After moving to Cologne last year, we're here to stay in Z003. This year the monkey playground will be at a very special location: a historical fort amidst of a huge park area at the banks of the river Rhine. Great indoor & outdoor fun guaranteed. Outside the partyhall, vast meadows await you, offering anough space for everybody to chill out, enjoy the sun, do a bbq or simply let the monkeys out. Inside, there is a stylish partyhall ready to offer space for about 200 of you, plus several small chill out areas and a comfortable sleeping hall.




Going 18

pandur Unlock faxe Ren%C3%83%C2%A9+Madenmann Shifter poti leijaa dipswitch steam mizc dalezr DJefke kb_ FRaNKy zamboo D.Fox puenzli mbb



Rund um das ehemalige Fort I direkt am Aggripinaufer erstreckt sich der Kölner Friedenspark. Überwucherte Ruinen, verwinkelte Wege und die Nähe zum Rhein sorgen für ein fast märchenhaftes Ambiente zwischen den alten Festungsmauern. Damit ist der Park ein Paradies für Kinder und Kletterfans.

Oberländer Wall
50678 Köln, Nordrhein-Westfalen
Germany Germany



Entrance Fee

€20.00 Regular

€10.00 Long Distance

€0.00 Girls


Flyer for Evoke Z003: Front
Flyer for Evoke Z003: Back

Party Series

Evoke Z003 is a part of Evoke.