__ __ ____ ____ _ _ ____ \ \ / /__ / ___|__ _ _ __ |___ \| | _/ |___ \ \ \ /\ / / _ \ | / _` | '_ \ __) | |/ / | __) | \ V V / __/ |__| (_| | | | | / __/| <| |/ __/ \_/\_/ \___|\____\__,_|_| |_| |_____|_|\_\_|_____| ===================================================== 14-16 September, Lodz, Poland Demo ---------------------------------------------------- #1 Breath by Futuris 67.0 #2 Beginning by Elude 62.0 #3 Shs10 by SPY 35.0 #4 Awaken by Sigflup 27.0 Intro ---------------------------------------------------- #1 Wave AtraKKtor by KK/DMA 65.0 #2 X3 by flopi 32.0 #3 Mundown by Jim Kennedy of Supermies 30.0 #4 Isfalion by Darklight 11.0 #5 Blurya by Phibrizzo 10.0 Game ---------------------------------------------------- #1 2 slowa do ojca dyr. by LovelyHanibal 50.0 256b ---------------------------------------------------- #1 Zebate by fsqrt 82.0 #2 Matrix Attempt by Eliot 44.0 Wild/Anim ---------------------------------------------------- #1 Od milionow lat by Hedfirst + Nabij 46.0 #2 Chyba, ze z kolegami by ZSD 41.0 #3 Lucid dream mapping by Space f!ght 22.0 #4 Asm Funeral by Grabek 9.0 Newschool Graphics ---------------------------------------------------- #1 Punished Birds by Deesis 76.0 #2 Spring by slizgi 61.0 #3 Tickets please! by Phaere 30.0 #4 Hemorragie by Rorque/Madwizards 27.0 #5 Salon by snowbunny 22.0 #6 Worlds End by H4Z 17.0 Streaming Music ---------------------------------------------------- #1 Moc by T-101 54.0 #2 The Sky aboove the Earth by Dakota 40.0 #3 Space by Traymuss 36.0 #4 GreatMagicDiscoBall by Mercury 34.0 #5 Invisible Shade of 3rd Sister by V0yager 33.0 #6 Tokyo at Night by Chaser / Elude 32.0 #7 Nova by Falcon 31.0 #8 Touchpoints by Argasek 30.0 #9 One Day I Wish To Have A Space Turtle by AceMan 28.0 #10 Grave by f7sus4 26.0 #11 Sunfruits Avenue (Remix) by Raiden & Dan 25.0 #12 Enterprise by dRbiG 23.0 #12 Radler by moosh/wizz.arts ^ atmosphere 23.0 #14 Teeny-Weeny Dance by Jakim 22.0 #14 Shadows Of Me And You by KAM_ 22.0 #16 Schonochleb by Daktari 17.0 #17 L-Wolf / Elude by Early Bird 15.0 #18 Riftonian Universe by gsx 14.0 Soundtracker Music ---------------------------------------------------- #1 Mercury by Mercury 44.0 #2 Sloniowe Ucho by Malfunction 37.0 #2 Copy & Paste by Michu 37.0 Chip Music ---------------------------------------------------- #1 Arrrr!ghwblwubwubwub by AceMan 51.0 #2 Funk Factory by Michu 36.0 #2 Trymbaland and Scissorro by V0yager 36.0 #4 Breaking Bad by Klax/Oxygen64 30.0 #5 Dum-dee-dum by Jakim 24.0 #6 Beat of the 8-bit by KAM_ 22.0 #7 Avenger by dRbiG 13.0expand
Party Series
WeCan 2012 is a part of Wecan.