Syntax is a computer festival, dedicated solely to the demoscene. We figured it was about time that Melbourne (and for that matter, the rest of eastern Australia) hold a demoscene event – something seriously needed down here for some years now. So check out the site, get a production on the go and we'll see you at the party!
---------------------------=======SYNTAX 2007=======------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ::"""""""""""""""" ::"";;;;;;;;;;;;"" !!ff!!!!ff;; ::"";;;;;;;;;;;;"" ""ff!!!!ff!! ;;;;;;;;;;:: ::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;"" ::;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;:: ::!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ::;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;"";; ::wwwwnnffffeewwUU ;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;; ::;;;;:: ;;;; ::ff!!!!""""!!!!ff:: ;;;; ::ff!!!!""""!!!!ff:: ;;!!""""!!!!""""!!:: ::wweeeeeeeeeewwwweeeeeeeeeeee ::!!""""!!!!""""!!:: ::!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:: ::UUwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwUUUU ::!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:: !!!!!!!!!!!!"""":: ::UUUUwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww ::""""!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!""zzDD;; DDDDUUwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwUUUU ""DDzz""!!!!!!!!!! ;;""!!!!!!!!"""":: wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwweennnn:: """""""""""""";; ::;;;;"""";;;;;; ::UUwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwnn::;;;; ;;:: :::: :: !!nn::::"";; UUDDUUwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwee;;;;;; :: zz!! ;;"" ;;:: eewwwwUUUUUUUUUUUUUUwwww""!!!! :::: :::: ;;"" wwUUwwnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnzzzzzz;; :::::: !!!!!!""""""""""""""!! :::: ;;;;""!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:: """"!!!!!!!!ffffffffzz:: ;;::!!!!!!:: ""!!!! !!!!ff:: ""!!!! !!ffff ----------------------------=======SYNTAX 2007=======------------------------- DEMOPARTY : MELBOURNE 21st July 2007 ------------------------------------results----------------------------------- DEMO - NEWSCHOOL: #1* "Virtual Future" by Trem Trio (windows & C64) 32 points #2 "?" by (party version) (windows) 27 points #3 "Trip" by e64&cTrix (windows 4k) 26 points #4 "Shaped Bassss" by Trem Trio (windows) 19 points #5 "Simple Life" by Jimage (windows) 12 points #6 "Rob is Jarig" by Aardbei (windowS) 0 points DEMO - OLDSCHOOL: #1*^ "Cubinator" by disasterarea (commodore vic-20) 43 points #2 "Loadershit" by An4kiR (amiga ECS) 32 points #3 "Still Not a Scener" Warriors of t Wasteland (C64) 29 points #4 "Random Syntax Party Demo" by cTrix (amiga ECS) 23 points #5 "Random" by DuncBot (SpectraVideo) 3 points * - Winner of category (engraved on perpetual shield) ^ - winner of Syntax Demoparty Perpetual Shield (most votes) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ANIMATION: #1 "Petey & Jaydee meet the c64 logo" by Trem Trio 41 points #2 "Big screen business" by ginnie of Razor1911 24 points ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- MUSIC: #1 "(the adventures of Willy) Squeamish" by An4kiR 43 points #2 "Assassin 1993" by cTrix 39 points #3 "_" by gaiaSword 21 points ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- FAST DRAWING: #1 syntax party fast drawing by alumunum (biggest cheer) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------expand
Venue Confirmed, Compos Confirmed.
7/11/07It is official. Syntax has a Venue! You can find out where on the information page
Registration System Online
Entrance Fee
€0.00 Regular
Party Series
Syntax 2007 is a part of Syntax.