
Type Date User Transaction Description
Property Old value New value
Url http://www.out-of-orderia.de/ null
Property Old value New value
Url http://www.out-of-orderia.de/ null
poti  poti 4aa49939
Property Old value New value
Publish Status created published
Published At null 2024-05-03 08:24:42
Property Old value New value
Publish Status created published
Published At null 2024-05-03 08:24:42
poti  poti 66982d56
Property Old value New value
Csdb Party null Out of Orderia 2001
Location null Hoppstädten-Weiersbach (City)
Twitter Hash Tag null
Property Old value New value
Csdb Party null Out of Orderia 2001
Location null Hoppstädten-Weiersbach (City)
Twitter Hash Tag null
poti  poti ba3d07bb Added Platform: C64
  Added Platform: C64
poti  poti ba3d07bb
Property Old value New value
Alternate Names null
Attendence Mode null OfflineEventAttendanceMode
Country null Germany
Demozoo Party null Out of Orderia 2001
End Date null 2001-12-30
Event Status null EventScheduled
Event Type null Demoparty
Name null Out of Orderia 2001
Period Accuracy null day
Publish Status null created
Slug null out-of-orderia/out-of-orderia-2001
Start Date null 2001-12-28
Eventseries null Out of Orderia
Twitter Hash Tag null
Url null http://www.out-of-orderia.de/
Property Old value New value
Alternate Names null
Attendence Mode null OfflineEventAttendanceMode
Country null Germany
Demozoo Party null Out of Orderia 2001
End Date null 2001-12-30
Event Status null EventScheduled
Event Type null Demoparty
Name null Out of Orderia 2001
Period Accuracy null day
Publish Status null created
Slug null out-of-orderia/out-of-orderia-2001
Start Date null 2001-12-28
Eventseries null Out of Orderia
Twitter Hash Tag null
Url null http://www.out-of-orderia.de/