International event dedicated to the ZX Spectrum, co-organized by Associação Inércia and Load ZX Museum. Taking place in Cantanhede, Portugal.
- International guests
- Demoscene Competitions
- Workshops
. _ : 7 : : / \ : : \ : % \ . X / -\------------------------ . Z ----------------------------- \_ ' % _/ Z ________ / . X ____\ / ____ % : _ /______ / ___ /___ / /__ . _ ._ ________ ___\// / \ Z/__/_\ \/ _/_ \---:/ ___/ _/-------/ _ /_\ \/ /__ _\_________ \______ _/ \ / Z/__/ __/ __ _\____/_\_____ _/ \_ X/ / X/ T \ _ ____/__ X/ __/ /____ __\ X/ | / / / / _! \ T X/ _/ __ \_ Z/ \ / | / /\______\----\___! / T----\____/_______/ \_ -/_______ \------------- ; . -------------/ __________/- /________\\ __ % __ //_______\!NE7/dS! ------------------\------- >> 2 0 2 4 ! << -------/-------------------- \ . : / / : / \ x . . x X _ ' X . Z . / % / \ _ : / % : _/ X : Z / : . :. : : / / \ ' \ BAZEMATIC JAM xx. lordcoxis xx. mr_spiv xx. rzxm xx. sq [R] xx. gasman [R] xx. tmk [R] xx. superogue [R] ZX GRAPHICS 1. #09 71 pts Diane - The Sarge/Fairlight [R] 2. #07 57 pts Return of the Street Samurai - Suule / Oftenhide [R] #10 57 pts Mona - RayNoa^MHM [R] 4. #06 49 pts Tiago Monteiro - D0k^RA [R] 5. #03 45 pts ZX and Multipaint - Jae686 6. #04 43 pts EviL-RTX_ON - EviL/Accession 7. #08 42 pts Stormtrooper Luke - Katoyama [R] 8. #02 39 pts bestfriends - iCe303 [R] #05 39 pts Nest - Error [R] 10. #01 23 pts Sunshine in the sea - Filippp ZX MUSIC 1. #04 72 pts Highball - Mibri / MultiStyle Labs [R] 2. #06 61 pts Wake Up! - Aki [R] 3. #05 53 pts dat zaza be hittin fr - DeMOSic/MS [R] 4. #02 47 pts EviL-Sequence_9000 - EviL/Accession 5. #03 37 pts ufms of portugal district - artёmka // wbcbz7 [R] 6. #01 35 pts 240428 - ps WILD SHOWCASE 1. #02 56 pts Unfinished Business - Marquee Design [R] 2. #01 30 pts 53c Sunset - ps ZX 256B INTRO 1. #01 26 pts Just Relax - FOYM [R] ZX DEMO (no entries) =============================================================================== 22 votes were cast by 43 registered voters. Made possible by Wuhu - http://wuhu.function.huexpand
Museu Load ZX Spectrum
Largo do Conselheiro Ferreira Freire / EN 335