This summer, join us for SEVEN DAYS of non-stop insanity at the craziest outdoor demoparty event ever - Underground Conference 12.

Underground Conference is a somewhat satirical open air demo party organized by a bunch of all-stars of German demoparty organizing.

UC has all features of a regular demoparty, this means infrastructure, space and time to work on your releases. But it also has lots of stuff you would never find at a "regular" demoparty. UC is an artist's playground. There will be plenty of crazy light installations during the night, combined with amazing DJ sets. And finally, the event is offering some extremely over-the-top fun competitions of pure insanity.

In 2020 we have proven that a demoparty can be done safely during the pandemic - if it is outside. For this we invented the huge non-tent tent. And in 2021, to compensate for all the parties that got cancelled due to the pandemic, we had decided to run the party for a full week. As people loved it, we are doing this again in 2022. While it's possible to join only for the final weekend, we recommend staying the whole week to enjoy the full spirit of UC.

We are offering an even and well maintained meadow for putting up your own tent. We also have plenty of space to bring your own caravan. Sleeping in your car is also possible. If you absolutely can't stay nature, you can also use a hotel instead.

While the disorganizers will be spending a lot of time and effort on setting everything up, once the party starts, you are seen not as a visitor but a participant. Please help decorating the area, bring your own art installations, or help organize a compo, possibly one invented by yourself.





Going 17

scamp fashion mbb yoda muhmac justmona messy Rufus MedO qm210 v3nom darya neuralnet dritter verschdl Saga+Musix MRC

Interested 1





Germany Germany


Party Series

Underground Conference 12 is a part of Underground Conference.