Throughout the whole of 2006, here there everywhere…all around international party places, DTV team has been more than warmly welcomed to share unique moments and great times with You! Did you really think we were homeless? No… Time has now come for DTV to get home for something special: After visiting yours, DTV is proud to invite you all at our own party place!! NUMERICA #01 In Montbéliard/ France March 09-11th, 2007 All the usual compos, ambiance, live concerts and NUMERICA#1 specials (Open Scene, DTV jingle compo; VIPs and more surprises…) are on the program for You! Be there with us! - Entries limited to 100 sceners!-




Going 13

tsr iks psenough sparcus _-_-__ havoc raimo willbe faxe mmu_man D.Fox Madame mbb

Interested 3

Dax kRadD Maali


Centre de Conférence Montbéliard

France France

                                    »Multimedia Center inside«
                                    »Multimedia Center Restaurant«
                                                                                »Multimedia Center DTV studio«
                                                                                »Multimedia Center outside«
                                            Photo from Foursquare (uncredited) Photo from Foursquare (uncredited) Photo from Foursquare (uncredited) Photo from Foursquare (uncredited) Photo from Foursquare (uncredited)


Entrance Fee

€30.00 Regular

€0.00 Girls

€15.00 Preregistration


Flyer for NUMERICA 2007: official NUMERICA party communication symbol

Party Series

NUMERICA 2007 is a part of Numerica.