New party instead of Gubbdata in 2023
. OFFICIAL PARTY BBS OF PAGADATA PARTY / / / \ \ . \ / __/¯¯\__ _/\__ _/\_ _/\___ _/\__ _/\___ _/\__ \ / . <_ /L__< / _ \_ \ < / _> / _ \_ / _> /_ \_ // ¯__> T</ __ _/ |> > </ ¯ \ </ __ _/ </ ¯ \ </ _/> < _> \_|-_/:. \> \__/ L_/. 7> .\_/. \> .\_/. 7> .\_/.. ¯ ,/_ |:::::::] :::::/::::::::::::::::/:::::::::::::::::::/:::::::::::::::| |¯¯\::/¯| ¯¯¯¯<::::/¯\::/¯¯¯¯\::\::/¯¯¯¯¯\:::/¯¯¯\::\::/¯¯¯¯\:::/¯¯¯| . . |__ |¯| | ____ |¯¯| _ |¯| ___ |¯¯¯¯| ____ |¯¯| __ |¯¯¯¯| |¯| ___| \|_|/ dNo\|__|/ \|_|/ \| |/ \|__|/ \| |/¯¯¯\|_|/ . / ¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯ \ _/\__ _/\__ __/\___ . ______ / _ \_ / _ \_ \_ _ \_ ______ / | __ | </ __ _/ </ __ _/ / <<___/ | __ | \ . / | | | |_/. \> .\_/. \> .\_/\____ \___| | | | \ . / | |__|:::::::::::::::::::::::::::\/::: ___|__| | \ | : |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\:::/¯¯¯¯¯\:::/¯¯\::::::/ | | : . : : |______ |¯¯| ____ |¯¯| _ |¯¯¯¯¯| ____| | : \ / : | \|__|/ \|__|/ \|_____|/ | | . / | |__________________________________________| | _/ | | \_ . / | > > > FRIABAD.HOPTO.ORG 64128 < < < | \ . / |______________________________________________| \ \____________________________________________/ / . . \ / . . / | \ . \ CALL AND JOIN THE FUN ! / . . \ __ ____ (__) ___ __ ____ __ ____ __ ___ ___ ___ ___ ( _ \ /__\ / __) /__\ ( _ \ /__\ (_ _) /__\ (__ \ / _ \(__ \ (__ ) )___//(__)\( (_-. /(__)\ )(_) )/(__)\ )( /(__)\ / _/( (_) )/ _/ (_ \ (__) (__)(__)\___/(__)(__)(____/(__)(__)(__)(__)(__) (____)\___/(____)(___/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ R E S U L T S ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ C64 Demo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. That thing I have about myself Fairlight 2. Engelbart Triad 3. Automata Inversion 4. Summer Postcard Fatzone 5. Cocktail 2 Triad 6. Pagaintro 2023 Software of Sweden 7. Little Oldskooler Intro Twilight/Excess ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ C64 Music ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Fegoldata Fegolhuzz 2. Blacklight Proton of Finnish Gold 3. Heart Klang 4. Pougatekk X-Jammer 5. Corny Vision 6. Zippo Blues Sidwave 7. Bacon Thief Eltopo/Triad ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ C64 Graphics ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Master of Puppets The Sarge 2. Take a bow Twoflower/Triad 3. Blacklight Facet/Bonzai/GP 4. Pagatos Danskjaevel 5. Zoltar Skyhawk/Triad 6. Lick it up Mikael 7. Kaer t0sa Berluskani 8. Folkets husmus Maskinkontakt/Saxtorp Trading 9. PETSCII - NOT DEMO Dino/Judas 10. Amiga Dos 1.3 Dino/Up Rough ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Amiga Demo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Lubricator Announce TEK ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Amiga Amos Demo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Lethal Precision Laxative Effects 2. Balltorp Elcrew 3. Papagago Platon 4. Alla Barnen Saxtorp Trading ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Amiga Music ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. X61 Slaze/Desire/Deflance 2. 015 Esau/Traktor 3. Pixel Bounce MA2E/>Desire 4. Summer Flowers II sLASH/TEK & Ok3anos/TEK 5. Derpaderpachipchip Wolk/SoS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Amiga GFX ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. De Svenska Demoscenarna 3CTops ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Wild Compo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. The Chorus Continues Castor of Inversion 2. Laser Vision Attract Mode Vision ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WE HOPE TO SEE YOU NEXT YEAR IN KVIDINGE DATA CITY !!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------expand
Entrance Fee
SEK 100.00 Regular
Party Series
Pågadata 2023 is a part of Pågadata.