
Type Date User Transaction Description
poti  poti 54c83e31
Property Old value New value
Demozoo Party null Transmission64 2024
Property Old value New value
Demozoo Party null Transmission64 2024
poti  poti 1b0ebe33
Property Old value New value
Csdb Party null Transmission64 2024
Property Old value New value
Csdb Party null Transmission64 2024
poti  poti a737a8c6
Property Old value New value
Demozoo Party null Transmission64 2024
Property Old value New value
Demozoo Party null Transmission64 2024
poti  poti 67d307fb
Property Old value New value
Publish Status in_approval published
Published At null 2024-01-17 10:41:54
Property Old value New value
Publish Status in_approval published
Published At null 2024-01-17 10:41:54
poti  poti 73f11a65
Property Old value New value
Alternate Names 1: Transmission64 #5
Name Transmission64 2024 (#5) Transmission64 2024
Slug transmission64/transmission64-2024-5 transmission64/transmission64-2024
Twitter Hash Tag null
Property Old value New value
Alternate Names 1: Transmission64 #5
Name Transmission64 2024 (#5) Transmission64 2024
Slug transmission64/transmission64-2024-5 transmission64/transmission64-2024
Twitter Hash Tag null
Property Old value New value
Url https://transmission64.com/ null
Property Old value New value
Url https://transmission64.com/ null
anonym  anonym 73a85293 Added Image
  Added Image
anonym  anonym 73a85293 Added Platform: C64
  Added Platform: C64
anonym  anonym 73a85293
Property Old value New value
Alternate Names null
Attendence Mode null OnlineEventAttendanceMode
Claim null the c64 online demoparty
Country null Belgium
Description null The 5th Transmission64 online Commodore c64 demo party will take place on November 23rd, 2024. The deadline for your competition entries is November 22nd, 2024 16:00 CET. The party system will be live about 1 week before the party. Featuring the following compos (for the Commodore 64) * Demo Compo * 4k Compo * Screen fader compo * BASIC oneliner compo * Music * PETSCII * Graphics
Email null hello@transmission64.com
End Date null 2024-11-23
Event Status null EventScheduled
Event Type null Demoparty
Name null Transmission64 2024 (#5)
Period Accuracy null day
Publish Status null in_approval
Slug null transmission64/transmission64-2024-5
Start Date null 2024-11-23
Eventseries null Transmission64
Timezone null Europe/Brussels
Twitter Hash Tag null
Url null https://transmission64.com/
Property Old value New value
Alternate Names null
Attendence Mode null OnlineEventAttendanceMode
Claim null the c64 online demoparty
Country null Belgium
Description null The 5th Transmission64 online Commodore c64 demo party will take place on November 23rd, 2024. The deadline for your competition entries is November 22nd, 2024 16:00 CET. The party system will be live about 1 week before the party. Featuring the following compos (for the Commodore 64) * Demo Compo * 4k Compo * Screen fader compo * BASIC oneliner compo * Music * PETSCII * Graphics
Email null hello@transmission64.com
End Date null 2024-11-23
Event Status null EventScheduled
Event Type null Demoparty
Name null Transmission64 2024 (#5)
Period Accuracy null day
Publish Status null in_approval
Slug null transmission64/transmission64-2024-5
Start Date null 2024-11-23
Eventseries null Transmission64
Timezone null Europe/Brussels
Twitter Hash Tag null
Url null https://transmission64.com/