We are glad to announce BASE-X 2015 - a virtual democompo for ZX Spectrum (15 Nov 2015).
Short rules:
- ZX Spectrum 48/128
- Demo must be in TAP format (necessarily) and in TRD format (optional)
- Pure ZX Spectrum BASIC with the only one exception: music can be played on interrupts with standard player(ProTracker, Beepola etc.). Example: Silabba by Target Team (http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=53471).
- You can submit your work (from now) and vote (after 15 Nov 2015) at http://events.retroscene.org.
You can ask any questions about the compo at http://hype.retroscene.org/blog/events/277.html or via e-mail: diver4d at gmail dot com.