
Type Date User Transaction Description
poti  poti b2e0b7c5
Property Old value New value
Scene Org Result null parties/2024/shadowparty24/info/results.txt
Property Old value New value
Scene Org Result null parties/2024/shadowparty24/info/results.txt
poti  poti 988a0c27
Property Old value New value
Csdb Party null Shadow Party 2024
Property Old value New value
Csdb Party null Shadow Party 2024
poti  poti 8f3af9d6
Property Old value New value
Pouet Party null Shadow Party 2024
Property Old value New value
Pouet Party null Shadow Party 2024
poti  poti 41c8f602
Property Old value New value
Scene.org Path null parties/2024/shadowparty24
Property Old value New value
Scene.org Path null parties/2024/shadowparty24
poti  poti 3515f4bd
Property Old value New value
Darklite Party null Shadow Party 2024
Property Old value New value
Darklite Party null Shadow Party 2024
ce9cb014 Removed Link: discord: https://discord.gg/2mEc4pXvWb
  Removed Link: discord: https://discord.gg/2mEc4pXvWb
poti  poti a4487cf4
Property Old value New value
Demozoo Party null Shadow Party 2024
Property Old value New value
Demozoo Party null Shadow Party 2024
poti  poti 3e86b64e
Property Old value New value
Publish Status in_approval published
Published At null 2024-03-21 13:20:02
Property Old value New value
Publish Status in_approval published
Published At null 2024-03-21 13:20:02
poti  poti 291b02ae
Property Old value New value
Claim null BBQ edition IRL
Name Shadow Party 2024 BBQ edition IRL Shadow Party 2024
Slug shadow-party/shadow-party-2024-bbq-edition-irl shadow-party/shadow-party-2024
Property Old value New value
Claim null BBQ edition IRL
Name Shadow Party 2024 BBQ edition IRL Shadow Party 2024
Slug shadow-party/shadow-party-2024-bbq-edition-irl shadow-party/shadow-party-2024
poti  poti 8f2c6a44 Added Link: discord: https://discord.gg/2mEc4pXvWb
  Added Link: discord: https://discord.gg/2mEc4pXvWb
poti  poti 8f2c6a44
Property Old value New value
Description Hi folks, Shadow Party is back for a fantastic BBQ edition. The party will take place at Givry en Argonne in Val d'Ante premiceses. The team will warm welcome you in French, English, German, Thaï and so on ! Beside the party, you'll be able to enjoy the nice landscape of Givry en Argonne, which is the french Los Angeles of this part of the world !! We'll prepare you some suprises (bring your sneakers !) that will come up with plenty of drinks and food ! More details coming up on the [https://shadow-party.org/](https://shadow-party.org/) and [https://discord.gg/2mEc4pXvWb](https://discord.gg/2mEc4pXvWb) Hi folks, Shadow Party is back for a fantastic BBQ edition. The party will take place at Givry en Argonne in Val d'Ante premiceses. The team will warm welcome you in French, English, German, Thaï and so on! Beside the party, you'll be able to enjoy the nice landscape of Givry en Argonne, which is the french Los Angeles of this part of the world!! We'll prepare you some suprises (bring your sneakers!) that will come up with plenty of drinks and food!
Twitter Hash Tag null
Property Old value New value
Description Hi folks, Shadow Party is back for a fantastic BBQ edition. The party will take place at Givry en Argonne in Val d'Ante premiceses. The team will warm welcome you in French, English, German, Thaï and so on ! Beside the party, you'll be able to enjoy the nice landscape of Givry en Argonne, which is the french Los Angeles of this part of the world !! We'll prepare you some suprises (bring your sneakers !) that will come up with plenty of drinks and food ! More details coming up on the [https://shadow-party.org/](https://shadow-party.org/) and [https://discord.gg/2mEc4pXvWb](https://discord.gg/2mEc4pXvWb) Hi folks, Shadow Party is back for a fantastic BBQ edition. The party will take place at Givry en Argonne in Val d'Ante premiceses. The team will warm welcome you in French, English, German, Thaï and so on! Beside the party, you'll be able to enjoy the nice landscape of Givry en Argonne, which is the french Los Angeles of this part of the world!! We'll prepare you some suprises (bring your sneakers!) that will come up with plenty of drinks and food!
Twitter Hash Tag null
p0ke  p0ke 193dad07 Added Image
  Added Image
p0ke  p0ke 193dad07 Added Platform: C64
  Added Platform: C64
p0ke  p0ke 193dad07 Added Platform: Apple
  Added Platform: Apple
p0ke  p0ke 193dad07 Added Platform: ZX Spectrum
  Added Platform: ZX Spectrum
p0ke  p0ke 193dad07 Added Platform: Amiga
  Added Platform: Amiga
p0ke  p0ke 193dad07 Added Platform: PC
  Added Platform: PC
p0ke  p0ke 193dad07 Added Platform: Amstrad CPC
  Added Platform: Amstrad CPC
p0ke  p0ke 193dad07 Added Platform: Atari
  Added Platform: Atari
p0ke  p0ke 193dad07 Added Platform: Multiplatform
  Added Platform: Multiplatform
p0ke  p0ke 193dad07
Property Old value New value
Alternate Names null
Attendence Mode null MixedEventAttendanceMode
Country null France
Description null Hi folks, Shadow Party is back for a fantastic BBQ edition. The party will take place at Givry en Argonne in Val d'Ante premiceses. The team will warm welcome you in French, English, German, Thaï and so on ! Beside the party, you'll be able to enjoy the nice landscape of Givry en Argonne, which is the french Los Angeles of this part of the world !! We'll prepare you some suprises (bring your sneakers !) that will come up with plenty of drinks and food ! More details coming up on the [https://shadow-party.org/](https://shadow-party.org/) and [https://discord.gg/2mEc4pXvWb](https://discord.gg/2mEc4pXvWb)
Email null p0ke@hotmail.co.th
End Date null 2024-06-30
Event Status null EventScheduled
Event Type null Demoparty
Location null Givry en Argonne (City)
Name null Shadow Party 2024 BBQ edition IRL
Period Accuracy null day
Publish Status null in_approval
Slug null shadow-party/shadow-party-2024-bbq-edition-irl
Start Date null 2024-06-29
Eventseries null Shadow Party
Timezone null Europe/Paris
Twitter Hash Tag null
Url null https://shadow-party.org/
Property Old value New value
Alternate Names null
Attendence Mode null MixedEventAttendanceMode
Country null France
Description null Hi folks, Shadow Party is back for a fantastic BBQ edition. The party will take place at Givry en Argonne in Val d'Ante premiceses. The team will warm welcome you in French, English, German, Thaï and so on ! Beside the party, you'll be able to enjoy the nice landscape of Givry en Argonne, which is the french Los Angeles of this part of the world !! We'll prepare you some suprises (bring your sneakers !) that will come up with plenty of drinks and food ! More details coming up on the [https://shadow-party.org/](https://shadow-party.org/) and [https://discord.gg/2mEc4pXvWb](https://discord.gg/2mEc4pXvWb)
Email null p0ke@hotmail.co.th
End Date null 2024-06-30
Event Status null EventScheduled
Event Type null Demoparty
Location null Givry en Argonne (City)
Name null Shadow Party 2024 BBQ edition IRL
Period Accuracy null day
Publish Status null in_approval
Slug null shadow-party/shadow-party-2024-bbq-edition-irl
Start Date null 2024-06-29
Eventseries null Shadow Party
Timezone null Europe/Paris
Twitter Hash Tag null
Url null https://shadow-party.org/