Xai 26. #16 127 pts Candle (PICO-8) - parchmentEngineer 27. #09 125 pts Lovebyte Celebration (PICO-8) - picopup #04 125 pts Christmas Tree (TIC-80) - Wojciech Graj 29. #21 122 pts notes are key (PICO-8) - elyon 30. #20 120 pts Batman'66 (TIC-80) - Lokki 31. #12 119 pts so isi (TIC-80) - blinry 32. #02 117 pts Lovejam (NanoJammer) - p?p?/HMD 33. #06 114 pts Circular Derealization 222 (TIC-80) - Logiker/VCC 34. #01 113 pts Bobbing Spheres (TIC-80) - Wojciech Graj 35. #11 110 pts My Heart Beats 4 Lovebyte (TIC-80) - PathmakerJen 36. #08 98 pts LoveBunny (TIC-80) - Lokki 37. #03 80 pts Warning Callout (PICO-8) - visy/Quadtrip BYTEBATTLE ALIA VS ORBY 1. #01 155 pts alia - alia 2. #02 117 pts orby - orby BYTEBATTLE ALIA VS PESTIS 1. #02 160 pts Pestis - Pestis 2. #01 108 pts Alia - Alia BYTEBATTLE GASMAN VS PESTIS 1. #02 103 pts Pestis - Pestis 2. #01 86 pts Gasman - Gasman BYTEBATTLE GASMAN VS TOBACH 1. #01 103 pts Gasman - Gasman 2. #02 90 pts ToBach - ToBach BATTLE JAM 1. #03 136 pts Mantratronic - Mantratronic 2. #01 127 pts Alia - Alia 3. #02 126 pts Orby - Orby 4. #04 108 pts ToBach - ToBach NANO AWARDS OLDSCHOOL 1. #04 217 pts Murkwood (Atari 8-bit, 256 bytes) - Ilmenit / Agenda 2. #02 196 pts Brave New World (Atari 8-bit, 256 bytes) - Marquee Design 3. #03 187 pts Help/Poltergeist (Commodore 64, 512 bytes) - 4gentE 4. #05 152 pts Dead Face of the Black Dahlia (ZX Spectrum, 256 bytes) - Dalthon / Joker 5. #01 150 pts Colorful Boxes (Atari ST, 32 bytes) - Gunstick / Unlimited Matricks NANO AWARDS HIGHEND 1. #02 225 pts Alien core (64 bytes) - Hellmood / Desire 2. #05 189 pts Linerider (256 bytes) - Sebbert / Rootkids 3. #03 188 pts Shiftride (128 bytes) - Marquee Design 4. #01 177 pts The dream we used to see (256 bytes) - Sensenstahl 5. #04 169 pts de6215 (256 bytes) - gopher / Alcatraz NANO AWARDS FANTASY CONSOLE 1. #01 274 pts Thrive (256 bytes) - Ilmenit / Agenda 2. #04 213 pts Pulsating Magic Orb (512 Bytes) - Pestis / bC! 3. #03 208 pts Relaxation Exericise (256 bytes) - Exoticorn 4. #02 191 pts Microlair (128 bytes) - Marquee Design 5. #05 171 pts 2nd Dramatic (512 bytes) - Dresdenboy =============================================================================== 144 votes were cast by 187 registered voters. 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Party Series
Lovebyte 2023 is a part of Lovebyte.