Gubbdata 2021 will unfortunately be online, and streamed, just like last year. ATM we have no way of knowing how the laws and regulations will be this summer, so we decided to do it this way. Help us make it as wonderful as last year!

I will post here and on Demozoo for updates. The info on the Gubbdata homepage is accurate though, except, as you know, the party will be online only, and streamed. Some questions have been e-mailed to me, and I'll post the answers here as well:

  • Will stuff be streamed, if so, where? Yes, all compos will be streamed through Scenesat and thus even Twitch etc, and yes, we will stream throughout the party with interviews, demoshows, and try to entertain you, the viewers, as well as the local elite gathered. From friday to sunday.
  • Local elite gathered? I thought it was online only? Yes, it is, but the rules in Sweden accepts small gatherings, and as we need a jury for the compos, we have decided to invite some local high profile sceners to act as a jury. Names? Well. The locals most probably (I love this town!) as well as selected Amiga heroes. We will be about 8-10 people in the jury, and most of them are booked for interviews and so on as well.
  • Sweet! What about a schedule? Schedule will be posted in time, here and on Facebook and Demozoo. It will resemble the ordinary Gubbdata as much as possible.

Remote entries can be e-mailed to

The deadline for all compos are Friday July 2nd at 19:00 CET.

The music compos will be shown on Friday, the rest on Saturday. Schedule will come!





Going 2

PrincessLuna Mibri

Interested 2

%C3%8E%C2%B6%C3%8F%E2%80%A1%C3%8F%CB%86%C3%8F%E2%80%B0%C3%8E%C2%B2 shuran33

Party Series

Gubbdata 2021 is a part of Gubbdata.