Code, paint, compose and compete against other artists. To have fun and meet friends. Learn new stuff about coding, graphics or music. Meet people that you have talked/chatted to on the Internet. While Remedy in general is a party then SceneZone really is Party-Party! Be There Or Be Sorry…
Remedy Scenezone 2005 29 July > 1 August Contribs available at: Combined Music ------------- 1. Groet by Gr0gg0 2. Krakgods 3. Cyber Dawn Remix by Nexor Wild ---- 1. Flugan Som Dog I Windows by retro och Wberg 2. Wildcompo by Cockfags 3. Kaos I Hyttilanen by The GUMPA Brothers 3. Wuckererers by The GUMPA Brothers 4. Wildcomp by GreatLord 4. Arnold P? SZ by J[r] 4. PaxHeader 4. Roever by Roever_rl 4. Smygfilmar N?r Cyber Sover by Urkburk 4. Ge Mig Serial Till Guitarpro by Reek 3D Modeled Graphics ------------------- 1. Vaeska by Urkas 2. 111 by Chikubao och Birnee 3. Botnick by Penpen 4. Glock 17 by Urkburk 4. Orc by Weed Handdrawn Graphics ------------------ 1. Speakermouth by Penpen 2. Blah by Chikuba 3. 10th Anniversary by Nexor 4. Fikapaus I Chokladfabriken by Aemon 4. Art by Coben 4. Gubbe by Gr0gg0 4. CrapOnTheRun by Greenwing 4. Eldorado by Ismannen 4. The Portrait by Wibben (Kroax) Combined Demo Intro ------------------- 1. Tarisil by Talismoon 2. usch by Introx 3. Remedydots by Urkburk 4. fy by Introx Surprise Compo - Fast Coding (1h) --------------------------------- 1. Fastcoding by talismoon 2. Fastdemo by Gamkiller 3. Fast Demo by Greatlord 4. The HTML-demo by Penpen 4. PHP-demo by Proxxi 4. Fast Demo by Wberg 4. l0d1z ---EOF--- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Party archive @ ftp.scene.orgexpand
Entrance Fee
SEKÂ 400.00 Regular
Party Series
Remedy 2005 is a part of Remedy.