. . . . : _ ________________ _. _ _________ _ __ : __|_____\\ \ / |______ ___/ //_____|__ )_\ | \____ ____/ _ \ ___)_____ | /_( | |____| _ ____| \\_ _____ / | | |___ /\ _/ \/ | .____ / \ | ____| \ ___. _ ___________ _ __ / \\ _ _____/\ _ _________ _____ / | \\ |______ /__)_. \/ \ .__ \\ / ___/ // \ | \ ____/ |_ \/ \ __/ \ ____/ ___)_____ \____________/ ______ //__| _ ____ '/_|| \_| \_ _| _ ________ / . /\ \/ \/ |_________/|________/ . yop \/ | / \ ._________ | ____ / \\ _ _______ _ ______ _ ________ _ __| _/____/\ / \/ \ ___/ ___/ /__)_. \ | __ //____ // \/ \ ___)_____ ___)_____ ____/ |_ \ | \ \/ \ /______|| \_ _____ /_______ /__| _ ____ '/_|\______|___________/ |_________/ \/ \/ \/ December 28th-30th 2008 Karlsruhe-Durlach - Germany t h e U l t i m a t e M e e t i n g 2 o o 8 - R e s u l t s ! _ _____ . ______________________________________________________ . _____ _ //_:_\\ //_:_\\ | | | | | Competition.....................Loop | | _ ________________________________ _ | : : o1 108 Geh mir aus dem Weg - Lady Hanroer o2 101 Weihnachtsdisko - red/Titan^Mercury o3 93 loophudelei - keith303 o4 85 weakened proximity gestalt - kai valya o5 84 loop - eha o6 79 tum-waltz - scythoior o7 76 Goop Symphony - Jocke o8 73 on the run - nt o9 71 Atmosph?re - Dica Gresyl 10 66 racket - ewerybody / braincontrol 11 61 Green Mars Frog - Hopper/SquoQuo 12 52 Too small - Hubert Gorbach^Gorbach Consulting 13 49 geht doch - psykon 14 43 Loop815 - 2KTK 15 35 bubu - Mme Groteske 16 35 Dont start dont stop - Henne / The Dreams | Competition........Fixed Style Music | | _ ________________________________ _ | : : o1 96 Far from Home - Jason Cane o2 83 Starlight Spanking - Captain Comet o3 75 Aldebaran - ./crc-0vR1D3 | Competition.........Executable Music | | _ ________________________________ _ | : : o1 109 Lost World - Payne / Brain Control o2 108 Oldschool fever - pOWL / Alcatraz o3 95 torchbot - Gasman / Hooy-Program^AY Riders | Competition............Tracked Music | | _ ________________________________ _ | : : o1 108 Rock Solid - jco o2 83 Crisis of the Middle East - Trancerboy / TheKool o3 63 unheld beliefes - nt o4 28 weird world - ./neuralNET - ./crc-0vR1D3 | Competition...........Streamed Music | | _ ________________________________ _ | : : o1 133 L'anima campa - jco & palindrome o2 128 Android Girl - Doctor Retroid o3 95 Sky Phenomena - DC.Clark o4 85 stereotype (compo cut) - xni ^ rno o5 83 F?tenunterricht - paniq o6 75 Beteigeuze Buyout - Bam Splatter o7 69 automutilation - keith303 | Competition........Oldskool Graphics | | _ ________________________________ _ | : : o1 257 valorous riders - kai valya o2 177 Break All Swords - Ragnarok / METALVOTZE o3 115 Arielle's bitch twin - Lady Hanroer o4 106 dry - stun - kill - Sampaguita o5 104 And they asked me... What is Bhudda - Exin | Competition...4K Executable Graphics | | _ ________________________________ _ | : : o1 170 Let Me Think - Laika & Psycho / Loonies o2 164 Gateway to Hell - Strepto & Hunta / Brain Control o3 50 House at the Mountains - HiSt (BITS) | Competition....Modern Tools Graphics | | _ ________________________________ _ | : : o1 194 Character Study - D.Fox / Digital Overflow o2 180 Welcome home, my dear. - Raven/Nuance o3 140 Schinkenb?ller - Hopper/SquoQuo o4 119 Im Schatten - psykon^hg o5 118 Schwatana - WeezZ o6 115 The Pussy Headed Queen - Vinz Van Goth/??? o7 115 VoicesInMyHead - Prince / ObsessedManiacs / Dienstagstreff / dieChefrocker / Neoplasia o8 90 Grenz?berschreitung - Samurai / Inter Development o9 30 Christmas - | Competition.....................Game | | _ ________________________________ _ | : : o1 236 Stroker - METALVOTZE | Competition.....................WiLD | | _ ________________________________ _ | : : o1 136 l'hopf (anders) - orange o2 96 Waschb?r - Screensaver - The Red Scarves o3 55 Essay - Samurai / Inter Development | Competition.........Combined Low-End | | _ ________________________________ _ | : : o1 286 Aeon - Triebkraft & 4th Dimension o2 227 The Big Holstein - K2 o3 89 GCS CRYPT/C64 Demo - Troublemaker/Crypt | Competition..............High-End 4k | | _ ________________________________ _ | : : o1 267 belgian summer - cOcOOn / Bonzai Bros o2 143 HYPNOTOAD - luni o3 136 nerdcube - urs o4 124 Space Colony - xTr1m ^ BluFlame o5 76 Start the journey - Mr. Vain of Secretly! o6 42 treiber kaputt - bitphallus | Competition.............High-End 64k | | _ ________________________________ _ | : : o1 255 Objektgeballer 3 - the NEVER o2 119 fr-minus-013: eskimonologie - BeRo, freQvibez o3 46 Chefkochrocker - Stroboholics | Competition............High-End Demo | | _ ________________________________ _ | : : o1 331 Zapdrumm - Speckdrumm o2 196 fr-minus-012: palindromeda suger - farbrausch o3 174 The Ugly and the Beast - SquoQuo o4 122 Two Hands Full Of Fist - Speedfisters / Titans on Meth / Stroboholics o5 100 SP04 - Surstr?mming Supreme - SpacePigs o6 99 we do not exist - we do not exist . . ___ | | ___ _) /_|____ ____|_\ (_ : //____ __ _ _ __ ____\\ : . .expand
After party pages are online
1/3/09While the releases are in approval at, we've already put up the after party pages. There you can look at the results…
News update: register, ansi compo & hotels
11/20/08the Ultimate Meeting 2008 Website is online
Entrance Fee
€35.00 Regular
Party Series
the Ultimate Meeting 2008 is a part of the Ultimate Meeting.