Norway's most traditional, hardcore demoparty is once again being arranged. The team is much the same as last year, the spirit is the same as every year, and the bonfire is… well, warm. See you there!
.______. ._____. .___ ____. .__________________________|\ ._\|_ |__\|_ |_\|_ /___._/ |/___\|_ \ | / | / | _/ | _/ / partymeister v1.10b \ |_ /______| _ | \ | | -------------------- - / _ /_______\____\_____|___\_____|_______|___ ________________________ / \/- --_ __---------------------------------\___\--------------------- -|/ .__ /__ __. ._ ___. ____. __. .___ ._\|__\/__/_._/ |/_____._\|_)_._/ _|/__._/ |_/ |/_____._\|_ /______ | \/ | _/ | |__ | _/ _/ | _/ / |_ || | \ | | / | | \ | \ \_ /____||____|_____\_____|______|_________|______|_____\_____|___\________/ - -diP------------------------------------------------------------------aSL- - Banner - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - 01 47 RNO - RNO 02 39 It's not exactly rocket sciense - Darklite - -diP------------------------------------------------------------------aSL- - Wild Demo - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - 01 46 Devildude - figgy/ContraZ 02 40 Short but very pointless - Darklite 03 26 Spykladd - TUFS - -diP------------------------------------------------------------------aSL- - Gabber Music - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - 01 21 Against all odds - Gary J Hung 02 18 Batmans Anal Experience - ROZ/RNO 03 17 Careful With That Snake, Mr. Lomax - OptimizE 04 11 Dixan never did this, BITCH! - Fecal Faced Martians 05 10 I Am Back - XNI/RNO 06 10 Super Evil Dark Hategabber - Kloom / Hexess 07 9 Born to be 226 bpm - The Other Left 08 7 Cumjugglers Revenge - Undercover Jews 09 5 Joddeli hi - response/darklite - -diP------------------------------------------------------------------aSL- - 32K Executable Music - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - 01 50 Du er s? sint n?r du sover - Loaderror 02 41 Gatelys - Frequent - -diP------------------------------------------------------------------aSL- - 4K Intro - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - 01 49 Alice Copper - Loaderror/Ephidrena 02 36 You choose! - Rebels feat. Auld 03 30 God gammeldaws fl?skesv?r - Darklite - -diP------------------------------------------------------------------aSL- - High Quality Music - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - 01 40 rumble64 - eladamri 02 35 80s hangover - Vincenzo 03 30 Extra(kg07 edit) - XNI/RNO 04 28 Funky Cubes - Binf/Contraz 05 23 Care(Short Remix) - ROZ/RNO 06 Lonely bastard - Spexzter / Darklite - -diP------------------------------------------------------------------aSL- - Combined Demo - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - 01 45 revolver - playpsyco vs mulm 02 28 scyphozoa - excess 03 20 New World - Rebels 04 12 king pig - darklite 05 11 Monkey - Boozoholics 06 4 LL137UP - Jumalauta 07 4 oldskool activation - AnalFX 08 Kick my balls - Keksi siihen jotain 09 ChipMunks 2 - Trinity - -diP------------------------------------------------------------------aSL- -expand
The party is over
11/19/07All prizes has been delivered, and the doors has been closed. Kindergarden 2007 is now officially closed. Compo-results…
Deadlines, Schedule, Soccer and compo machine
11/10/07Meals, Next Life & Sponsors
10/30/07Web-site online!
Haga Samfunnshus
Hagaplassen 1
Party Series
Kindergarden 2007 is a part of Kindergarden.