You may have heard the only Polish multiplatform scene event, Symphony, is no more. Does it mean Polish scene is dead? Not at all! We invite everybody to visit beautiful woods of southern Silesia region and join us in partying at Riverwash on 24 to 26 August. Foreigners get in for free.
Prize list published
8/20/07There's a general prize list available at the party website. Visit us!
FTP is up
7/25/07Party schedule announced
7/17/07Soundtracker 20th Anniversary Compo
6/19/07Search for sponsors with us
6/14/07ASCII compo and prizes
6/11/07Concert at the party
Szymocice, Nedza county, Silesia district, Poland
Powiat raciborski
Entrance Fee
€0.00 Girls
€0.00 Foreign
Party Series
Riverwash 2007 is a part of Riverwash.