A non-commercial computer arts and multimedia festival held annually – this year for the seventh time. Come and join us for a weekend full of fun, and meeting of old and new friends!
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Plush 88 88 88 88 02 199 Eroismo by Atlantis 88 88 88 03 192 Posadas Party 2022 (Autumn Edition) Invitro 8888888 88 88 by Batman Group 88 88 04 117 Wer haesitiert, verliert by Raw Knee 88888888888 88 (Hotstuffers) 88 8888ooo.... .. 88oo.... d8 888 888 d88 888 ee 888,8, ,e e, ,e e, e88 888 ,e e, ,e e, 8oo... d88888 888 88b 888 " d88 88b d88 88b 888 d888 888 d88 88b d88 88b 888 888 888 888 888 , 888 , Y888 888 888 , 888 , 88oo... 888 888 888 888 "YeeP" "YeeP" "88 888 "YeeP" "YeeP" .. .. 888oooo.... .. _ | _ _ _ | _ _ | |\ | |/ |/- \| |/ |/ 8888888 88 88 THREE-DEE 88 88 88 888888 88 88 01 232 Out Of The Box Solution by BIERTANKERFLOAT 88 88 02 224 Cupid by Still 88888888888 88 03 208 Colorblind by Virgill / Alcmatratz 88 04 190 Nightmare Fuel by Oni 88888888888 88 05 170 demo platform by SVatG 88 88 06 158 One Cube Challenge by LJ & Virgill 8888888 88 88 07 157 Ringbor by Virgill & NR4 88 88 88 08 155 Fractal Empire by Moods Plateau 888 88 88 88 09 136 wasabipi by K2 feat. tenerifeghost 88 88 88 10 129 Minimal by rimina 8888888 88 88 11 115 Mr. J vs old Vader by Slaxx 88 88 12 75 Retro Love by _Ook 88888888888 88 oo oo o.... .. .. ,e, ,e, 888 ,"Y88b 888 8e " 888 888 8e 8 Y8b Y888P " e88 888 ,e e, e88 88e "8" 888 888 88b 888 888 888 88b 88888 Y8b Y8P 888 d888 888 d88 88b d888 888b ,ee 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 8 Y8b " 888 Y888 888 888 , Y888 888P "88 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 Y8P 888 "88 888 "YeeP" "88 88" .. .. o.......... .. _ | _ .. //| |\ _| ||\ //| | _| | |\ / |/ _| \| |/ | 88888888888 88 ANIMATION / VIDEO 88 88 88888888888 88 01 220 KaleidoFlow by NoGapNoBacteria 88 02 114 Motivation by Slaxx 88888888888 88 03 105 Deadline doo doo doo doo doo do by Baby 88 BLAHAJ 888888ooo.. .. .. .. 8888ooo... 888 ,e, e88 888 888,8, ,"Y88b 888 88e 888 ee " e88'888 dP"Y 88oo... d888 888 888 " "8" 888 888 888b 888 88b 888 d888 '8 C88b .. Y888 888 888 ,ee 888 888 888P 888 888 888 Y888 , Y88D 8oo... "88 888 888 "88 888 888 88" 888 888 888 "88,e8' d,dP , 88P 888 8888ooo... "8",P" 888 .. |\ _ |/ _ _ _ | 888888ooo.. .. | | |/| | | |/ \ |/ /| | //| |\ |\ _| |_ // 88 88 | 4K EXECUTABLE GFX 8888888 88 88 88 88 88 01 281 Twisted Treeline by NR4/Team210 888 88 88 88 02 263 Noeff Noeff by OhLi/Digital Demolition Krew 88 88 88 03 243 anima by dreamweb 8888888 88 88 04 170 Times New Ramen by mop2 / Akronyme Analogiker 88 88 88888888888 88 |\ _ _ _ _ | _ _ | 88 | | |/ |/ // | / | |/ /| | //| |\ |\ _| |_ // 88888888888 88 / | |FREESTYLE GFX 88 88 888888 88 88 01 278 Tattoo by Oni 88 88 88 88 02 239 Warkid - it's not a game by Critikill ^Rebels 88 88 88 ^Brainstorm ^SWEET16 8888888 88 88 03 222 the grim reaper's new clothes by 88 88 Titus/Rabenauge 88888888888 88 04 204 Acidgurken by justmona 88 05 192 Chillax @Orwo by OhLi/Digital Demolition Krew 88888888888 88 06 171 So this is the place by Delilah 88 88 07 144 Black by LentGames 88888888888 88 08 142 lines[cube] by psykon 88 09 123 The Eye by Uncle-X & Break 88888888888 88 10 80 NoDrinkBot by bnA 88 88888888888 88 | | | | _ | 88 88 | | \| // |_ |\ | | | /| | //| |\ |\ _| |_ // 88888888888 88 | |OLDSCHOOL GFX 88 8888888 88 88 01 320 They call me The Blade Runner by Luisa Poo- 88 88 88 Brain^Rabenauge 888888 88 88 02 274 Don't shit on my grave! by Jade / Arsenic ^ 88 88 DSR ^ Dune ^ EFT ^ HMD ^ MS ^ SWEET16 88888888888 88 03 270 Always look at the Bright Side of Life by 88 Facet 88888888888 88 04 258 Stop it ! That AI eats my hamster ! by 88 88 Titus/Rabenauge 8888888 88 88 05 257 The Witchhunter by Critikill ^Rebels 88 88 88 ^Brainstorm ^SWEET16 888 88 88 88 06 251 Set Sails by Joe/ Wrath Designs 88 88 88 07 244 Ruder hart Backbord! by tomek 8888888 88 88 08 226 Clown with drinking issues by OhLi/Digital 88 88 Demolition Krew 88888888888 88 09 192 Huntress's Moon by Sande 88 10 161 That Eighties Game by Dr. TerrorZ 88888888888 88 11 156 Neon Dog by Slaxx 88 88 12 140 STONEO by MNG 888888 88 88 13 119 Shroom by _Ook 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 _ | _ _ | | _ 8888888 88 88 | |\ |/ ||\ |/ \| |\ |\ | | | 88 88 | THEMED PHOTO 88888888888 88 88 01 212 Sentio ergo sum. I feel therefore I am by 88888888888 88 Luisa Poo-Brain^Rabenauge 88 88 02 201 Monster with Thousand Eyes by 88888888888 88 MacLeon/NoGapNoBacteria 88 03 197 power of reallife events by justmona 88888888888 88 04 189 This is what the real thing looks like by 88 SvOlli & v3to 88888888888 88 05 179 Reverse engineering a trophy to handcraft a 88 88 plushie by OhLi/Digital Demolition Krew 88888888888 88 06 173 AImiga by dIRTIE 88 07 171 B is for Baum by darya / Slay Bells & 5711 & 8888888 88 88 Biertankerfloat 88 88 88 08 170 WTF!? Somebody burned my wing! by MRC / 888888 88 88 Abyss-Connection 88 88 09 165 SnoopyBot by bnA 88888888888 88 10 146 Renate Mozzarella by QM / Team210 88 11 140 6510 or 8500 but no A.I. by _Ook 88888888888 88 12 136 HOT STUFF muss COOL bleiben by Raw Knee 88 88 13 117 1200 fuer immer by SiR^SoD 8888888 88 88 14 115 Robot face by Saga Musix / Nuance^SVatG^HUP 88 88 88 15 108 Don't Touch This by Slaxx 888 88 88 88 16 89 A flock of scooters - assembling before their 88 88 88 winter departure by mon3v 8888888 88 88 88 88 _ _ _ | _ _ | 88888888888 88 | |/ \ | ||\ | \| |/ /| | //| |\ |\ _| |_ // 88 |ASCII / ANSI / PETSCII 88888888888 88 88 88 01 339 Dainichi Nyorai - Mokuzodainichinyoraizazo 888888 88 88 by Luisa PooBrain^Rabenauge 88 88 88 88 02 272 Mouse vs. Joystick by Sande 88 88 88 02 272 The Garden of Devil's Eden by sk!n/deZign 8888888 88 88 04 267 Upside down by OhLi/Digital Demolition Krew 88 88 05 230 Robots VS Devils by 88888888888 88 CoaXCable/CoolPHat^MoonShine 88 06 225 Tabros by 4gentE 88888888888 88 07 218 Alien Boy by Almighty God/Atlantis 88 88 08 201 Deadline dog by The Knight / Lazarus 88888888888 88 09 144 Kiki Von Catface by littlebitspace 88 09 144 ShellsAngelzForLive by derPUPE 88888888888 88 11 132 Deadline Part 2022: the return of INty the 88 mINTy by QM 88888888888 88 12 130 Wind of Change by Logiker / Vintage Computing 88 88 Carinthia 88888888888 88 13 103 Seals are alright by btr o8 88ooo.. .. 8b. .. 8b. . ,e, 888b. 8oo... 888b. 888 888 8e 8888 8888 dP"Y " e88'888 88 8b. 88 8b. 888 888 88b 8888 8888 C88b 888 d888 '8 88 8_ 8oo... 88 8_ 888 888 888 Y888 888P Y88D 888 Y888 , d8b88 d8b88 .. 888 888 888 "88 88" d,dP 888 "88,e8' Y88P" 8oo... Y88P" .. .. .. _ _ _ 88ooo.. .. .o // | | |/ //| ||\ _| |\ /| ||\ |/| // _| |_ 88 88 88 | STREAMING MUSIC 888 88 88 88 88 88 88 01 164 Back when 1995 was the Future by QM / Team210 8888888 88 88 02 149 Spacerace by Turbo Knight/DESiRE^sTArZ 88 88 02 149 Was bleibt by MonoToni 88888888888 88 04 137 Search Dogs in Marzahn by Mibri 88 05 118 Within a Dream by Atekuro 88888888888 88 06 117 Divine mirror by Slaze / 88 88 Desire^Defiance^Starz 888888 88 88 07 113 Escaping AI by bnA 88 88 88 88 07 113 knights on a trip by bth 88 88 88 09 104 We Wondered by Kamson / ind. 8888888 88 88 10 101 At The Dawning Of Impassionate Exluberance by 88 88 Raw Knee 88888888888 88 11 89 Chaos Theory (Wasser Mix) by cslr / sensar 88 studios 88888888888 88 88 88 _ _ |/ _ | 88888888888 88 | | //| |_ | |/ \| ||\ |/| // _| |_ 88 TRACKED MUSIC 88888888888 88 88 01 233 Wonderland by Bacter & Saga Musix 88888888888 88 02 181 Deadline Pressure by novel/moods plateau 88 88 03 173 Amiga Grownup Riot by MonoToni 88888888888 88 04 149 Go Local Sportsteam! by Caramel/Proxima 88 04 149 Souveraene Musik by Triace 8888888 88 88 06 146 Blunt Edge by The Unconsciousness/Radical 88 88 88 Rhythms 888888 88 88 07 143 The Revenge of the Wurstwassergalaxy by 88 88 RAiNER / Digital Fishpullover 88888888888 88 08 114 heiwau by beathawk 88 08 114 bravest decisions by adkd ft. owstu 88888888888 88 88 88 | | | | 8888888 88 88 | | \| // |_ |\ | | | ||\ |/| // _| |_ 88 88 88 OLDSCHOOL MUSIC 888 88 88 88 88 88 88 01 174 kivi borotva by dalezy / TRIAD 8888888 88 88 02 172 Ausloescher by Mibri / Atlantis ^ MultiStyle 88 88 Labs 88888888888 88 03 156 Slow Forward by vincenzo /Lethargy & Singular 88 04 136 Same old, same old by Hein/Vision 88888888888 88 05 129 Raggarage by w4rp8 88 88 06 104 Travel by Onosendai .....o oo oo . .. .. dP,e, d8 8b " ,"Y88b dP"Y d88 e88'888 e88 88e 888 888 8e 888 88e e88 88e 888888 "8" 888 C88b d88888 d888 '8 d888 888b 888 888 88b 888 888b d888 888b 888 ,ee 888 Y88D 888 Y888 , Y888 888P 888 888 888 888 888P Y888 888P 888 "88 888 d,dP 888 "88,e8' "88 88" 888 888 888 888 88" "88 88" ........... .. 888 .. .. 888 8oo......o. o. | _ | _ _ .. |\ | |\- | |/ /| | |/ //| |/| // | |/ _| |\ 88888888888 88 | KLEMMBAUSTEIN 88 88888888888 88 01 121 2 owls 1 cup by Ohli 88 88 02 103 Me dancing by Titus/Rabenauge 88888888888 88 02 103 Fight Mech by Constantin Pren 88 04 101 It has started by Miriam 8888888 88 88 05 99 the wrong type of block by anmaja 88 88 88 06 95 TRBL by mog 888888 88 88 07 93 It lives in the bag by Gewaltfreiheit 88 88 07 93 Attack ship from the shoulder of orion by 88888888888 88 Hamster 88 09 92 Giraffasaurus rocks by vinnie 88888888888 88 10 88 you are offline by benJam 88 88 11 83 Invaders by Djefke 8888888 88 88 12 80 Kids fighting over Lego by reality404 88 88 88 13 78 Parts bin by P2 888 88 88 88 14 73 readme (.txt) by mon3v 88 88 88 14 73 the perfectionist who didn't achieve anything 8888888 88 88 by rp^fr 88 88 16 72 Only crust left by Oni 88888888888 88 17 71 Guy with short legs and very large feet is 88 walking around with his pump gun while 88888888888 88 looking through his anaglyph glasses by 88 88 justmona 888888 88 88 17 71 Guard of Klemmbaustein Compo by doc.K 88 88 88 88 17 71 Android by Theo 88 88 88 20 70 Hentai S3 by vinnie 8888888 88 88 21 69 Bekannt wie ein bunter Hund by Log 88 88 22 66 Gradiant by Jobj 88888888888 88 22 66 Deadline '22 logo by Saga_Musix 88 24 64 Spaceship by derPupe 88888888888 88 25 62 only shenanigans by int 88 88 26 61 Dauer Tower by Lambdacore 88888888888 88 26 61 Space invader with a broken neck by Cardio 88 John 88888888888 88 26 61 Robot by Felix 88 29 59 Kuhl tour by btr 88888888888 88 30 58 looong dog does drip dropp by anonymous 88 88 31 56 Catdog by Femtastic 88888888888 88 32 55 Nightwing Ninja by Paul 88 32 55 I hope it won't crash by L.T.I.P.L. 8888888 88 88 32 55 Space plane by starry anna 88 88 88 35 54 Join the caravan of kewl by Deekay 888888 88 88 36 53 you've had enough of nyancat good because 88 88 here's nyancrab and the psychedelic lego 88888888888 88 rainbowfart by elfeena 88 36 53 John is hanging around by ook 88888888888 88 36 53 Voyager2 (space probe) by Giboe 88 39 50 Palace entrance by psykon 8888888 88 88 40 49 Squareducky laeuft die Nase by Tobi 88 88 88 8o. oo oo o8 .. .. .. o.. ,e, 888 d8 888 888 8e ,"Y88b 888,8, " e88 88e 888 ee ,"Y88b 888,8, d88 ... 888 888 88b "8" 888 888 " 888 d888 888b 888 P "8" 888 888 " d88888 888 888 888 ,ee 888 888 888 Y888 888P 888 b ,ee 888 888 888 ... 888 888 888 "88 888 888 888 "88 88" 888 8b "88 888 888 888 .. .. 8o.... .. .. _ |/ _ _ |\ _ 88 oo oo oo ||\ //| | _| | | //| | | // _| \ | | |/| | 88 88 88 MARIO KART 64 8888888 88 88 88 88 1 Matthias 88888888888 88 2 Linus _____ 88 3 Paul | 88888888888 88 4 John | 1 Oni 88 88 |_____ 2 Matthias _____ 88888888888 88 | 3 Linus | 88 1 Oni | 4 KB | 88888888888 88 2 KB _____| | 88 3 Saga Musix | 88888888888 88 4 OhLi | 1 MacLeon 88 88 |_____ 2 Ektr0 88888888888 88 | 3 Matthias 88 1 Ektr0 | 4 Oni 8888888 88 88 2 Bartman _____ | 88 88 88 3 Deekay | | 888888 88 88 4 RufUsul | 1 MacLeon | 88 88 |_____ 2 Ektr0 _____| 88888888888 88 | 3 Bartman 88 1 MacLeon | 4 High-Q 88888888888 88 2 High-Q _____| 88 3 Teppich 888888888888888 4 Doc.K|Novel 888888888888888888888 888P' `Y8 `Y888 88P .8. ` 8o >88 88< 888 `' .od88 88b `8' . . `Y88 888b. .d8_ 8b_ 888 8 8888888 d' `Y88 8. `Y' `Y' ' .8. 88 8b ` ' < 888 >8 88. .8. db `8' 88 88b. d8b .88b. .d88 888888888888888888888 D E A D L I N E <3 O R W O H A U S S E P 3 0 - O C T 2 2 o 2 2 H T T P S : / / D E M O P A R T Y . B E R L I N /expand
Schizophrenic solo act for humans, Tickets available at the door, No remote deadline at remote deadline
9/27/22“Schizophrenic solo act for humans” This year we’re proud to present a fantastic live act, who have their home base at the…
Update on the compo rules: Fantasy consoles allowed in 256b compo | No AI images allowed in GFX compo | Theme for the photo compo announced
9/3/22Ticket Sale open | First Seminar announcement | Website+Compo-Rules updated
Party Series
Deadline 2022 is a part of Deadline (Berlin).