As you might have already noticed, this year's tUM won't be business as usual.

As the landlord or the Festhalle Durlach annoyed us for so long (by not sending a contract, not providing the ordered beverages, closing down our organizing area without telling us etc.) we decided that it's time for a change.

So, please bear with us while we figure out how to deliver the usual enjoyable experience you're expecting at the Ultimate Meeting.



Going 15

Saga+Musix TMC%5BROLE%5D Bombe styx%5Ehcr Tolle las Ish Santa D.Fox Madame mog BeRo Princess+Knoeki kb_ mbb


Hegelsberghalle Griesheim

Sterngasse 75
64347 Griesheim, Hessen
Germany Germany

Photo from Foursquare (uncredited) 2
Photo from Foursquare (uncredited)


Entrance Fee

€35.00 Regular

€25.00 Compo Ticket

€75.00 Supporter Ticket

Party Series

the Ultimate Meeting 2012 is a part of the Ultimate Meeting.