A non-commercial computer arts and multimedia festival held annually - this year for the sixth time! Expect a wide variety of creative competitions, groovy live-acts, mind-blowing seminars, retro-gaming and much more!
Come and join us for a weekend full of fun, meeting old friends or making new ones!
_____ _____ __ \ \ / // / __ _________ _______________________ __ _\ \______________ / // / / // \\__ __________ // // _______// // / / // / \ \ / / / // // / \\ \ / // / / // / \ ' /_________/ // // / \ \\ \ / // / / // / \__ /\____________// // / \ \\ \ / // / / // / / / / // / \ \\ \/ // / / </ /________/ /______________/ // /_______\ \\_______// / \ ____________/\_________________ //______ / \ \ _____ __ / / / /\_______ \ \ \ \ \\ \ / \ / / \ \ \ \ \ \\ \ / \ / /___________\ \ \ \ \ \\ \ / / \ \ / __________________\ \ \____________\ \\ \/ / \ \/ / \_________________/\__________/ \______/\ ____________________ \_____________________\ D I O S S A L V E L A P A N T A L L A resultados oficiales \ \ \ _ _ _ / / / ----_--/-`___//_`_-_--/-/------------------------------------------------- ---/_//_,-/_//_,/-/-//_/------------------------------------------PCDEMO.- --/----------------------------------------------------------------------- / / / 01 217 NSTRM by holon x poo-brain / / / 02 206 About US by Still \ \ \ 03 190 X-Mas with your family by Attentionwhore \ \ \ 04 126 AK-05: Deadline Driven Development by Paraguay & / / / AateKorjaamo / / / \ \ \ \ \ \ _ _ _ _ / / / ---_--/-/_-_--/_-._--_--/-|___--/-`__./|/_/__/-/-------------------------- --/_-/_//-/-//_///-//_'/_.'-/_//_,--//-|-/-//_/------------------PCINTRO.- ---------------------------/---------------------------------------------- / / / 01 249 Introspection by LJ & Virgill / / / 02 172 Hardcyber by Team210 \ \ \ \ \ \ / / / _ __ _ _ / / / ---'//_-/_`/___./|/_/__/-/------------------------------------------------ --/_._//_//_/-//-|-/-//_/-------------------------------------------256B.- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- / / / 01 232 Essence 64b by HellMood/DESiRE \ \ \ 02 200 My beloved Berlin by Kuemmel \ \ \ 03 182 Scherenarbeitsbühne by Harekiet / / / 04 112 QB party - I MISS YOU :) by TomCat / Abaddon / / / \ \ \ \ \ \ _ / / / ---_--/---_/-__--/_-_--_--/___--/--_-_/__/|_--__-_--/_`------------------- --/_//_,/_/_\/_-/-//_//_//_,/_//_,/_|/--/-/_///-/-/._/-----------OLDPLAT.- ---------------------------/---------------------------------------------- / / / 01 191 too old to die young by dreamweb / / / 02 115 Silly Venture 2019 invitation by Axi0maT, AceMan, \ \ \ Moonie & Grey \ \ \ 03 108 Chantal No. 5 by Aal Schlagerfeld / / / 04 80 FunnyRasters by Twilight of EXCESS / / / \ \ \ \ \ \ _ / / / ---/_/--_--_-_--/|,//_-/_/----__/__--./|/--------------------------------- --/\/_,/_'/-/-//--//_//-//_/_\-/-/_'//-|-------------------KLEMMBAUSTEIN.- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- / / / 01 107 Kloralle by T$ / / / 02 92 "Snail" by doc.K \ \ \ 03 86 Heartshaped Blocks by Ohli/DDK \ \ \ 04 72 Size Matters by spenot / / / 04 72 "COLORBLIND" by DJEFKE / / / 06 68 Space chvrch on fire by Laura & Topy \ \ \ 07 67 "THE CHICKEN WHICH HAS NO CLUE" by -THE UNKNOWN \ \ \ ARTIST- / / / 08 66 THE S.S. penATRAtOR by ONI / / / 08 66 "3" by mog \ \ \ 10 63 Angry fire by S3krit + Valka \ \ \ 11 61 LEGO by LOSSO / / / 12 59 VOXELTWISTR by ted / / / 13 58 Vertical Bars with THE Logo by Charlie \ \ \ 13 58 Divide! by uebergeek \ \ \ 15 56 Queen of Ducks by rimina / / / 15 56 THE KING by AVA + METHEARA / / / 17 54 Fliegen Klatsche by Dementer \ \ \ 18 52 Patchwork Titan by Dodge \ \ \ 19 51 "Scener who danced off his legs & arse..." by ektr0 / / / 20 50 EIFFELTURM Rebricked by Lambdacore / / / 21 48 würpheleh by fkk \ \ \ 22 47 Buttman by XynnM \ \ \ 23 45 Nessi's Lair by SunSpire & kaomau / / / 23 45 TRUMPO.THE.CLOWN.VS.THE.WALL by _Ook / / / 25 44 "cybertitte" by d!RT!E \ \ \ 26 41 "D" WIE DEADLINE by GENGHA \ \ \ 27 40 POLITICS.VL by P2 / / / 28 39 Pyramide by METHEARA / / / 29 38 Weißabgleich by bifat/TEK \ \ \ 30 35 Island scenery by MadenMann \ \ \ 31 32 Fragila Robot by tiririca / / / / / / \ \ \ _ _ \ \ \ --_/_/_/__--/_`___//_`_--------------------------------------------------- --/-/-///_'/_,-/_//_,/_'----------------------------------------------3D.- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- \ \ \ 01 262 gerade aus by 5711 / / / 02 221 Cookie Party by Cookies / / / 03 196 Outskirts by TEK \ \ \ 04 188 Plattmacher (3D) by slaxx \ \ \ 05 168 Stereo by Moods Plateau / / / 06 142 homegrown by darya ^ 5711 / / / 07 117 Brunnen, ficken by losso \ \ \ 08 64 Reality 3Dee@dline by Totally Strange \ \ \ / / / / / / _ _ \ \ \ -----/-_/-_/___(/___--/|/._-_--_-_/_._--/|/------------------------------- --|///_/._//_/(_X-/_|/-|//-/-//_|/-//_//-|--------------------------ANIM.- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- \ \ \ 01 237 SUPERKOMPUTER by KATOD \ \ \ 02 218 Braindump by MacLeon / NoGapNoBacteria / / / 03 175 Bloom by Oni / / / 04 157 A Vast Darkness Beyond by BitFellas feat. Deadlife \ \ \ 05 96 Making of: Moon Patrol by uncle-x / mfx \ \ \ 06 71 TicTacTOE by MissCtrl / / / / / / \ \ \ _ \ \ \ -------//--/-|------------------------------------------------------------ --|/|///_,/_.'------------------------------------------------------WILD.- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- \ \ \ 01 173 MySQL Raytracer by Nick (Holtsetio) / / / 02 127 arm.ada by tiririca / / / \ \ \ \ \ \ _ _ _ _ / / / --_/|/_/_--_---__/_---//_`___--/_/_--_--/_-._--/_`------------------------ --/-/-\/_'/_'_\-/-/_///_,--/_//-\/_|/_//-///_-._/----------------FREEGFX.- ------------------_/-------_/------/-------------------------------------- / / / 01 227 Walkers by Oni / / / 02 224 Moon Patrol by uncle-x / mfx \ \ \ 03 182 Highpriest Danaquin by Erik Mooi \ \ \ 04 125 Alone? by _Ook / / / 05 90 Nomad found a rare mineral in the dark by Lentgames / / / \ \ \ \ \ \ _ _ / / / --_/_/_/_--_-_--_--/-|___--/_/_-_/_/-/------------------------------------ --/-/-//_'/-/-//_'/_.'-/_//-//_//-/_/------------------------------PHOTO.- ----------------------/--------------------------------------------------- / / / 01 135 Laughing Buddha by Luisa Poo-Brain^Rabenauge / / / 02 119 God save the screen by OhLi \ \ \ 03 100 "God saved." - The Screen by OhLi \ \ \ 04 93 TugendSchmutzGemettz by Traumatische Szenen / / / 05 92 Party as a Demo by Bacter / / / 06 89 I can not do that Dave by Paul Xorvino / KewlFellas \ \ \ 07 85 Abandoned Altar by Raytrace Liotta / Kewlfellas \ \ \ 08 75 Angelic by Bobic / 4Sceners.de & BitFellas / / / 09 72 God has an Idea by Robert De Intro / KewlFellas / / / 10 64 WHERE IS YOUR GOD NOW? by Joe PETSCII / Kewlfellas \ \ \ \ \ \ / / / _ _ / / / ---_--/---_/-__--/_-_--_--/___--/_/_--_--/_-._--/_`----------------------- --/_//_,/_/_\/_-/-//_//_//_,/_//-\/_|/_//-///_-._/----------------OLDGFX.- ----------------------------_/------/------------------------------------- / / / 01 247 Nature Calls by Facet of Lemon. & Genesis Project \ \ \ 02 204 Summer of Love by Luisa Poo-Brain^Rabenauge \ \ \ 03 182 Hypnosquirrel by OhLi / / / 04 156 Don't fear the reaper by XynnM - Abyss Connection / / / 05 143 Tiki Tiki by OhLi \ \ \ 06 142 Bob only amiga by jojo073 \ \ \ 07 101 Galaxy 7 Party by slaxx / / / 08 94 Meatgrinder by Bjoppen / iNSANE / / / \ \ \ _ _ \ \ \ ---_--/_`_--./___--/|/-_/___--/_`_/_-__--./------------------------------- --/_|._//_-//--/_|/-|_\/--/_//_,-/-_\/_-//------------------------TXTGFX.- -------------------------/------------------------------------------------ \ \ \ 01 193 Afro Zombie Killer - NEW BLOOD by sk!n / deZign / / / 02 146 Where is holy god by CoaXCable/CoolPHat^Hoodlum / / / 03 143 Target: Armada by the elk / Mistigris \ \ \ 03 143 Deadline is a special halloween Liveline by \ \ \ CoaXCable / CoolPHat^WIJ DEMOS / / / 05 121 DOOM by slaxx / / / 06 111 GeoMetriX by FuZioN / Neokortex \ \ \ 07 88 We come in fleece by Bjoppen / iNSANE \ \ \ 08 75 So sad to miss Deadline by Dipswitch / diViNE / / / sTYLERS / / / 09 71 QM vs. Psycho Hitler by QM / Team210 \ \ \ 10 63 Love on a real Train by Nodepond \ \ \ / / / / / / __ _ _ \ \ \ ----_/__--_--_-_--._--/-`___-_--/-/-_./-`--------------------------------- --_\///_'/_|/-/-///-//_;--/-/-//_/_\//_,---------------------STREAMMUSIC.- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- \ \ \ 01 124 Carnevale by Wayfinder \ \ \ 02 119 Lipsiboy by Dipswitch / 5711 / / / 03 109 The scene must never ever die by Andy / Nuance / / / 03 109 Un Escarabajo Azul by IndustrialPope / SVTVN_MVGICK \ \ \ 05 95 Move On by MonoToni / NoGapNoBacteria \ \ \ 06 91 Broken Dream by Voicer/Nah-Kolor / / / 07 88 Crystal Dream by Dream Puppet / / / 08 86 Greetings From Star Wave by QM / team210 \ \ \ 09 79 flight fantastic by adkd \ \ \ 10 78 Acid Jam 2000 by SunnyBadgr / / / 11 75 Der Ball beim Satan by QM / Team210 / / / 12 69 Diva & the DJ (deadline2o19edit) by \ \ \ tRaumasChleuder/fIeberkAmmerkOllegium \ \ \ 13 59 Curtains by TZX / / / 14 49 unterbodenechtheitszertifikat (deadline2o19edit). / / / by tRaumaschleuder/fiebErkammErkombinAt \ \ \ \ \ \ / / / _ _ _ / / / --_/_/_/_--_--/__--/-|___-_--/-/-_./-`------------------------------------ --/-/-\/_|/_-/\/_'/_.'-/-/-//_/_\//_,-----------------------TRACKEDMUSIC.- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- / / / 01 152 Makes Some Sense by bacter & Saga Musix \ \ \ 02 124 Luniks Fahrt durch den Gleimtunnel by novel/moods \ \ \ plateau / / / 03 96 Spoonful o' Gravy by Optic & mAZE / / / 04 93 Blue Teddy Bear by Yomaru Kasuga \ \ \ 05 71 Treasure of Pleasure by A-Tracks \ \ \ / / / / / / _ \ \ \ ---_--/---_/-__--/_-_--_--/___-_--/-/-_./-`------------------------------- --/_//_,/_/_\/_-/-//_//_//_,/-/-//_/_\//_,----------------------OLDMUSIC.- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- \ \ \ 01 175 az útolso busz by dalezy/triad \ \ \ 02 159 my_honeybee1 by crome / SAC^Rabenauge / / / 03 130 Breastfeeding in a Vegan Bar by Spider Jerusalem / / / 04 105 LOOPER-01S by slaxx \ \ \ 05 94 I do what nintendont by MonoToni / NoGapNoBacteria \ \ \ 06 68 kanai radhe go undeground by adkd / / / / / / \ \ \ _ _ \ \ \ ---_--/-//-----_-_--/|/-___/_/-------------------------------------------- --/_-/_//_,/_//-/-//-|_\--/_/-----------------------------------COLUMNS3.- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- \ \ \ Winner: Anna / / / D E A D L I N E <3 O R W O H A U S O C T O B E R 4 - 6 2 o 1 9 B E R L I N.expand
Party Series
Deadline 2019 is a part of Deadline (Berlin).