more info to come
MAIN2007 - 2007 Official Results WILD COMPO : 1 - H2O " 4k final" 2 - Entter & GOTO80 "polycanyon243313" 3 - Acet1 / razor1911 "Spray" CHIP COMPO : 1 - schmx "schmx-calibur" 2 - stobe & irokos "strobefluxian" 3 - nervous testpilot "nightREZ" GFX COMPO : 1 - Acet1/razor1911 "Wiiiild !" 2 - Kenet & Irokos / titan "Flt_eye" STREAMING COMPO : 1 - Willbe / Cocoon "Right place, right time" 2 - CrazyQ "Wet and Tight" 3 - Knos / Tpolm "Xprtr" MIXED DEMO COMPO: 1 - Cocoon "SandboxPunks" 2 - CoreDumped "Coaxial" 3 - Rouqmoute "Cantorus 4k"expand
MAIN#2 is over
11/5/07Hello to all; thank you for your participation, see you all; more and more next year, same place.
MAIN#2 C64 Invitro by Fairlight
10/31/07MAIN#2 CompoMachine specs
10/30/07MAIN#2 introduces Data Airlines Festival the biggest chipmusic event in Europe!
10/14/07MAIN#2 site update ::rules & schedule::
10/14/07MAIN02 registration open
8/4/07Espace Julien
L'Espace Julien est une salle de spectacles unique avec sa salle caméléon, qui possède la capacité de changer de couleur et de forme en fonction de l'évolution de son environnement.
39 cours Julien
Marseille, Bouches-du-Rhône
Entrance Fee
€25.00 Regular
€0.00 Girls
€20.00 Preregistration
Party Series
MAIN 02 is a part of Main.